Geometrical characteristics of the numerical surface
subroutine def_size() !! Geometrical characteristics of the numerical surface implicit none integer(kind=I4) :: w, h logical(kind=I4) :: period real(kind=R8) :: lw, lh read(JOB,*) w, h ; LINE_READ = LINE_READ +1 ; write(SPY,*) "line: ", LINE_READ, "width, height ", w, h read(JOB,*) lw, lh ; LINE_READ = LINE_READ +1 ; write(SPY,*) "line: ", LINE_READ, "img width and height (m) ", lw, lh read(JOB,*) period ; LINE_READ = LINE_READ +1 ; write(SPY,*) "line: ", LINE_READ, "periodic surface? ", period PARAM%periodic = period PARAM%width = w PARAM%height = h PARAM%npts = w * h PARAM%surf_width = lw PARAM%surf_height = lh PARAM%surf_dx = lw / w PARAM%surf_dy = lh / h return endsubroutine def_size