sub_surf Subroutine

private subroutine sub_surf()


Function that returns the best subsurface from the final surface.

We are here because a non periodic resulting surface is required. To do that, a wider periodic surface is created, and it matches the required moments and acf.

However, sub-sampling the surface into a smaller surface that matches the required size will result in degraded moments and acf. Hence, several locations are tested to find the best subsurface.

Note that the right moments can always be obtained by substitution, respecting the order of heights. However, the acf will be slightly impacted.




proc~~sub_surf~~CallsGraph proc~sub_surf sub_surf calc_moments calc_moments proc~sub_surf->calc_moments end_fftw3 end_fftw3 proc~sub_surf->end_fftw3 fftw_plan_with_nthreads fftw_plan_with_nthreads proc~sub_surf->fftw_plan_with_nthreads init_order init_order proc~sub_surf->init_order omp_get_max_threads omp_get_max_threads proc~sub_surf->omp_get_max_threads proc~acf_wiener acf_wiener proc~sub_surf->proc~acf_wiener proc~build_heights build_heights proc~sub_surf->proc~build_heights proc~calc_imp_acf calc_imp_acf proc~sub_surf->proc~calc_imp_acf proc~calc_res_acf calc_res_acf proc~sub_surf->proc~calc_res_acf progress_bar_terminal progress_bar_terminal proc~sub_surf->progress_bar_terminal sort_array2 sort_array2 proc~sub_surf->sort_array2 tab_end_fftw3_real tab_end_fftw3_real proc~sub_surf->tab_end_fftw3_real tab_init_fftw3_real tab_init_fftw3_real proc~sub_surf->tab_init_fftw3_real calc_fftw3_real_bwd calc_fftw3_real_bwd proc~acf_wiener->calc_fftw3_real_bwd calc_fftw3_real_fwd calc_fftw3_real_fwd proc~acf_wiener->calc_fftw3_real_fwd tab_calc_fftw3_real_bwd tab_calc_fftw3_real_bwd proc~acf_wiener->tab_calc_fftw3_real_bwd tab_calc_fftw3_real_fwd tab_calc_fftw3_real_fwd proc~acf_wiener->tab_calc_fftw3_real_fwd trans_corner2center trans_corner2center proc~acf_wiener->trans_corner2center proc~build_heights->calc_moments proc~build_heights->sort_array2 proc~pikaia_skku_solver pikaia_skku_solver proc~build_heights->proc~pikaia_skku_solver proc~profil_theo_trie_1d profil_theo_trie_1D proc~build_heights->proc~profil_theo_trie_1d proc~apod2 apod2 proc~calc_imp_acf->proc~apod2 proc~autocov_impo autocov_impo proc~calc_imp_acf->proc~autocov_impo init pikaia_class%init proc~pikaia_skku_solver->init solve pikaia_class%solve proc~pikaia_skku_solver->solve proc~profil_theo_trie_1d->calc_moments

Called by

proc~~sub_surf~~CalledByGraph proc~sub_surf sub_surf proc~read_job read_job proc~read_job->proc~sub_surf proc~prg_surf prg_surf proc~prg_surf->proc~read_job program~main main program~main->proc~prg_surf

Source Code

   subroutine sub_surf()
   !<@note Function that returns the best subsurface from the final surface.
   !< We are here because a non periodic resulting surface is required. To do that, a wider
   !< periodic surface is created, and it matches the required moments and acf.
   !< However, sub-sampling the surface into a smaller surface that matches the required size
   !< will result in degraded moments and acf. Hence, several locations are tested to find the
   !< best subsurface.
   !< Note that the right moments can always be obtained by substitution, respecting the order of heights.
   !< However, the acf will be slightly impacted.
   implicit none

      integer(kind=I4) :: i, w, h, l, we, he, dw, dh, ndw, ndh, idw, jdh, ib, ie, jb, je, best_idw, best_jdh

      integer(kind=I4) :: n_seek, inc_dw, inc_dh, nn_res, res_ratio

      real(kind=R8)    :: best_acf, res_acf, size_ratio

      character(len=100) :: text

      type(MOMENT_STAT)  :: m_res

      integer(kind=I4), dimension(1:2) :: best_ind

      integer(kind=I4), allocatable, dimension(:)   :: order_tmp

      real(kind=R8),    allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: sav_surf, surf_tmp, acf_tmp, tab_res_acf

      real(kind=R8),    allocatable, dimension(:)   :: tab_tmp

      read(JOB,*)  n_seek ; LINE_READ = LINE_READ +1 ; write(SPY,*) "line: ", LINE_READ, "n_seek  ", n_seek
         ! n_seek is the number of subsurfaces explored

      if ( PARAM%periodic ) return

      ! reset the FFTW configuration because from now on, the acf will be calculated on smaller surfaces
      call end_fftw3()

      ! extended surface size
      we = PARAM%width
      he = PARAM%height

      allocate( sav_surf( 1:we, 1:he ) )

      ! save the extended surface
      sav_surf( 1:we, 1:he ) = PARAM%surf( 1:we, 1:he )

      ! reset previous arrays
      deallocate( PARAM%surf     )
      deallocate( PARAM%imp_acf  )
      deallocate( PARAM%acf_surf )

      call fftw_plan_with_nthreads( nthreads = 1 )

      NB_THREADS_FFT = omp_get_max_threads()

      ! the new image size is the one of the subsurface, because it is the size defined by the user
      w  = PARAM%sub_width
      h  = PARAM%sub_height
      l  = PARAM%sub_npts

      call tab_init_fftw3_real( long = w, larg = h, plan_flag = FFTW_MEASURE )

      PARAM%width  = w
      PARAM%height = h
      PARAM%npts   = l

      allocate( PARAM%surf( 1:w, 1:h ) )
      allocate( PARAM%acf_surf( 1:w, 1:h ) )

      ! build a smaller set of heights that match the required moments
      call build_heights(     vec_out = PARAM%vect_h(1:l),                                     &  !
                         use_fct_expo = ( PARAM%m_end%ku < 1.10 * PARAM%m_end%sk**2 + 1. ),    &  !
                             stats_in = PARAM%m_end,                                           &  !
                                   lg = l )                                                       !

      allocate( PARAM%imp_acf ( 1:w, 1:h ) )

      ! recalculate the theoretical acf, for the new size surface
      call calc_imp_acf( long = w,                                &  ! IN
                         larg = h,                                &  ! IN
                         apod = PARAM%apod,                       &  ! IN
                         tau1 = PARAM%l_acf1,                     &  ! IN
                         tau2 = PARAM%l_acf2,                     &  ! IN
                        alpha = log(PARAM%acf__z),                &  ! IN
                          ang = PARAM%a_acf * PI_R8/180,          &  ! IN
                      tab_acf = PARAM%imp_acf(1:w, 1:h))             ! OUT

      ! difference between old and new size: hence, there will be dw*dh possible locations
      ! for the subsurface
      dw = we - w
      dh = he - h

      ! initialize the best acf result (mean absolute difference) and subsurface locations
      best_acf = 1.e6_R8
      best_idw = 0
      best_jdh = 0

      size_ratio = dw / dh

      ! Number of locations along x and y. It respects the total number to be explored, as set
      ! by the user and the size ratio of the surface
      ndw = nint( sqrt( n_seek / size_ratio ) )
      ndh = nint( real(n_seek, kind=R8) / ndw )

      ! ndw and ndh are modified to be mumtiples of the number of threads, but the product
      ! should not be too far from n_seek
      if ( size_ratio > 1. ) then

         ndw = NB_THREADS_FFT * ( int(ndw / NB_THREADS_FFT) + 1 )
         ndh = NB_THREADS_FFT * ( int(ndh / NB_THREADS_FFT)     )


         ndw = NB_THREADS_FFT * ( int(ndw / NB_THREADS_FFT)     )
         ndh = NB_THREADS_FFT * ( int(ndh / NB_THREADS_FFT) + 1 )


      ! don't exceed the maximums
      ndw = min( ndw, dw )
      ndh = min( ndh, dh )

      ! increments for looping
      inc_dw = dw / ndw
      inc_dh = dh / ndh

      ! result storage
      allocate( tab_res_acf(1:ndw, 1:ndh) )

      tab_res_acf(1:ndw, 1:ndh) = -1

      allocate( surf_tmp( 1:w, 1:h ) )
      allocate(  acf_tmp( 1:w, 1:h ) )

      allocate( order_tmp(1:l) )
      allocate(   tab_tmp(1:l) )

      call progress_bar_terminal(val = 0, max_val = ndw * ndh, init = .true.)


      !$OMP DO SCHEDULE (STATIC, ndw/NB_THREADS_FFT) PRIVATE(ib, ie, jb, je, jdh, surf_tmp, tab_tmp, order_tmp, acf_tmp, i, m_res, res_acf, nn_res, res_ratio, text)

      do idw = 1, ndw

         ib = idw * inc_dw
         ie = ib + w - 1

         do jdh = 1, ndh

            jb = jdh * inc_dh
            je = jb + h - 1

            surf_tmp( 1:w, 1:h ) = sav_surf( ib:ie, jb:je )

            tab_tmp(1:l) = reshape( surf_tmp(1:w, 1:h), [l] )

            ! store the subsurface height order
            call init_order( order = order_tmp(1:l),        &  ! OUT
                                 n = l )                       ! IN

            call sort_array2( tab_inout =   tab_tmp(1:l),       &  ! INOUT
                                   tab0 = order_tmp(1:l),       &  ! INOUT
                                      n = l )                      ! IN

            ! replace old heights with new ones that matches required moments
            do i = 1, l

               tab_tmp( order_tmp(i) ) = PARAM%vect_h(i)


            surf_tmp(1:w, 1:h) = reshape( tab_tmp(1:l), [w, h] )

            call calc_moments(   tab = tab_tmp(1:l),    &  ! IN
                                  mx = m_res,           &  ! OUT
                              nb_mom = 4 )                 ! IN

            surf_tmp(1:w, 1:h) = ( surf_tmp(1:w, 1:h) - m_res%mu ) / m_res%si

            ! calculate the acf
            call acf_wiener(  tab_in = surf_tmp(1:w, 1:h),     &  ! IN
                             tab_out = acf_tmp(1:w, 1:h),      &  ! OUT
                                   w = w,                      &  ! IN
                                   h = h,                      &  ! IN
                           multi_fft = .true.  )                  ! IN

            ! calculate the result (mean absolute difference between theoretical acf and calculated acf)
            call calc_res_acf(     acf_surf =       acf_tmp(1:w, 1:h),     &  ! IN
                                    imp_acf = PARAM%imp_acf(1:w, 1:h),     &  ! IN
                                     acf__z = PARAM%acf__z,                &  ! IN
                                   crit_acf = res_acf,                     &  ! OUT
                                          w = w,                           &  ! IN
                                          h = h )                             ! IN

            tab_res_acf( idw, jdh ) = res_acf

            ! update progressbar
            !$OMP CRITICAL

               nn_res = count( tab_res_acf > 0 )

               call progress_bar_terminal(val = nn_res, max_val = ndw * ndh, init = .false.)

            !$OMP END CRITICAL



      !$OMP END DO


      ! find the best subsurface
      best_ind(1:2) = minloc( tab_res_acf )

      idw = best_ind(1)
      jdh = best_ind(2)

      ib = idw * ( dw / ndw )
      ie = ib + w - 1

      jb = jdh * ( dh / ndh )
      je = jb + h - 1

      PARAM%surf( 1:w, 1:h ) = sav_surf( ib:ie, jb:je )

      ! redo calculations on the best subsurface
      tab_tmp(1:l) = reshape( PARAM%surf(1:w, 1:h), [l] )

      call init_order( order = PARAM%order(1:l),        &  !
                           n = l )                         !

      call sort_array2( tab_inout =     tab_tmp(1:l),       &  !
                             tab0 = PARAM%order(1:l),       &  !
                                n = l )                        !

      do i = 1, l

         tab_tmp( PARAM%order(i) ) = PARAM%vect_h(i)


      PARAM%surf(1:w, 1:h) = reshape( tab_tmp(1:l), [w, h] )

      call calc_moments(   tab = tab_tmp(1:l),    &  !
                            mx = m_res,           &  !
                        nb_mom = 4 )                 !

      PARAM%surf(1:w, 1:h) = ( PARAM%surf(1:w, 1:h) - m_res%mu ) / m_res%si

      call tab_end_fftw3_real()

      deallocate( sav_surf )
      deallocate( tab_tmp )

      deallocate( surf_tmp )
      deallocate( acf_tmp )
      deallocate( order_tmp )
      deallocate( tab_res_acf )

   endsubroutine sub_surf