cton Interface

public interface cton


interface~~cton~~CallsGraph interface~cton cton proc~ctoi_i2p ctoi_I2P interface~cton->proc~ctoi_i2p proc~ctoi_i4p ctoi_I4P interface~cton->proc~ctoi_i4p proc~ctor_r4p ctor_R4P interface~cton->proc~ctor_r4p proc~ctoi_i8p ctoi_I8P interface~cton->proc~ctoi_i8p proc~ctor_r8p ctor_R8P interface~cton->proc~ctor_r8p proc~ctor_r16p ctor_R16P interface~cton->proc~ctor_r16p proc~ctoi_i1p ctoi_I1P interface~cton->proc~ctoi_i1p


Module Procedures

private function ctor_R16P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctor_R16P converts string to real. This function achieves casting of string to real.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
real(kind=R16P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value real(kind=R16P)

private function ctor_R8P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctor_R8P converts string to real. This function achieves casting of string to real.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
real(kind=R8P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value real(kind=R8P)

private function ctor_R4P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctor_R4P converts string to real. This function achieves casting of string to real.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
real(kind=R4P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value real(kind=R4P)

private function ctoi_I8P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctoi_I8P converts string to integer. This function achieves casting of string to integer.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
integer(kind=I8P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value integer(kind=I8P)

private function ctoi_I4P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctoi_I4P converts string to integer. This function achieves casting of string to integer.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
integer(kind=I4P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value integer(kind=I4P)

private function ctoi_I2P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctoi_I2P converts string to integer. This function achieves casting of string to integer.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
integer(kind=I2P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value integer(kind=I2P)

private function ctoi_I1P(str, knd) result(n)

The function ctoi_I1P converts string to integer. This function achieves casting of string to integer.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
integer(kind=I1P), intent(in) :: knd

Return Value integer(kind=I1P)