fluid_law Module

Rheological and thermodynamic behavior of fluid

Description of the fluid module

The fluid module module_fluid_law proposes different rheological and thermodynamic laws for the fluids.

Fluid type

In the current version, three fluid types are proposed:

  • incompressible liquid
  • perfect gas
  • mixture of liquid and gaz

The fluid parameters are:

  • , liquid density;
  • , the perfect gas constant of the considered gas;
  • , the gas mass fraction.

Density and compressibility

The module is limited to the density rho and compressibility drhodp computation based on the pressure and absolute temperature

Incompressible INC

Perfect gas GP

Mixture MIXT


  • module~~fluid_law~~UsesGraph module~fluid_law fluid_law module~data_arch data_arch module~fluid_law->module~data_arch iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~data_arch->iso_fortran_env

Used by

  • module~~fluid_law~~UsedByGraph module~fluid_law fluid_law module~ms_film ms_film module~ms_film->module~fluid_law module~film film module~ms_film->module~film module~data_film_hd data_film_hd module~ms_film->module~data_film_hd module~film->module~fluid_law module~film->module~data_film_hd module~data_film_hd->module~fluid_law module~test_musst test_musst module~test_musst->module~ms_film module~test_musst->module~film module~test_musst->module~data_film_hd module~inout_files inout_files module~test_musst->module~inout_files module~inout_files->module~ms_film module~inout_files->module~film program~main main program~main->module~test_musst



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=I4), public, parameter:: INC =0

incompressible fluid

integer(kind=I4), public, parameter:: GP =1

perfect gas

integer(kind=I4), public, parameter:: MIXT =2

mixture of liquid and gas

Derived Types

type, public :: FLUID


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=I4), public :: fluid_type

constant for the fluid type: INC, GP, MIXT

real(kind=R8), public :: p_0

reference pressure

real(kind=R8), public :: rho_0

reference liquid density

real(kind=R8), public :: mu_0

reference dynamic viscosity

real(kind=R8), public :: T_0

reference temperature

real(kind=R8), public :: rg

perfect gas constant

real(kind=R8), public :: lambda

gas mass fraction

real(kind=R8), public, dimension(20):: cst

table of parameters for the thermodynamic and rheological laws

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: rho


procedure, public :: drhodp


procedure, public :: pres

pressure (perfect gas)


private function rho(fl, p, t)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(FLUID), intent(in) :: fl

fluid type

real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: p


real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: t

absolute temperature

Return Value real(kind=R8)

private function drhodp(fl, p, t)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(FLUID), intent(in) :: fl

fluid type

real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: p


real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: t

absolute temperature

Return Value real(kind=R8)

private function pres(fl, rho, t)

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(FLUID), intent(in) :: fl

fluid type

real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: rho


real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: t

absolute temperature

Return Value real(kind=R8)