Subroutine to interpolate the top-scale nodes for the bottom-scale boundaries
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(MS_FE_FILM), | intent(inout) | :: | ms_fe_f |
subroutine interp_ts_bs_splin(ms_fe_f)
implicit none
type(MS_FE_FILM), intent(inout) :: ms_fe_f
integer(kind=I4) :: i, j, inbvx, inbvy, iloy, iflag, ts_nx, ts_ny, e, ed, bs_nx, bs_ny, n_edg, n_nod, nn, node_number
real(kind=R8) :: x_n, y_n, val
real(kind=R8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: log_press
real(kind=R8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: coeff
real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: tx ! x knots
real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: ty ! y knots
real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: y
integer(kind=I4), parameter :: deg = 2
logical(kind=I4) :: mixture
mixture = (ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%data_f%fl%fluid_type == MIXT)
ts_nx = ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%m%nx
ts_ny = ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%m%ny
allocate( coeff(1:ts_nx, 1:ts_ny) )
allocate( tx(1:(ts_nx +deg)), &
ty(1:(ts_ny +deg)) )
allocate( x(1: ts_nx ), &
y(1: ts_ny ) )
allocate( log_press(1:ts_nx, 1:ts_ny) )
log_press = reshape( ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%vn(:, P_N), (/ts_nx, ts_ny/) )
if (mixture) log_press = log(log_press)
x(1:ts_nx) = ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%m%x(1:ts_nx)
i = 0
do j = 1, ts_nx*(ts_ny -1) +1, ts_nx
i = i +1
y(i) = ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%m%y(j)
iflag = 0
call db2ink( x = x(1:ts_nx), & ! Array of x abcissae. Must be strictly increasing.
nx = ts_nx, & ! Number of x abcissae
y = y(1:ts_ny), & ! Array of y abcissae. Must be strictly increasing.
ny = ts_ny, & ! Number of y abcissae
fcn = log_press(1:ts_nx, 1:ts_ny), & ! Array of function values to interpolate. fcn(i,j) should
! contain the function value at the point (x(i),y(j))
kx = deg, & ! The order of spline pieces in x (>= 2, < nx). (order = polynomial degree + 1)
ky = deg, & ! The order of spline pieces in y (>= 2, < ny). (order = polynomial degree + 1)
tx = tx(1:(ts_nx +deg)), & ! The knots in the x direction for the spline interpolant.
! If iflag=0 these are chosen by [[db2ink]].
! If iflag=1 these are specified by the user.
! Must be non-decreasing.
ty = ty(1:(ts_ny +deg)), & ! The knots in the y direction for the spline interpolant.
! If iflag=0 these are chosen by [[db2ink]].
! If iflag=1 these are specified by the user.
! Must be non-decreasing.
bcoef = coeff(1:ts_nx, 1:ts_ny), & ! Array of coefficients of the b-spline interpolant.
iflag = iflag) ! **on input:** 0 = knot sequence chosen by [[db2ink]].
! 1 = knot sequence chosen by user.
! **on output:** 1 = successful execution.
! 2 = iflag out of range.
! 3 = nx out of range.
! 4 = kx out of range.
! 5 = x not strictly increasing.
! 6 = tx not non-decreasing.
! 7 = ny out of range.
! 8 = ky out of range.
! 9 = y not strictly increasing.
! 10 = ty not non-decreasing.
if (iflag/=1) error stop 'error calling db2ink'
inbvx = 1
inbvy = 1
iloy = 1
do e = 1, ms_fe_f%ts_fe_f%m%ne
bs_nx = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%nx
bs_ny = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%ny
n_edg = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%ned
do ed = 1, n_edg
n_nod = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%ed(ed)%n
do nn = 1, n_nod
node_number = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%ed(ed)%nm(nn)
x_n = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%x(node_number)
y_n = ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%m%y(node_number)
call db2val(xval = x_n, & ! xval !! x coordinate of evaluation point.
yval = y_n, & ! yval !! y coordinate of evaluation point.
idx = 0, & ! idx !! x derivative of piecewise polynomial to evaluate.
idy = 0, & ! idy !! y derivative of piecewise polynomial to evaluate.
tx = tx(1:(ts_nx +deg)), & ! tx !! sequence of knots defining the piecewise polynomial in the x direction. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]])
ty = ty(1:(ts_ny +deg)), & ! ty !! sequence of knots defining the piecewise polynomial in the y direction. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]])
nx = ts_nx, & ! nx !! the number of interpolation points in x. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]])
ny = ts_ny, & ! ny !! the number of interpolation points in y. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]])
kx = deg, & ! kx !! order of polynomial pieces in x. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]])
ky = deg, & ! ky !! order of polynomial pieces in y. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]])
bcoef = coeff(1:ts_nx, 1:ts_ny), & ! bcoef !! the b-spline coefficients computed by [[db2ink]].
f = val, & ! f !! interpolated value &
iflag = iflag, & ! iflag !! status flag: 0 : no errors, /=0 : error
inbvx = inbvx, & ! inbvx !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user.
inbvy = inbvy, & ! inbvy !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user.
iloy = iloy) ! iloy !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user.
if (iflag/=0) error stop 'error'
if (mixture) val = exp(val)
ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%vn(node_number, P_N) = val
ms_fe_f%bs_fe_f(e)%bc(node_number, REY) = 0
deallocate( log_press, coeff, tx, ty, x, y )
endsubroutine interp_ts_bs_splin