The VTK_INI function is used for initializing file. This function must be the first to be called.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | output_format | |||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | filename | |||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | title | |||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | mesh_topology |
The VTK_INI variables have the following meaning:
The following is an example of VTK_INI calling:
\noindent Note that the \virgo{.vtk} extension is necessary in the file name.
function VTK_INI(output_format,filename,title,mesh_topology) result(E_IO)
!!The VTK\_INI function is used for initializing file. This function must be the first to be called.
implicit none
character(*), intent(IN):: output_format ! output format: ASCII or BINARY
character(*), intent(IN):: filename ! name of file
character(*), intent(IN):: title ! title
character(*), intent(IN):: mesh_topology ! mesh topology
integer(I4P):: E_IO ! Input/Output inquiring flag: $0$ if IO is done, $> 0$ if IO is not done
!!The VTK\_INI variables have the following meaning:
!! \item[{\color{RoyalBlue}output\_format}] indicates the \virgo{format} of output file. It can assume the following values:
!! \begin{enumerateABlu}
!! \item \emph{ascii} (it is case insensitive) $\rightarrow$ creating an ascii output file.
!! \item \emph{binary} (it is case insensitive) $\rightarrow$ creating a binary (big\_endian encoding) output file.
!! \end{enumerateABlu}
!! \item[{\color{RoyalBlue}filename}] contains the name (with its path) of the output file.
!! \item[{\color{RoyalBlue}title}] contains the title of the VTK dataset.
!! \item[{\color{RoyalBlue}topology}] indicates the topology of the mesh and can assume the following values:
!! \begin{enumerateABlu}
!! \item \emph{STRUCTURED\_POINTS}.
!! \item \emph{STRUCTURED\_GRID}.
!! \item \emph{UNSTRUCTURED\_GRID}.
!! \item \emph{RECTILINEAR\_GRID}.
!! \end{enumerateABlu}
!! \item[{\color{RoyalBlue}E\_IO}] contains the inquiring integer flag for error handling.
!!The following is an example of VTK\_INI calling:
!!\begin{boxred}{VTK\_INI Calling}
!!E_IO = VTK_INI('Binary','example.vtk','VTK legacy file','UNSTRUCTURED_GRID')
!!\noindent Note that the \virgo{.vtk} extension is necessary in the file name.
topology = trim(mesh_topology)
select case(trim(Upper_Case(output_format)))
f_out = f_out_ascii
open(unit = Unit_VTK, &
file = trim(filename), &
form = 'FORMATTED', &
access = 'SEQUENTIAL', &
action = 'WRITE', &
iostat = E_IO)
! writing header of file
write(unit=Unit_VTK,fmt='(A)',iostat=E_IO)'# vtk DataFile Version 3.0'
write(unit=Unit_VTK,fmt='(A)',iostat=E_IO)'DATASET '//trim(topology)
f_out = f_out_binary
open(unit = Unit_VTK, &
file = trim(filename), &
form = 'UNFORMATTED', &
access = 'STREAM', &
action = 'WRITE', &
convert = 'BIG_ENDIAN', &
iostat = E_IO)
! writing header of file
write(unit=Unit_VTK,iostat=E_IO)'# vtk DataFile Version 3.0'//end_rec
write(unit=Unit_VTK,iostat=E_IO)'DATASET '//trim(topology)//end_rec
endfunction VTK_INI