Multidimensional (1D-6D) B-Spline interpolation of data on a regular grid. Basic subroutine interface.
This module is based on the bspline and spline routines from [1]. The original Fortran 77 routines were converted to free-form source. Some of them are relatively unchanged from the originals, but some have been extensively refactored. In addition, new routines for 1d, 4d, 5d, and 6d interpolation were also created (these are simply extensions of the same algorithm into higher dimensions).
See also * An object-oriented interface can be found in [bspline_oo_module].
!***************************************************************************************** !> author: Jacob Williams ! license: BSD ! !# Description ! ! Multidimensional (1D-6D) B-Spline interpolation of data on a regular grid. ! Basic subroutine interface. ! !# Notes ! ! This module is based on the bspline and spline routines from [1]. ! The original Fortran 77 routines were converted to free-form source. ! Some of them are relatively unchanged from the originals, but some have ! been extensively refactored. In addition, new routines for ! 1d, 4d, 5d, and 6d interpolation were also created (these are simply ! extensions of the same algorithm into higher dimensions). ! !# See also ! * An object-oriented interface can be found in [bspline_oo_module]. ! !# References ! ! 1. DBSPLIN and DTENSBS from the ! [NIST Core Math Library]( ! Original code is public domain. ! 2. Carl de Boor, "A Practical Guide to Splines", ! Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978. ! 3. Carl de Boor, [Efficient Computer Manipulation of Tensor ! Products](, ! ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ! Vol. 5 (1979), p. 173-182. ! 4. D.E. Amos, "Computation with Splines and B-Splines", ! SAND78-1968, Sandia Laboratories, March, 1979. ! 5. Carl de Boor, ! [Package for calculating with B-splines](, ! SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 14, 3 (June 1977), p. 441-472. module bspline use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real64 use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit implicit none private integer,parameter :: wp = real64 !! Real precision !main routines: public :: db1ink, db1val public :: db2ink, db2val contains !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Determines the parameters of a function that interpolates ! the one-dimensional gridded data ! $$ [x(i),\mathrm{fcn}(i)] ~\mathrm{for}~ i=1,..,n_x $$ ! The interpolating function and its derivatives may ! subsequently be evaluated by the function [[db1val]]. ! !# History ! ! * Jacob Williams, 10/30/2015 : Created 1D routine. subroutine db1ink(x,nx,fcn,kx,tx,bcoef,iflag) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nx !! Number of x abcissae integer,intent(in) :: kx !! The order of spline pieces in x (>= 2, < nx). (order = polynomial degree + 1) real(wp),dimension(nx),intent(in) :: x !! Array of x abcissae. Must be strictly increasing. real(wp),dimension(nx),intent(in) :: fcn !! Array of function values to interpolate. fcn(i) should !! contain the function value at the point x(i) real(wp),dimension(nx+kx),intent(inout) :: tx !! The knots in the x direction for the spline interpolant. !! If iflag=0 these are chosen by [[db1ink]]. !! If iflag=1 these are specified by the user. !! Must be non-decreasing. real(wp),dimension(nx),intent(out) :: bcoef !! Array of coefficients of the b-spline interpolant. integer,intent(inout) :: iflag !! **on input:** 0 = knot sequence chosen by [[db1ink]]. !! 1 = knot sequence chosen by user. !! **on output:** 1 = successful execution. !! 2 = iflag out of range. !! 3 = nx out of range. !! 4 = kx out of range. !! 5 = x not strictly increasing. !! 6 = tx not non-decreasing. real(wp),dimension(2*kx*(nx+1)) :: work logical :: status_ok !check validity of inputs call check_inputs('db1ink',& iflag,& nx=nx,& kx=kx,& x=x,& tx=tx,& status_ok=status_ok) if (status_ok) then !choose knots if (iflag == 0) then call dbknot(x,nx,kx,tx) endif !construct b-spline coefficients call dbtpcf(x,nx,fcn,nx,1,tx,kx,bcoef,work,iflag) if (iflag==0) iflag = 1 endif endsubroutine db1ink !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Evaluates the tensor product piecewise polynomial ! interpolant constructed by the routine [[db1ink]] or one of its ! derivatives at the point xval. ! ! To evaluate the interpolant itself, set idx=0, ! to evaluate the first partial with respect to x, set idx=1, and so on. ! ! db1val returns 0.0 if (xval,yval) is out of range. that is, if !```fortran ! xval < tx(1) .or. xval > tx(nx+kx) !``` ! if the knots tx were chosen by [[db1ink]], then this is equivalent to: !```fortran ! xval < x(1) .or. xval > x(nx)+epsx !``` ! where !```fortran ! epsx = 0.1*(x(nx)-x(nx-1)) !``` ! ! The input quantities tx, nx, kx, and bcoef should be ! unchanged since the last call of [[db1ink]]. ! !# History ! ! * Jacob Williams, 10/30/2015 : Created 1D routine. subroutine db1val(xval,idx,tx,nx,kx,bcoef,f,iflag,inbvx) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: idx !! x derivative of piecewise polynomial to evaluate. integer,intent(in) :: nx !! the number of interpolation points in x. (same as in last call to [[db1ink]]) integer,intent(in) :: kx !! order of polynomial pieces in x. (same as in last call to [[db1ink]]) real(wp),intent(in) :: xval !! x coordinate of evaluation point. real(wp),dimension(nx+kx),intent(in) :: tx !! sequence of knots defining the piecewise polynomial in the x direction. (same as in last call to [[db1ink]]) real(wp),dimension(nx),intent(in) :: bcoef !! the b-spline coefficients computed by [[db1ink]]. real(wp),intent(out) :: f !! interpolated value integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! status flag: 0 : no errors, /=0 : error integer,intent(inout) :: inbvx !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user. real(wp),dimension(3*kx) :: work f = 0.0_wp if (xval<tx(1) .or. xval>tx(nx+kx)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'db1val - x value out of bounds' iflag = 1 return endif f = dbvalu(tx,bcoef,nx,kx,idx,xval,inbvx,work,iflag) endsubroutine db1val !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Determines the parameters of a function that interpolates ! the two-dimensional gridded data ! $$ [x(i),y(j),\mathrm{fcn}(i,j)] ~\mathrm{for}~ i=1,..,n_x ~\mathrm{and}~ j=1,..,n_y $$ ! The interpolating function and its derivatives may ! subsequently be evaluated by the function [[db2val]]. ! ! The interpolating function is a piecewise polynomial function ! represented as a tensor product of one-dimensional b-splines. the ! form of this function is ! ! $$ s(x,y) = \sum_{i=1}^{n_x} \sum_{j=1}^{n_y} a_{ij} u_i(x) v_j(y) $$ ! ! where the functions \(u_i\) and \(v_j\) are one-dimensional b-spline ! basis functions. the coefficients \( a_{ij} \) are chosen so that ! ! $$ s(x(i),y(j)) = \mathrm{fcn}(i,j) ~\mathrm{for}~ i=1,..,n_x ~\mathrm{and}~ j=1,..,n_y $$ ! ! Note that for each fixed value of y, \( s(x,y) \) is a piecewise ! polynomial function of x alone, and for each fixed value of x, \( s(x,y) \) ! is a piecewise polynomial function of y alone. in one dimension ! a piecewise polynomial may be created by partitioning a given ! interval into subintervals and defining a distinct polynomial piece ! on each one. the points where adjacent subintervals meet are called ! knots. each of the functions \(u_i\) and \(v_j\) above is a piecewise ! polynomial. ! ! Users of db2ink choose the order (degree+1) of the polynomial ! pieces used to define the piecewise polynomial in each of the x and ! y directions (kx and ky). users also may define their own knot ! sequence in x and y separately (tx and ty). if iflag=0, however, ! db2ink will choose sequences of knots that result in a piecewise ! polynomial interpolant with kx-2 continuous partial derivatives in ! x and ky-2 continuous partial derivatives in y. (kx knots are taken ! near each endpoint in the x direction, not-a-knot end conditions ! are used, and the remaining knots are placed at data points if kx ! is even or at midpoints between data points if kx is odd. the y ! direction is treated similarly.) ! ! After a call to db2ink, all information necessary to define the ! interpolating function are contained in the parameters nx, ny, kx, ! ky, tx, ty, and bcoef. These quantities should not be altered until ! after the last call of the evaluation routine [[db2val]]. ! !# History ! ! * Boisvert, Ronald, NBS : 25 may 1982 : Author of original routine. ! * JEC : 000330 modified array declarations. ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : extensive refactoring of CMLIB routine. subroutine db2ink(x,nx,y,ny,fcn,kx,ky,tx,ty,bcoef,iflag) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nx !! Number of x abcissae integer,intent(in) :: ny !! Number of y abcissae integer,intent(in) :: kx !! The order of spline pieces in x (>= 2, < nx). (order = polynomial degree + 1) integer,intent(in) :: ky !! The order of spline pieces in y (>= 2, < ny). (order = polynomial degree + 1) real(wp),dimension(nx),intent(in) :: x !! Array of x abcissae. Must be strictly increasing. real(wp),dimension(ny),intent(in) :: y !! Array of y abcissae. Must be strictly increasing. real(wp),dimension(nx,ny),intent(in) :: fcn !! Array of function values to interpolate. fcn(i,j) should !! contain the function value at the point (x(i),y(j)) real(wp),dimension(nx+kx),intent(inout) :: tx !! The knots in the x direction for the spline interpolant. !! If iflag=0 these are chosen by [[db2ink]]. !! If iflag=1 these are specified by the user. !! Must be non-decreasing. real(wp),dimension(ny+ky),intent(inout) :: ty !! The knots in the y direction for the spline interpolant. !! If iflag=0 these are chosen by [[db2ink]]. !! If iflag=1 these are specified by the user. !! Must be non-decreasing. real(wp),dimension(nx,ny),intent(out) :: bcoef !! Array of coefficients of the b-spline interpolant. integer,intent(inout) :: iflag !! **on input:** 0 = knot sequence chosen by [[db2ink]]. !! 1 = knot sequence chosen by user. !! **on output:** 1 = successful execution. !! 2 = iflag out of range. !! 3 = nx out of range. !! 4 = kx out of range. !! 5 = x not strictly increasing. !! 6 = tx not non-decreasing. !! 7 = ny out of range. !! 8 = ky out of range. !! 9 = y not strictly increasing. !! 10 = ty not non-decreasing. real(wp),dimension(nx*ny) :: temp real(wp),dimension(max(2*kx*(nx+1),2*ky*(ny+1))) :: work logical :: status_ok !check validity of inputs call check_inputs('db2ink',& iflag,& nx=nx,ny=ny,& kx=kx,ky=ky,& x=x,y=y,& tx=tx,ty=ty,& status_ok=status_ok) if (status_ok) then !choose knots if (iflag == 0) then call dbknot(x,nx,kx,tx) call dbknot(y,ny,ky,ty) endif !construct b-spline coefficients call dbtpcf(x,nx,fcn, nx,ny,tx,kx,temp, work,iflag) if (iflag==0) call dbtpcf(y,ny,temp,ny,nx,ty,ky,bcoef,work,iflag) if (iflag==0) iflag = 1 endif endsubroutine db2ink !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Evaluates the tensor product piecewise polynomial ! interpolant constructed by the routine [[db2ink]] or one of its ! derivatives at the point (xval,yval). ! ! To evaluate the interpolant ! itself, set idx=idy=0, to evaluate the first partial with respect ! to x, set idx=1,idy=0, and so on. ! ! db2val returns 0.0 if (xval,yval) is out of range. that is, if !```fortran ! xval < tx(1) .or. xval > tx(nx+kx) .or. ! yval < ty(1) .or. yval > ty(ny+ky) !``` ! if the knots tx and ty were chosen by [[db2ink]], then this is equivalent to: !```fortran ! xval < x(1) .or. xval > x(nx)+epsx .or. ! yval < y(1) .or. yval > y(ny)+epsy !``` ! where !```fortran ! epsx = 0.1*(x(nx)-x(nx-1)) ! epsy = 0.1*(y(ny)-y(ny-1)) !``` ! ! The input quantities tx, ty, nx, ny, kx, ky, and bcoef should be ! unchanged since the last call of [[db2ink]]. ! !# History ! ! * Boisvert, Ronald, NBS : 25 may 1982 : Author of original routine. ! * JEC : 000330 modified array declarations. ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : extensive refactoring of CMLIB routine. subroutine db2val(xval,yval,idx,idy,tx,ty,nx,ny,kx,ky,bcoef,f,iflag,inbvx,inbvy,iloy) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: idx !! x derivative of piecewise polynomial to evaluate. integer,intent(in) :: idy !! y derivative of piecewise polynomial to evaluate. integer,intent(in) :: nx !! the number of interpolation points in x. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]]) integer,intent(in) :: ny !! the number of interpolation points in y. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]]) integer,intent(in) :: kx !! order of polynomial pieces in x. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]]) integer,intent(in) :: ky !! order of polynomial pieces in y. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]]) real(wp),intent(in) :: xval !! x coordinate of evaluation point. real(wp),intent(in) :: yval !! y coordinate of evaluation point. real(wp),dimension(nx+kx),intent(in) :: tx !! sequence of knots defining the piecewise polynomial in the x direction. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]]) real(wp),dimension(ny+ky),intent(in) :: ty !! sequence of knots defining the piecewise polynomial in the y direction. (same as in last call to [[db2ink]]) real(wp),dimension(nx,ny),intent(in) :: bcoef !! the b-spline coefficients computed by [[db2ink]]. real(wp),intent(out) :: f !! interpolated value integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! status flag: 0 : no errors, /=0 : error integer,intent(inout) :: inbvx !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user. integer,intent(inout) :: inbvy !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user. integer,intent(inout) :: iloy !! initialization parameter which must be set to 1 the first time this routine is called, and must not be changed by the user. integer :: k, lefty, mflag, kcol real(wp),dimension(ky) :: temp real(wp),dimension(3*max(kx,ky)) :: work f = 0.0_wp if (xval<tx(1) .or. xval>tx(nx+kx)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'db2val - x value out of bounds' iflag = 1 return endif if (yval<ty(1) .or. yval>ty(ny+ky)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'db2val - y value out of bounds' iflag = 2 return endif iflag = -1 call dintrv(ty,ny+ky,yval,iloy,lefty,mflag); if (mflag /= 0) return kcol = lefty - ky do k=1,ky kcol = kcol + 1 temp(k) = dbvalu(tx,bcoef(:,kcol),nx,kx,idx,xval,inbvx,work,iflag) if (iflag/=0) return !error enddo kcol = lefty - ky + 1 f = dbvalu(ty(kcol:),temp,ky,ky,idy,yval,inbvy,work,iflag) endsubroutine db2val !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Check the validity of the inputs to the "ink" routines. ! Prints warning message if there is an error, ! and also sets iflag and status_ok. ! ! Supports up to 6D: x,y,z,q,r,s ! !# Notes ! ! The code is new, but the logic is based on the original ! logic in the CMLIB routines db2ink and db3ink. ! !# History ! ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : Created this routine. subroutine check_inputs(routine,& iflag,& nx,ny,nz,nq,nr,ns,& kx,ky,kz,kq,kr,ks,& x,y,z,q,r,s,& tx,ty,tz,tq,tr,ts,& status_ok) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: routine integer,intent(inout) :: iflag integer,intent(in),optional :: nx,ny,nz,nq,nr,ns integer,intent(in),optional :: kx,ky,kz,kq,kr,ks real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in),optional :: x,y,z,q,r,s real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in),optional :: tx,ty,tz,tq,tr,ts logical,intent(out) :: status_ok logical :: error status_ok = .false. if ((iflag < 0) .or. (iflag > 1)) then write(error_unit,'(A,1X,I5)') & trim(routine)//' - iflag is out of range: ',iflag iflag = 2 else call check('x',nx,kx,x,tx,[3,4,5,6], error); if (error) return call check('y',ny,ky,y,ty,[7,8,9,10], error); if (error) return call check('z',nz,kz,z,tz,[11,12,13,14],error); if (error) return call check('q',nq,kq,q,tq,[15,16,17,18],error); if (error) return call check('r',nr,kr,r,tr,[19,20,21,22],error); if (error) return call check('s',ns,ks,s,ts,[23,24,25,26],error); if (error) return status_ok = .true. endif contains subroutine check(s,n,k,x,t,ierrs,error) !check t,x,n,k for validity implicit none character(len=1),intent(in),optional :: s !! coordinate string: 'x','y','z','q','r','s' integer,intent(in),optional :: n !! size of x integer,intent(in),optional :: k !! order real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in),optional :: x !! abcissae vector real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in),optional :: t !! knot vector size(n+k) integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: ierrs !! int error codes for n,k,x,t checks logical,intent(out) :: error !! true if there was an error if (present(n)) then call check_n('n'//s,n,ierrs(1),error); if (error) return if (present(k)) then call check_k('k'//s,k,n,ierrs(2),error); if (error) return endif if (present(x)) then call check_x(s,n,x,ierrs(3),error); if (error) return endif if (iflag /= 0) then if (present(k) .and. present(t)) then call check_t('t'//s,n,k,t,ierrs(4),error); if (error) return endif endif endif endsubroutine check subroutine check_n(s,n,ierr,error) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: s integer,intent(in) :: n integer,intent(in) :: ierr logical,intent(out) :: error if (n < 3) then write(error_unit,'(A,1X,I5)') & trim(routine)//' - '//trim(s)//' is out of range: ',n iflag = ierr error = .true. else error = .false. endif endsubroutine check_n subroutine check_k(s,k,n,ierr,error) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: s integer,intent(in) :: k integer,intent(in) :: n integer,intent(in) :: ierr logical,intent(out) :: error if ((k < 2) .or. (k >= n)) then write(error_unit,'(A,1X,I5)') & trim(routine)//' - '//trim(s)//' is out of range: ',k iflag = ierr error = .true. else error = .false. endif endsubroutine check_k subroutine check_x(s,n,x,ierr,error) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: s integer,intent(in) :: n real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: x integer,intent(in) :: ierr logical,intent(out) :: error integer :: i error = .true. do i=2,n if (x(i) <= x(i-1)) then iflag = ierr write(error_unit,'(A)') trim(routine)//' - '//trim(s)//& ' array must be strictly increasing' return endif enddo error = .false. endsubroutine check_x subroutine check_t(s,n,k,t,ierr,error) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: s integer,intent(in) :: n integer,intent(in) :: k real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: t integer,intent(in) :: ierr logical,intent(out) :: error integer :: i error = .true. do i=2,n + k if (t(i) < t(i-1)) then iflag = ierr write(error_unit,'(A)') trim(routine)//' - '//trim(s)//& ' array must be non-decreasing' return endif enddo error = .false. endsubroutine check_t endsubroutine check_inputs !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> dbknot chooses a knot sequence for interpolation of order k at the ! data points x(i), i=1,..,n. the n+k knots are placed in the array ! t. k knots are placed at each endpoint and not-a-knot end ! conditions are used. the remaining knots are placed at data points ! if n is even and between data points if n is odd. the rightmost ! knot is shifted slightly to the right to insure proper interpolation ! at x(n) (see page 350 of the reference). ! !# History ! ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : Refactored this routine. subroutine dbknot(x,n,k,t) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n integer,intent(in) :: k real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: x real(wp),dimension(:),intent(out) :: t integer :: i, j, ipj, npj, ip1, jstrt real(wp) :: rnot !put k knots at each endpoint !(shift right endpoints slightly -- see pg 350 of reference) rnot = x(n) + 0.1_wp*( x(n)-x(n-1) ) do j=1,k t(j) = x(1) npj = n + j t(npj) = rnot enddo !distribute remaining knots if (mod(k,2) == 1) then !case of odd k -- knots between data points i = (k-1)/2 - k ip1 = i + 1 jstrt = k + 1 do j=jstrt,n ipj = i + j t(j) = 0.5_wp*( x(ipj) + x(ipj+1) ) enddo else !case of even k -- knots at data points i = (k/2) - k jstrt = k+1 do j=jstrt,n ipj = i + j t(j) = x(ipj) enddo endif endsubroutine dbknot !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> dbtpcf computes b-spline interpolation coefficients for nf sets ! of data stored in the columns of the array fcn. the b-spline ! coefficients are stored in the rows of bcoef however. ! each interpolation is based on the n abcissa stored in the ! array x, and the n+k knots stored in the array t. the order ! of each interpolation is k. the work array must be of length ! at least 2*k*(n+1). ! !# History ! ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : Refactored this routine. subroutine dbtpcf(x,n,fcn,ldf,nf,t,k,bcoef,work,iflag) integer,intent(in) :: n integer,intent(in) :: nf integer,intent(in) :: ldf integer,intent(in) :: k real(wp) :: x(n) real(wp) :: fcn(ldf,nf) real(wp) :: t(*) real(wp) :: bcoef(nf,n) real(wp) :: work(*) integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! 0: no errors !! 301: n should be >0 integer :: i, j, m1, m2, iq, iw ! check for null input if (nf > 0) then ! partition work array m1 = k - 1 m2 = m1 + k iq = 1 + n iw = iq + m2*n+1 ! compute b-spline coefficients ! first data set call dbintk(x,fcn,t,n,k,work,work(iq),work(iw),iflag) if (iflag == 0) then do i=1,n bcoef(1,i) = work(i) enddo ! all remaining data sets by back-substitution if (nf == 1) return do j=2,nf do i=1,n work(i) = fcn(i,j) enddo call dbnslv(work(iq),m2,n,m1,m1,work) do i=1,n bcoef(j,i) = work(i) enddo enddo endif else write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbtpcf - n should be >0' iflag = 301 endif endsubroutine dbtpcf !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> dbintk produces the b-spline coefficients, bcoef, of the ! b-spline of order k with knots t(i), i=1,...,n+k, which ! takes on the value y(i) at x(i), i=1,...,n. the spline or ! any of its derivatives can be evaluated by calls to [[dbvalu]]. ! ! the i-th equation of the linear system a*bcoef = b for the ! coefficients of the interpolant enforces interpolation at ! x(i), i=1,...,n. hence, b(i) = y(i), for all i, and a is ! a band matrix with 2k-1 bands if a is invertible. the matrix ! a is generated row by row and stored, diagonal by diagonal, ! in the rows of q, with the main diagonal going into row k. ! the banded system is then solved by a call to dbnfac (which ! constructs the triangular factorization for a and stores it ! again in q), followed by a call to dbnslv (which then ! obtains the solution bcoef by substitution). dbnfac does no ! pivoting, since the total positivity of the matrix a makes ! this unnecessary. the linear system to be solved is ! (theoretically) invertible if and only if ! t(i) < x(i) < t(i+k), for all i. ! equality is permitted on the left for i=1 and on the right ! for i=n when k knots are used at x(1) or x(n). otherwise, ! violation of this condition is certain to lead to an error. ! !# Error conditions ! ! * improper input ! * singular system of equations ! !# History ! ! * splint written by carl de boor [5] ! * dbintk author: amos, d. e., (snla) : date written 800901 ! * revision date 820801 ! * 000330 modified array declarations. (jec) ! * Jacob Williams, 5/10/2015 : converted to free-form Fortran. subroutine dbintk(x,y,t,n,k,bcoef,q,work,iflag) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n !! number of data points, n >= k real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: x !! vector of length n containing data point abscissa !! in strictly increasing order. real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: y !! corresponding vector of length n containing data !! point ordinates. real(wp),dimension(*),intent(in) :: t !! knot vector of length n+k !! since t(1),..,t(k) <= x(1) and t(n+1),..,t(n+k) !! >= x(n), this leaves only n-k knots (not !! necessarily x(i) values) interior to (x(1),x(n)) integer,intent(in) :: k !! order of the spline, k >= 1 real(wp),dimension(n),intent(out) :: bcoef !! a vector of length n containing the b-spline coefficients real(wp),dimension(*),intent(out) :: q !! a work vector of length (2*k-1)*n, containing !! the triangular factorization of the coefficient !! matrix of the linear system being solved. the !! coefficients for the interpolant of an !! additional data set (x(i),yy(i)), i=1,...,n !! with the same abscissa can be obtained by loading !! yy into bcoef and then executing !! call dbnslv(q,2k-1,n,k-1,k-1,bcoef) real(wp),dimension(*),intent(out) :: work !! work vector of length 2*k integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! 0: no errors. !! 100: k does not satisfy k>=1. !! 101: n does not satisfy n>=k. !! 102: x(i) does not satisfy x(i)<x(i+1) for some i. !! 103: some abscissa was not in the support of the. !! corresponding basis function and the system is singular. !! 104: the system of solver detects a singular system. !! although the theoretical conditions for a solution were satisfied. integer :: iwork, i, ilp1mx, j, jj, km1, kpkm2, left,lenq, np1 real(wp) :: xi if (k<1) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbintk - k does not satisfy k>=1' iflag = 100 return endif if (n<k) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbintk - n does not satisfy n>=k' iflag = 101 return endif jj = n - 1 if (jj/=0) then do i=1,jj if (x(i)>=x(i+1)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbintk - x(i) does not satisfy x(i)<x(i+1) for some i' iflag = 102 return endif enddo endif np1 = n + 1 km1 = k - 1 kpkm2 = 2*km1 left = k ! zero out all entries of q lenq = n*(k+km1) do i=1,lenq q(i) = 0.0_wp enddo ! loop over i to construct the n interpolation equations do i=1,n xi = x(i) ilp1mx = min(i+k,np1) ! *** find left in the closed interval (i,i+k-1) such that ! t(left) <= x(i) < t(left+1) ! matrix is singular if this is not possible left = max(left,i) if (xi<t(left)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbintk - some abscissa was not in the support of the'//& ' corresponding basis function and the system is singular' iflag = 103 return endif do if (xi<t(left+1)) go to 30 left = left + 1 if (left>=ilp1mx) exit enddo left = left - 1 if (xi>t(left+1)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbintk - some abscissa was not in the support of the'//& ' corresponding basis function and the system is singular' iflag = 103 return endif ! *** the i-th equation enforces interpolation at xi, hence ! a(i,j) = b(j,k,t)(xi), all j. only the k entries with j = ! left-k+1,...,left actually might be nonzero. these k numbers ! are returned, in bcoef (used for here), by the ! following 30 call dbspvn(t, k, k, 1, xi, left, bcoef, work, iwork, iflag) if (iflag/=0) return ! we therefore want bcoef(j) = b(left-k+j)(xi) to go into ! a(i,left-k+j), i.e., into q(i-(left+j)+2*k,(left+j)-k) since ! a(i+j,j) is to go into q(i+k,j), all i,j, if we consider q ! as a two-dim. array , with 2*k-1 rows (see comments in ! dbnfac). in the present program, we treat q as an equivalent ! one-dimensional array (because of fortran restrictions on ! dimension statements) . we therefore want bcoef(j) to go into ! entry ! i -(left+j) + 2*k + ((left+j) - k-1)*(2*k-1) ! = i-left+1 + (left -k)*(2*k-1) + (2*k-2)*j ! of q. jj = i - left + 1 + (left-k)*(k+km1) do j=1,k jj = jj + kpkm2 q(jj) = bcoef(j) enddo enddo ! obtain factorization of a, stored again in q. call dbnfac(q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, iflag) if (iflag==1) then !success ! *** solve a*bcoef = y by backsubstitution do i=1,n bcoef(i) = y(i) enddo call dbnslv(q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, bcoef) iflag = 0 else !failure write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbintk - the system of solver detects a singular system'//& ' although the theoretical conditions for a solution were satisfied' iflag = 104 endif endsubroutine dbintk !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Returns in w the LU-factorization (without pivoting) of the banded ! matrix a of order nrow with (nbandl + 1 + nbandu) bands or diagonals ! in the work array w . ! ! gauss elimination without pivoting is used. the routine is ! intended for use with matrices a which do not require row inter- ! changes during factorization, especially for the totally ! positive matrices which occur in spline calculations. ! the routine should not be used for an arbitrary banded matrix. ! !# Work array ! ! **Input** ! ! w array of size (nroww,nrow) contains the interesting ! part of a banded matrix a , with the diagonals or bands of a ! stored in the rows of w , while columns of a correspond to ! columns of w . this is the storage mode used in linpack and ! results in efficient innermost loops. ! explicitly, a has nbandl bands below the diagonal ! + 1 (main) diagonal ! + nbandu bands above the diagonal ! and thus, with middle = nbandu + 1, ! a(i+j,j) is in w(i+middle,j) for i=-nbandu,...,nbandl ! j=1,...,nrow . ! for example, the interesting entries of a (1,2)-banded matrix ! of order 9 would appear in the first 1+1+2 = 4 rows of w ! as follows. ! 13 24 35 46 57 68 79 ! 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 ! 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ! 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 ! ! all other entries of w not identified in this way with an en- ! try of a are never referenced . ! ! **Output** ! ! * if iflag = 1, then ! w contains the lu-factorization of a into a unit lower triangu- ! lar matrix l and an upper triangular matrix u (both banded) ! and stored in customary fashion over the corresponding entries ! of a . this makes it possible to solve any particular linear ! system a*x = b for x by a ! call dbnslv ( w, nroww, nrow, nbandl, nbandu, b ) ! with the solution x contained in b on return . ! * if iflag = 2, then ! one of nrow-1, nbandl,nbandu failed to be nonnegative, or else ! one of the potential pivots was found to be zero indicating ! that a does not have an lu-factorization. this implies that ! a is singular in case it is totally positive . ! !# History ! ! * banfac written by carl de boor [5] ! * dbnfac from CMLIB [1] ! * Jacob Williams, 5/10/2015 : converted to free-form Fortran. subroutine dbnfac(w,nroww,nrow,nbandl,nbandu,iflag) integer,intent(in) :: nroww !! row dimension of the work array w. must be >= nbandl + 1 + nbandu. integer,intent(in) :: nrow !! matrix order integer,intent(in) :: nbandl !! number of bands of a below the main diagonal integer,intent(in) :: nbandu !! number of bands of a above the main diagonal integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! indicating success(=1) or failure (=2) real(wp),dimension(nroww,nrow),intent(inout) :: w !! work array. See header for details. integer :: i, ipk, j, jmax, k, kmax, middle, midmk, nrowm1 real(wp) :: factor, pivot iflag = 1 middle = nbandu + 1 ! w(middle,.) contains the main diagonal of a. nrowm1 = nrow - 1 if (nrowm1 < 0) then iflag = 2 return elseif (nrowm1 == 0) then if (w(middle,nrow)==0.0_wp) iflag = 2 return endif if (nbandl<=0) then ! a is upper triangular. check that diagonal is nonzero . do i=1,nrowm1 if (w(middle,i)==0.0_wp) then iflag = 2 return endif enddo if (w(middle,nrow)==0.0_wp) iflag = 2 return endif if (nbandu<=0) then ! a is lower triangular. check that diagonal is nonzero and ! divide each column by its diagonal. do i=1,nrowm1 pivot = w(middle,i) if (pivot==0.0_wp) then iflag = 2 return endif jmax = min(nbandl,nrow-i) do j=1,jmax w(middle+j,i) = w(middle+j,i)/pivot enddo enddo return endif ! a is not just a triangular matrix. construct lu factorization do i=1,nrowm1 ! w(middle,i) is pivot for i-th step . pivot = w(middle,i) if (pivot==0.0_wp) then iflag = 2 return endif ! jmax is the number of (nonzero) entries in column i ! below the diagonal. jmax = min(nbandl,nrow-i) ! divide each entry in column i below diagonal by pivot. do j=1,jmax w(middle+j,i) = w(middle+j,i)/pivot enddo ! kmax is the number of (nonzero) entries in row i to ! the right of the diagonal. kmax = min(nbandu,nrow-i) ! subtract a(i,i+k)*(i-th column) from (i+k)-th column ! (below row i). do k=1,kmax ipk = i + k midmk = middle - k factor = w(midmk,ipk) do j=1,jmax w(midmk+j,ipk) = w(midmk+j,ipk) - w(middle+j,i)*factor enddo enddo enddo ! check the last diagonal entry. if (w(middle,nrow)==0.0_wp) iflag = 2 endsubroutine dbnfac !***************************************************************************************** !> Companion routine to [[dbnfac]]. it returns the solution x of the ! linear system a*x = b in place of b, given the lu-factorization ! for a in the work array w from dbnfac. ! ! (with \( a = l*u \), as stored in w), the unit lower triangular system ! \( l(u*x) = b \) is solved for \( y = u*x \), and y stored in b. then the ! upper triangular system \(u*x = y \) is solved for x. the calculations ! are so arranged that the innermost loops stay within columns. ! !# History ! ! * banslv written by carl de boor [5] ! * dbnslv from SLATEC library [1] ! * Jacob Williams, 5/10/2015 : converted to free-form Fortran. subroutine dbnslv(w,nroww,nrow,nbandl,nbandu,b) integer,intent(in) :: nroww !! describes the lu-factorization of a banded matrix a of order nrow as constructed in [[dbnfac]]. integer,intent(in) :: nrow !! describes the lu-factorization of a banded matrix a of order nrow as constructed in [[dbnfac]]. integer,intent(in) :: nbandl !! describes the lu-factorization of a banded matrix a of order nrow as constructed in [[dbnfac]]. integer,intent(in) :: nbandu !! describes the lu-factorization of a banded matrix a of order nrow as constructed in [[dbnfac]]. real(wp),dimension(nroww,nrow),intent(in) :: w !! describes the lu-factorization of a banded matrix a of order nrow as constructed in [[dbnfac]]. real(wp),dimension(nrow),intent(inout) :: b !! **in**: right side of the system to be solved !! **out**: the solution x, of order nrow integer :: i, j, jmax, middle, nrowm1 middle = nbandu + 1 if (nrow/=1) then nrowm1 = nrow - 1 if (nbandl/=0) then ! forward pass ! for i=1,2,...,nrow-1, subtract right side(i)*(i-th column of l) ! from right side (below i-th row). do i=1,nrowm1 jmax = min(nbandl,nrow-i) do j=1,jmax b(i+j) = b(i+j) - b(i)*w(middle+j,i) enddo enddo endif ! backward pass ! for i=nrow,nrow-1,...,1, divide right side(i) by i-th diagonal ! entry of u, then subtract right side(i)*(i-th column ! of u) from right side (above i-th row). if (nbandu<=0) then ! a is lower triangular. do i=1,nrow b(i) = b(i)/w(1,i) enddo return endif i = nrow do b(i) = b(i)/w(middle,i) jmax = min(nbandu,i-1) do j=1,jmax b(i-j) = b(i-j) - b(i)*w(middle-j,i) enddo i = i - 1 if (i<=1) exit enddo endif b(1) = b(1)/w(middle,1) endsubroutine dbnslv !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Calculates the value of all (possibly) nonzero basis ! functions at x of order max(jhigh,(j+1)*(index-1)), where t(k) ! <= x <= t(n+1) and j=iwork is set inside the routine on ! the first call when index=1. ileft is such that t(ileft) <= ! x < t(ileft+1). a call to dintrv(t,n+1,x,ilo,ileft,mflag) ! produces the proper ileft. dbspvn calculates using the basic ! algorithm needed in dbspvd. if only basis functions are ! desired, setting jhigh=k and index=1 can be faster than ! calling dbspvd, but extra coding is required for derivatives ! (index=2) and dbspvd is set up for this purpose. ! ! left limiting values are set up as described in dbspvd. ! !#Error Conditions ! ! * improper input ! !# History ! ! * bsplvn written by carl de boor [5] ! * dbspvn author: amos, d. e., (snla) : date written 800901 ! * revision date 820801 ! * 000330 modified array declarations. (jec) ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : extensive refactoring of CMLIB routine. subroutine dbspvn(t,jhigh,k,index,x,ileft,vnikx,work,iwork,iflag) implicit none real(wp),intent(in) :: t(*) !! knot vector of length n+k, where !! n = number of b-spline basis functions !! n = sum of knot multiplicities-k !! dimension t(ileft+jhigh) integer,intent(in) :: jhigh !! order of b-spline, 1 <= jhigh <= k integer,intent(in) :: k !! highest possible order integer,intent(in) :: index !! index = 1 gives basis functions of order jhigh !! = 2 denotes previous entry with work, iwork !! values saved for subsequent calls to !! dbspvn. real(wp),intent(in) :: x !! argument of basis functions, t(k) <= x <= t(n+1) integer,intent(in) :: ileft !! largest integer such that t(ileft) <= x < t(ileft+1) real(wp),intent(out) :: vnikx(k) !! vector of length k for spline values. real(wp),intent(out) :: work(*) !! a work vector of length 2*k integer,intent(out) :: iwork !! a work parameter. both work and iwork contain !! information necessary to continue for index = 2. !! when index = 1 exclusively, these are scratch !! variables and can be used for other purposes. integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! 0: no errors !! 201: k does not satisfy k>=1 !! 202: jhigh does not satisfy 1<=jhigh<=k !! 203: index is not 1 or 2 !! 204: x does not satisfy t(ileft)<=x<=t(ileft+1) integer :: imjp1, ipj, jp1, jp1ml, l real(wp) :: vm, vmprev ! content of j, deltam, deltap is expected unchanged between calls. ! work(i) = deltap(i), ! work(k+i) = deltam(i), i = 1,k if (k<1) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbspvn - k does not satisfy k>=1' iflag = 201 return endif if (jhigh>k .or. jhigh<1) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbspvn - jhigh does not satisfy 1<=jhigh<=k' iflag = 202 return endif if (index<1 .or. index>2) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbspvn - index is not 1 or 2' iflag = 203 return endif if (x<t(ileft) .or. x>t(ileft+1)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbspvn - x does not satisfy t(ileft)<=x<=t(ileft+1)' iflag = 204 return endif iflag = 0 if (index==1) then iwork = 1 vnikx(1) = 1.0_wp if (iwork>=jhigh) return endif do ipj = ileft + iwork work(iwork) = t(ipj) - x imjp1 = ileft - iwork + 1 work(k+iwork) = x - t(imjp1) vmprev = 0.0_wp jp1 = iwork + 1 do l=1,iwork jp1ml = jp1 - l vm = vnikx(l)/(work(l)+work(k+jp1ml)) vnikx(l) = vm*work(l) + vmprev vmprev = vm*work(k+jp1ml) enddo vnikx(jp1) = vmprev iwork = jp1 if (iwork>=jhigh) exit enddo endsubroutine dbspvn !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Evaluates the b-representation (t,a,n,k) of a b-spline ! at x for the function value on ideriv=0 or any of its ! derivatives on ideriv=1,2,...,k-1. right limiting values ! (right derivatives) are returned except at the right end ! point x=t(n+1) where left limiting values are computed. the ! spline is defined on t(k) <= x <= t(n+1). dbvalu returns ! a fatal error message when x is outside of this interval. ! ! to compute left derivatives or left limiting values at a ! knot t(i), replace n by i-1 and set x=t(i), i=k+1,n+1. ! !#Error Conditions ! ! * improper input ! !# History ! ! * bvalue written by carl de boor [5] ! * dbvalu author: amos, d. e., (snla) : date written 800901 ! * revision date 820801 ! * 000330 modified array declarations. (jec) ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : extensive refactoring of CMLIB routine. real(wp) function dbvalu(t,a,n,k,ideriv,x,inbv,work,iflag) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: n !! number of b-spline coefficients. !! (sum of knot multiplicities-k) real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: t !! knot vector of length n+k real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in) :: a !! b-spline coefficient vector of length n integer,intent(in) :: k !! order of the b-spline, k >= 1 integer,intent(in) :: ideriv !! order of the derivative, 0 <= ideriv <= k-1. !! ideriv = 0 returns the b-spline value real(wp),intent(in) :: x !! argument, t(k) <= x <= t(n+1) integer,intent(inout) :: inbv !! an initialization parameter which must be set !! to 1 the first time dbvalu is called. !! inbv contains information for efficient process- !! ing after the initial call and inbv must not !! be changed by the user. distinct splines require !! distinct inbv parameters. real(wp),dimension(:) :: work !! work vector of length 3*k integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! 0: no errors !! 401: k does not satisfy k>=1 !! 402: n does not satisfy n>=k !! 403: ideriv does not satisfy 0<=ideriv<k !! 404: x is not greater than or equal to t(k) !! 405: x is not less than or equal to t(n+1) !! 406: a left limiting value cannot be obtained at t(k) integer :: i,iderp1,ihi,ihmkmj,ilo,imk,imkpj,ipj,& ip1,ip1mj,j,jj,j1,j2,kmider,kmj,km1,kpk,mflag real(wp) :: fkmj dbvalu = 0.0_wp if (k<1) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbvalu - k does not satisfy k>=1' iflag = 401 return endif if (n<k) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbvalu - n does not satisfy n>=k' iflag = 402 return endif if (ideriv<0 .or. ideriv>=k) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbvalu - ideriv does not satisfy 0<=ideriv<k' iflag = 403 return endif kmider = k - ideriv ! find *i* in (k,n) such that t(i) <= x < t(i+1) ! (or, <= t(i+1) if t(i) < t(i+1) = t(n+1)). km1 = k - 1 call dintrv(t, n+1, x, inbv, i, mflag) if (x<t(k)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbvalu - x is not greater than or equal to t(k)' iflag = 404 return endif if (mflag/=0) then if (x>t(i)) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbvalu - x is not less than or equal to t(n+1)' iflag = 405 return endif do if (i==k) then write(error_unit,'(A)') 'dbvalu - a left limiting value cannot be obtained at t(k)' iflag = 406 return endif i = i - 1 if (x/=t(i)) exit enddo endif ! difference the coefficients *ideriv* times ! work(i) = aj(i), work(k+i) = dp(i), work(k+k+i) = dm(i), i=1.k imk = i - k do j=1,k imkpj = imk + j work(j) = a(imkpj) enddo if (ideriv/=0) then do j=1,ideriv kmj = k - j fkmj = real(kmj,wp) do jj=1,kmj ihi = i + jj ihmkmj = ihi - kmj work(jj) = (work(jj+1)-work(jj))/(t(ihi)-t(ihmkmj))*fkmj enddo enddo endif ! compute value at *x* in (t(i),(t(i+1)) of ideriv-th derivative, ! given its relevant b-spline coeff. in aj(1),...,aj(k-ideriv). if (ideriv/=km1) then ip1 = i + 1 kpk = k + k j1 = k + 1 j2 = kpk + 1 do j=1,kmider ipj = i + j work(j1) = t(ipj) - x ip1mj = ip1 - j work(j2) = x - t(ip1mj) j1 = j1 + 1 j2 = j2 + 1 enddo iderp1 = ideriv + 1 do j=iderp1,km1 kmj = k - j ilo = kmj do jj=1,kmj work(jj) = (work(jj+1)*work(kpk+ilo)+work(jj)*& work(k+jj))/(work(kpk+ilo)+work(k+jj)) ilo = ilo - 1 enddo enddo endif iflag = 0 dbvalu = work(1) endfunction dbvalu !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** !> Computes the largest integer ileft in 1 <= ileft <= lxt ! such that XT(ileft) <= x where XT(*) is a subdivision of ! the x interval. ! precisely, ! !```fortran ! if x < XT(1) then ileft=1, mflag=-1 ! if XT(i) <= x < XT(i+1) then ileft=i, mflag=0 ! if XT(lxt) <= x then ileft=lxt, mflag=1 !``` ! ! that is, when multiplicities are present in the break point ! to the left of x, the largest index is taken for ileft. ! !# History ! ! * interv written by carl de boor [5] ! * dintrv author: amos, d. e., (snla) : date written 800901 ! * revision date 820801 ! * Jacob Williams, 2/24/2015 : updated to free-form Fortran. subroutine dintrv(XT,lxt,x,ilo,ileft,mflag) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: lxt !! length of the XT vector real(wp),dimension(lxt),intent(in) :: XT !! a knot or break point vector of length lxt real(wp),intent(in) :: x !! argument integer,intent(inout) :: ilo !! an initialization parameter which must be set !! to 1 the first time the spline array XT is !! processed by dintrv. ilo contains information for !! efficient processing after the initial call and ilo !! must not be changed by the user. distinct splines !! require distinct ilo parameters. integer,intent(out) :: ileft !! largest integer satisfying XT(ileft) <= x integer,intent(out) :: mflag !! signals when x lies out of bounds integer :: ihi, istep, middle ihi = ilo + 1 if (ihi<lxt) go to 10 if (x>=XT(lxt)) go to 110 if (lxt<=1) go to 90 ilo = lxt - 1 ihi = lxt 10 if (x>=XT(ihi)) go to 40 if (x>=XT(ilo)) go to 100 ! *** now x < XT(ihi) . find lower bound istep = 1 20 ihi = ilo ilo = ihi - istep if (ilo<=1) go to 30 if (x>=XT(ilo)) go to 70 istep = istep*2 go to 20 30 ilo = 1 if (x<XT(1)) go to 90 go to 70 ! *** now x >= XT(ilo) . find upper bound 40 istep = 1 50 ilo = ihi ihi = ilo + istep if (ihi>=lxt) go to 60 if (x<XT(ihi)) go to 70 istep = istep*2 go to 50 60 if (x>=XT(lxt)) go to 110 ihi = lxt ! *** now XT(ilo) <= x < XT(ihi) . narrow the interval 70 middle = (ilo+ihi)/2 if (middle==ilo) go to 100 ! note. it is assumed that middle = ilo in case ihi = ilo+1 if (x<XT(middle)) go to 80 ilo = middle go to 70 80 ihi = middle go to 70 ! *** set output and return 90 mflag = -1 ileft = 1 return 100 mflag = 0 ileft = ilo return 110 mflag = 1 ileft = lxt endsubroutine dintrv !***************************************************************************************** !***************************************************************************************** endmodule bspline !***************************************************************************************** !~ use bspline !~ use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: wp => real64 !~ implicit none !~ integer, parameter :: kx = 4 !! x bspline order !~ integer, parameter :: ky = 4 !! y bspline order !~ integer, parameter :: idx = 0 !! [[db2val]] input !~ integer, parameter :: idy = 0 !! [[db2val]] input !~ integer, parameter :: nx = 2584 !! number of points in x dimension in original grid !~ integer, parameter :: ny = 1945 !! number of points in y dimension in original grid !~ real(wp), dimension(nx) :: x !! x points in original grid !~ real(wp), dimension(ny) :: y !! y points in original grid !~ integer, parameter :: nx_new = 4096 !! number of points in x dimension for new grid !~ integer, parameter :: ny_new = 2048 !! number of points in y dimension for new grid !~ real(wp), dimension(nx_new) :: x_new !! new grid x points !~ real(wp), dimension(ny_new) :: y_new !! new grid y points !~ real(wp), dimension(nx_new, ny_new) :: fcn_new !! new grid function evaluations !~ real(wp), dimension(nx +kx) :: tx !! x knots !~ real(wp), dimension(ny +ky) :: ty !! y knots !~ real(wp), dimension(nx, ny) :: fcn_2d !! original grid function evaluations !~ real(wp) :: val !~ integer :: i, j !~ integer :: iflag !! status flag !~ integer :: inbvx, inbvy, iloy !~ fcn_2d(i, j) = prof(i, j) !~ do i = 1, nx !~ x(i) = real(i-1,kind=wp)/(nx-1) !~ enddo !~ do j = 1, ny !~ y(j) = real(j-1,kind=wp)/(ny-1) !~ enddo !~ do i = 1, nx_new !~ x_new(i) = real(i-1,kind=wp)/(nx_new-1) !~ enddo !~ do j = 1, ny_new !~ y_new(j) = real(j-1,kind=wp)/(ny_new-1) !~ enddo !~ inbvx = 1 !~ inbvy = 1 !~ iloy = 1 !~ iflag = 0 !~ call db2ink(x, nx, y, ny, fcn_2d, kx, ky, tx, ty, fcn_2d, iflag) !~ if (iflag/=1) error stop 'error calling db2ink' !~ errmax = 0.0_wp !~ do i = 1, nx_new !~ do j = 1, ny_new !~ call db2val(x_new(i), y_new(j), idx, idy, tx, ty, nx, ny, kx, ky, fcn_2d, val, iflag, inbvx, inbvy, iloy) !~ if (iflag/=0) error stop 'error calling db2val' !~ fcn_new(i,j) = val !~ enddo !~ enddo