!< author: Noël Brunetière<br/> Arthur Francisco ! version: 1.0.0 ! date: july, 12 2018 ! ! <span style="color: #337ab7; font-family: cabin; font-size: 1.5em;"> ! **Api for different sparse matrix solvers** ! </span> module solver use iso_c_binding, only : C_PTR, C_NULL_PTR, C_ASSOCIATED use iso_fortran_env, only : output_unit, error_unit use data_arch, only : I4, I8, R8, EPS_R8, HIG_R8, OPU use gen_param, only : SOLV_MESS, NO_MESS, PRINT_MESS use sort_arrays, only : sort_int_1real, sort_int_1int_1real !------------------------------------------------- #if WITH_MA48 use hsl_ma48_double #endif !------------------------------------------------- use sulu_wrapper, MAT_SULU => SULU_ENV , & SULU_SAMEPATTERN => SAMEPATTERN , & SULU_FACTORED => FACTORED , & SULU_DOFACT => DOFACT !------------------------------------------------- use mumps_wrapper, MAT_MUMP => DMUMPS_STRUC !------------------------------------------------- use mumfpack, only : UMFPACK_CONTROL , & UMFPACK_STATUS , & UMFPACK_INFO , & UMFPACK_PRL , & UMFPACK_IRSTEP , & UMFPACK_NUMERIC_SIZE_ESTIMATE , & UMFPACK_PEAK_MEMORY_ESTIMATE , & UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_UNIT , & UMFPACK_DI_DEFAULTS , & UMFPACK_DI_REPORT_CONTROL , & UMFPACK_DI_FREE_NUMERIC , & UMFPACK_DI_FREE_SYMBOLIC , & UMFPACK_DI_REPORT_INFO , & S_UMFPACK_DI_SYMBOLIC , & S_UMFPACK_DI_NUMERIC , & S_UMFPACK_DI_SOLVE , & UMFPACK_A !------------------------------------------------- implicit none private #if WITH_MA48 type MAT_MA48 !! <span style="color:green">All the stuff needed by *HSL_MA48*</span> type(ZD11_TYPE) :: zmat type(MA48_CONTROL) :: ctrl type(MA48_AINFO) :: ainf type(MA48_FINFO) :: finf type(MA48_SINFO) :: sinf type(MA48_FACTORS) :: fact integer(kind=I4) :: fast real(kind=R8), dimension(2):: resid endtype MAT_MA48 #else type MAT_MA48 endtype MAT_MA48 #endif type MAT_UMFP !! <span style="color:green">All the stuff needed by *UMFPACK*</span> type(c_ptr) :: c_symbolic type(c_ptr) :: c_numeric real(kind=R8), dimension(0:UMFPACK_CONTROL-1) :: c_control real(kind=R8), dimension(0:UMFPACK_INFO -1) :: c_info endtype MAT_UMFP type MAT_SOLV !! <span style="color:green">MUSST high level system type</span> integer(kind=I4) :: slv_t !! *solver type* logical(kind=I4) :: first = .true. !! *analysis of the system to be done?* integer(kind=I4) :: nn !! *number of nodes* integer(kind=I4) :: ne !! *number of elements* integer(kind=I4) :: nt !! *number of **a priori** non-zero terms in the matrix* integer(kind=I4) :: nz !! *number of non-zero terms in the matrix* integer(kind=I4) :: nvar !! *eltvar length ( if 4-nodes elt -> 2 lines X number of elemental matrices)* integer(kind=I4) :: code !! *error code* [not used yet] real(kind=R8) :: error !! *error value* [not used yet] character(len=1024) :: mess !! *message* [not used yet] !..................................................... type(MAT_MUMP) :: matmump !! *matrices for mumps solver* type(MAT_MA48) :: matma48 !! *matrices for ma48 solver* type(MAT_SULU) :: matsulu !! *matrices for SuperLu solver* type(MAT_UMFP) :: matumfp !! *matrices for Umfpack solver* !..................................................... integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), allocatable :: eltvar !! *rows in assembled matrix* integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), allocatable :: eltptr !! *element rows pointer* real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: a_elt !! *unassembled rigidity matrix* !..................................................... integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), allocatable :: irow !! *line number* integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), allocatable :: jcol !! *column number* integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), allocatable :: jptr !! *line pointer* !..................................................... real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: b !! *right hand side vector* real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: x !! *unknwon vector* endtype MAT_SOLV !< <span style="color:green">MUSST multiscale high level solver type</span> ! @note ```MS_MAT_SOLV``` is needed by MUSST, but it is useless for the present module ! type MS_MAT_SOLV type(MAT_SOLV) :: ts_mat !! *top-scale solver type matrices* type(MAT_SOLV), dimension(:), allocatable :: bs_mat !! *bottom-scale solver type matrices (table)* integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), allocatable :: ass_loc_in_mat !! *table for assembly location (for parallel computation)* endtype ms_mat_solv ! Solver types integer(kind=I4), parameter :: MA48 = 0 !! *code for Ma48 solver type* integer(kind=I4), parameter :: SULU = 1 !! *code for SUPER LU solver type* integer(kind=I4), parameter :: MUMP = 2 !! *code for MUMPS solver type* integer(kind=I4), parameter :: UMFP = 3 !! *code for UMFPACK solver type* ! What solver to use for bottom- or top- scale grids integer(kind=I4) :: SOLVER_BS = -1 !! *solver used for bottom scale grids* [not used by the present module] integer(kind=I4) :: SOLVER_TS = -1 !! *solver used for top scale grids* [not used by the present module] public :: MAT_SOLV, MS_MAT_SOLV, solve_syst, MUMP, UMFP, SULU, SOLVER_BS, SOLVER_TS, SOLV_MESS, convert_matrice_format contains !========================================================================================= !< @note General hat subroutine that handles the resolution steps: <br/> ! * ```ini``` solver initialization <br/> ! * ```ana``` solver analyzis when it's proposed by the solver <br/> ! * ```fac``` solver factorization <br/> ! * ```sol``` solver solution <br/> ! * ```fre``` solver memory release when it's proposed by the solver <br/> ! * ```end``` solver end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine solve_syst(mat, step) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* character(len=*), intent(in) :: step !! *'ini'=initialize, 'ana'=analyze, 'fac'=factorize, 'sol'=solve, 'fre'=free memory, 'end'=close solver* if ( index(step, 'ini')/=0 ) then ; call init_solver( mat) ; return ; endif if ( index(step, 'ana')/=0 ) then ; call analyse_solver( mat) ; return ; endif if ( index(step, 'fac')/=0 ) then ; call factorize_solver(mat) ; return ; endif if ( index(step, 'sol')/=0 ) then ; call solution_solver( mat) ; return ; endif if ( index(step, 'fre')/=0 ) then ; call freefact_solver( mat) ; return ; endif if ( index(step, 'end')/=0 ) then ; call close_solver( mat) ; return ; endif stop 'Bad step chosen in SOLVE_SYST' return endsubroutine solve_syst !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to initialize the matrices of the solver !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init_solver(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* integer(kind=I4) :: ierr ! allocation of the system vectors: rhs and unknown allocate( mat%b(mat%nn), mat%x(mat%nn) ) mat%b = HIG_R8 mat%x = HIG_R8 ! check solver type select case (mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 call ma48_initialize(factors = mat%matma48%fact, & control = mat%matma48%ctrl) select case(SOLV_MESS) case(NO_MESS) mat%matma48%ctrl%wp = -1 mat%matma48%ctrl%mp = -1 mat%matma48%ctrl%ldiag = -1 case(PRINT_MESS:) mat%matma48%ctrl%ldiag = +2 endselect #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) call mpi_init(ierr) mat%matmump%comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD mat%matmump%job = -1 ! initialisation mat%matmump%sym = 0 ! no symetry mat%matmump%par = 1 ! MPI, host working call dmumps(mat%matmump) mat%matmump%icntl(1) = output_unit ! output stream for error messages mat%matmump%icntl(2) = error_unit ! output stream for diagnostic printing, statistics, and warning messages. mat%matmump%icntl(3) = error_unit ! output stream for global information, collected on the host. mat%matmump%icntl(4) = 1 ! level of printing for error, warning, and diagnostic messages. 1 : only errors mat%matmump%icntl(5) = 1 ! Specify element entry : elemental matrices if (mat%matmump%infog(1) < 0) then write(OPU,'(a,a,i6,a,i9)') ' error return: ', & ' mumps_par%infog(1)= ', mat%matmump%infog(1), & ' mumps_par%infog(2)= ', mat%matmump%infog(2) call mpi_finalize(ierr) stop 'MUMP error, INIT_SOLVER' endif select case(SOLV_MESS) case(NO_MESS) mat%matmump%icntl(4) = 1 ! error output only case(PRINT_MESS:) mat%matmump%icntl(4) = 3 ! all error output endselect case(SULU) call init_superlu(sulu = mat%matsulu) select case(SOLV_MESS) case(NO_MESS) mat%matsulu%options%PrintStat = 0 case(PRINT_MESS:) mat%matsulu%options%PrintStat = 1 endselect case(UMFP) mat%matumfp%c_numeric = C_NULL_PTR call umfpack_di_defaults(mat%matumfp%c_control) select case(SOLV_MESS) case(NO_MESS) mat%matumfp%c_control(UMFPACK_PRL) = 1 case(PRINT_MESS:) mat%matumfp%c_control(UMFPACK_PRL) = 2 endselect call umfpack_di_report_control(mat%matumfp%c_control) case default stop 'Unknown solver type, INIT_SOLVER' endselect return endsubroutine init_solver !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to analyse, factorize (symbolic) the matrix of the system !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine analyse_solver(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout), target :: mat !! *high level system type* select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 mat%matma48%zmat%row => mat%irow mat%matma48%zmat%col => mat%jcol mat%matma48%zmat%val => mat%a_elt mat%matma48%zmat%n = mat%nn mat%matma48%zmat%m = mat%nn mat%matma48%zmat%ne = mat%nz call ma48_analyse(matrix = mat%matma48%zmat, & factors = mat%matma48%fact, & control = mat%matma48%ctrl, & ainfo = mat%matma48%ainf, & finfo = mat%matma48%finf) if (mat%matma48%ainf%flag < 0) then write(OPU,*) 'Failure of ma48_analyse with ainfop%flag = ', mat%matma48%ainf%flag stop endif #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) mat%matmump%eltptr => mat%eltptr mat%matmump%eltvar => mat%eltvar mat%matmump%a_elt => mat%a_elt mat%matmump%rhs => mat%b mat%matmump%n = mat%nn mat%matmump%nelt = mat%ne mat%matmump%job = 1 ! performs the analysis call dmumps(mat%matmump) case(SULU) mat%matsulu%irow => mat%irow mat%matsulu%jptr => mat%jptr mat%matsulu%a_elt => mat%a_elt mat%matsulu%b => mat%b mat%matsulu%n = mat%nn mat%matsulu%nz = mat%nz mat%matsulu%nrhs = 1 mat%matsulu%first = .true. call prep_superlu(sulu = mat%matsulu) case(UMFP) call s_umfpack_di_symbolic(n_row = mat%nn, & n_col = mat%nn, & Ap = mat%jptr, & Ai = mat%irow, & Ax = mat%a_elt, & Symbolic = mat%matumfp%c_symbolic, & Control = mat%matumfp%c_control, & Info = mat%matumfp%c_info) case default stop 'ANALYSE_SOLVER : unknown solver type' endselect return endsubroutine analyse_solver !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to factorize the matrix of the system !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine factorize_solver(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 call ma48_factorize( matrix = mat%matma48%zmat, & factors = mat%matma48%fact, & control = mat%matma48%ctrl, & finfo = mat%matma48%finf, & fast = mat%matma48%fast) if (mat%matma48%finf%flag < 0) then write(OPU,*) 'Failure of ma48_factorize with finfo%flag = ', mat%matma48%finf%flag stop endif #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) mat%matmump%job = 2 call dmumps(mat%matmump) case(SULU) ! Just factorize once, in the case that the matrix doesn't change much if (mat%matsulu%first) call fact_superlu( sulu = mat%matsulu, & verbose = (mat%matsulu%options%PrintStat==1)) case(UMFP) call umfpack_di_free_numeric(Numeric = mat%matumfp%c_numeric) ! first release memory call s_umfpack_di_numeric(Ap = mat%jptr, & Ai = mat%irow, & Ax = mat%a_elt, & Symbolic = mat%matumfp%c_symbolic, & Numeric = mat%matumfp%c_numeric, & Control = mat%matumfp%c_control, & Info = mat%matumfp%c_info) case default stop 'Unknown solver type, FACTORIZE_SOLVER' endselect return endsubroutine factorize_solver !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to solve the system \([A]\{x\} = \{b\}\) (sparse A) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine solution_solver(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), target, intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* integer(kind=I4) :: ierr select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 call ma48_solve(matrix = mat%matma48%zmat, & factors = mat%matma48%fact, & rhs = mat%b, & x = mat%x, & control = mat%matma48%ctrl, & sinfo = mat%matma48%sinf, & resid = mat%matma48%resid, & error = mat%error) #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) mat%matmump%job = 3 call dmumps(mat%matmump) if (mat%matmump%infog(1) < 0) then write(OPU,'(a,a,i6,a,i9)') ' error return: ', & ' mumps_par%infog(1)= ', mat%matmump%infog(1), & ' mumps_par%infog(2)= ', mat%matmump%infog(2) call mpi_finalize(ierr) stop 'Error in SOLUTION_SOLVER' endif ! solution has been assembled on the host if ( mat%matmump%myid == 0 ) then mat%x(1:mat%nn) = mat%matmump%rhs(1:mat%nn) endif case(SULU) call solv_superlu(sol_x = mat%x, & sulu = mat%matsulu, & verbose = (mat%matsulu%options%PrintStat==1)) mat%matsulu%first = .false. case(UMFP) ! Numeric factors must exist if (.not.C_ASSOCIATED(mat%matumfp%c_numeric)) call solve_syst(mat, 'fac') mat%matumfp%c_control(UMFPACK_IRSTEP) = 0 ! solve ax=b, without iterative refinement ! If you want to evaluate the required RAM (Go) ! write(*,*) mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_PEAK_MEMORY_ESTIMATE)/mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_UNIT)/1e9 ! write(*,*) sizeof(mat%a_elt)/1e9 call s_umfpack_di_solve(sys = UMFPACK_A, & x = mat%x, & b = mat%b, & numeric = mat%matumfp%c_numeric, & control = mat%matumfp%c_control, & info = mat%matumfp%c_info) if (mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_STATUS) < 0) then write(OPU, *) 'error occurred in umfpack_di_solve: ', mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_STATUS) stop 'Error in SOLUTION_SOLVER' endif case default stop 'Unknown solver type, SOLUTION_SOLVER' endselect return endsubroutine solution_solver !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to free the factors if applicable !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine freefact_solver(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 continue #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) continue case(SULU) call free_superlu() case(UMFP) call umfpack_di_free_numeric(Numeric = mat%matumfp%c_numeric) ! free the numeric factorization case default stop 'unknown solver type, FREEFACT_SOLVER' endselect return endsubroutine freefact_solver !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to close the solver !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine close_solver(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* integer(kind=I4) :: ierr deallocate( mat%eltptr ) deallocate( mat%eltvar ) select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 nullify( mat%matma48%zmat%row ) nullify( mat%matma48%zmat%col ) nullify( mat%matma48%zmat%val ) call ma48_finalize(factors = mat%matma48%fact, & control = mat%matma48%ctrl, & info = ierr) deallocate( mat%b, mat%x ) #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) if ( mat%matmump%myid == 0 )then nullify( mat%matmump%rhs ) nullify( mat%matmump%eltptr ) nullify( mat%matmump%eltvar ) nullify( mat%matmump%a_elt ) endif ! destroy the instance (deallocate internal data structures) mat%matmump%job = -2 call dmumps(mat%matmump) if (mat%matmump%infog(1) < 0) then write(OPU,'(a,a,i6,a,i9)') ' error return: ', & ' mumps_par%infog(1)= ', mat%matmump%infog(1), & ' mumps_par%infog(2)= ', mat%matmump%infog(2) call mpi_finalize(ierr) stop 'Error MUMP in close_solver' endif call mpi_finalize(ierr) deallocate( mat%b, mat%x ) case(SULU) call close_superlu(sulu = mat%matsulu) nullify( mat%matsulu%b ) nullify( mat%matsulu%irow ) nullify( mat%matsulu%jptr ) nullify( mat%matsulu%a_elt ) case(UMFP) deallocate( mat%jptr, mat%irow ) call umfpack_di_free_numeric(Numeric = mat%matumfp%c_numeric) ! free the numeric factorization ! no lu factors (numeric) are in memory at this point. call umfpack_di_free_symbolic(Symbolic = mat%matumfp%c_symbolic) ! free the symbolic analysis call umfpack_di_report_info(Control = mat%matumfp%c_control, & Info = mat%matumfp%c_info) ! print final statistics deallocate( mat%b, mat%x ) case default stop 'Unknown solver type, close_solver' endselect return endsubroutine close_solver !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to transform the Rutherford Boeing format into Harwell Boeing and triplet !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine convert_matrice_format(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout), target :: mat !! *high level system type* integer(kind=I4) :: i ! ======================================================================================================================= ! Compressed Column Storage (CCS) is also called the Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix format. ! ************************************************ ! Elemental entries (example provided by MUMP): ! A1 = 1|-1 2 3| A2 = 3|2 -1 3| ! 2| 2 1 1| 4|1 2 -1| ! 3| 1 1 1| 5|3 2 1| => a_elt = (-1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, -1, 2, 2, 3, -1, 1) ! ! A = 1|-1 2 3 0 0| ! 2| 2 1 1 0 0| ! 3| 1 1 3 -1 3| ! 4| 0 0 1 2 -1| ! 5| 0 0 3 2 1| => eltvar = (1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5), it locates the elemental matrix line in the assembled matrix ! => eltptr = (1, 4, 7), it gives the elemental matrix first entry position in eltvar (last ! position being size(eltvar)+1) ! ! ************************************************ ! Assembled matrix : ! A being the same, a_elt = (-1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, -1, 2, 2, 3, -1, 1) ! irow = ( 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5) ! jptr = (1, 4, 7, 12, 15, 18) ! ! ======================================================================================================================= ! Triplet form ! ************************************************ ! For each non zero a_elt entry, returns its row and column number ! A being the same, a_elt = (-1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, -1, 2, 2, 3, -1, 1) ! irow = ( 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5) ! jcol = ( 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5) call from_elemental_to_assembled(mat = mat) select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) ! Triplet form: irow, jcol, a_elt #if WITH_MA48 continue #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) ! Compressed row, elemental entries chosen: eltptr, eltvar, a_elt continue case(UMFP, SULU) ! Compressed row, assembled form: irow, jptr, a_elt deallocate( mat%jcol ) ! no more needed ! UMFP and SULU allocations begin at 0 (C convention) do i = 1, mat%nn +1 mat%jptr(i) = mat%jptr(i) -1 enddo if (mat%slv_t==SULU) mat%matsulu%jptr => mat%jptr ! otherwise, matsulu%jptr will be associated to ! a deallocated part of memory do i = 1, mat%nz mat%irow(i) = mat%irow(i) -1 enddo case default stop 'Unknown solver type, CONVERT_MATRICE_FORMAT' endselect return endsubroutine convert_matrice_format !========================================================================================= !> @note Subroutine to transform the elemental entries into assembled CC vectors !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine from_elemental_to_assembled(mat) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), intent(inout), target :: mat !! *high level system type* integer(kind=I4), pointer :: solver, nb_elt, n, ntot, nz integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), pointer :: eltptr integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), pointer :: eltvar real(kind=R8), dimension(:), pointer :: a_elt integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), pointer :: irow, jcol integer(kind=I4), dimension(:), pointer :: jptr integer(kind=I4) :: inelt, imatorder, i, j, ii, jj, i1, i2, ir1, ir2, jr1, jr2, itmp, innz, state solver => mat%slv_t nb_elt => mat%ne n => mat%nn ntot => mat%nt nz => mat%nz if (solver==MUMP) return ! conversion from elemental form to triplet form, perhaps with null a_elts !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- state = 0 if (.not.allocated(mat%irow)) allocate( mat%irow(ntot), stat = state ) if (state/=0) stop 'Memory allocation problem, FROM_ELEMENTAL_TO_ASSEMBLED' if (.not.allocated(mat%jcol)) allocate( mat%jcol(ntot), stat = state ) if (state/=0) stop 'Memory allocation problem, FROM_ELEMENTAL_TO_ASSEMBLED' eltptr => mat%eltptr eltvar => mat%eltvar a_elt => mat%a_elt irow => mat%irow jcol => mat%jcol jptr => mat%jptr irow(1:ntot) = -1 jcol(1:ntot) = -1 ii = 1 do inelt = 1, nb_elt imatorder = eltptr(inelt +1) -eltptr(inelt) do i = 1, imatorder irow(ii:(ii +imatorder -1)) = eltvar(eltptr(inelt):eltptr(inelt+1) -1) jcol(ii:(ii +imatorder -1)) = eltvar(eltptr(inelt) +i -1) ii = ii +imatorder enddo enddo ! where a_elt brings no contribution, rows and columns are zeroed !----------------------------------------------------------------- where( abs(a_elt) < EPS_R8 ) irow = 0 jcol = 0 endwhere ! the triplet irow, jcol and a_elt is sorted according jcol !----------------------------------------------------------- call sort_int_1int_1real(g=1, d=ntot, itabref=jcol(1:ntot), itab1=irow(1:ntot), rtab2=a_elt(1:ntot)) ! column pointer determination for each new value !---------------------------------------------- if (allocated(mat%jptr)) deallocate(mat%jptr) ; allocate( mat%jptr(n +1) ) ; jptr => mat%jptr ii = 1 do if (jcol(ii) > 0) exit ! zeroed terms are ignored ii = ii +1 enddo jptr(1) = ii do i = 1, n -1 itmp = jcol(ii) do ii = ii +1 if (jcol(ii) /= itmp) exit enddo jptr(i +1) = ii enddo jptr(n +1) = ntot +1 ! columns are already sorted; rows are now sorted for each row value !-------------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, n i1 = jptr(i) i2 = jptr(i +1) -1 call sort_int_1real(g=1, d=i2 -i1 +1, itabref=irow(i1:i2), rtab1=a_elt(i1:i2)) enddo ! assembly starting from the jcol, irow and a_elt top ! for identical matrix locations, a_elts are added !----------------------------------------------------- innz = 1 jj = jptr(1) ! first non-zero element jr1 = jcol(jj) ir1 = irow(jj) jcol(innz) = jr1 irow(innz) = ir1 a_elt(innz) = a_elt(jj) do j = jj +1, ntot jr2 = jcol(j) ir2 = irow(j) if ( (jr2 /= jr1).or.(ir2 /= ir1) ) then ! if row or column index has changed innz = innz +1 ! a non-zero term is added jcol(innz) = jr2 irow(innz) = ir2 a_elt(innz) = a_elt(j) else a_elt(innz) = a_elt(innz) + a_elt(j) ! row and column indexes are the same, stiffness terms are added endif jr1 = jr2 ! stores (i-1) and (j-1) for further comparison ir1 = ir2 enddo nz = innz jcol( nz +1:ntot) = -1 irow( nz +1:ntot) = -1 a_elt(nz +1:ntot) = huge(1._R8) ! col pointer update !---------------------------------------------- jj = 1 jptr(1) = 1 do j = 1, n -1 itmp = jcol(jj) do jj = jj +1 if (jcol(jj) /= itmp) exit enddo jptr(j +1) = jj enddo jptr(n +1) = nz +1 nullify(eltptr, eltvar, a_elt, irow, jcol, jptr) return endsubroutine from_elemental_to_assembled endmodule solver