!< author: Arthur Francisco ! version: 1.0.0 ! date: july, 23 2018 ! ! <span style="color: #337ab7; font-family: cabin; font-size: 1.5em;"> ! **Routines to handle Digital Surf binary format (.sur)** ! </span> module surfile use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only : C_CHAR, C_NULL_CHAR, C_FLOAT, C_INT, C_SHORT use data_arch use sort_arrays, only : sort_real, sort_real_1real, sort_real_2real implicit none private !< <span style="color:green">Surface object: header and heights</span> ! @note ! Adapted from 'surffile.c', 'gwyddion' software, Copyright (C) 2005 David Necas, Petr Klapetek. ! @endnote ! @warning ! Must be 512 bytes long ! @endwarning type SCALE_SURF ! bytes below: 8+10+2*12+9*16+2*30+34+128 = 408 character(len = 12) :: signature character(len = 16) :: xlength_unit character(len = 16) :: ylength_unit character(len = 16) :: zlength_unit character(len = 16) :: xaxis character(len = 16) :: yaxis character(len = 16) :: zaxis character(len = 16) :: dx_unit character(len = 16) :: dy_unit character(len = 16) :: dz_unit character(len = 30) :: object_name character(len = 30) :: operator_name character(len = 128) :: client_zone character(len = 8) :: reserved character(len = 34) :: reservedzone character(len = 12) :: obsolete character(len = 10) :: obsolete2 ! bytes below: 10*4 = 40 real(kind=R4) :: dx real(kind=R4) :: dy real(kind=R4) :: dz real(kind=R4) :: xunit_ratio real(kind=R4) :: yunit_ratio real(kind=R4) :: zunit_ratio real(kind=R4) :: XOffset real(kind=R4) :: YOffset real(kind=R4) :: ZOffset real(kind=R4) :: measurement_duration ! bytes below: 5*4 = 20 integer(kind=I4) :: zmin integer(kind=I4) :: zmax integer(kind=I4) :: xres integer(kind=I4) :: yres integer(kind=I4) :: nofpoints ! bytes below: 22*2 = 44 integer(kind=2) :: format integer(kind=2) :: version integer(kind=2) :: material_code integer(kind=2) :: type integer(kind=2) :: range integer(kind=2) :: special_points integer(kind=2) :: absolute integer(kind=2) :: pointsize integer(kind=2) :: imprint integer(kind=2) :: inversion integer(kind=2) :: leveling integer(kind=2) :: seconds integer(kind=2) :: minutes integer(kind=2) :: hours integer(kind=2) :: day integer(kind=2) :: month integer(kind=2) :: year integer(kind=2) :: dayof integer(kind=2) :: comment_size integer(kind=2) :: private_size integer(kind=2) :: nobjects integer(kind=2) :: acquisition real(kind=R8) :: lx !! *surface length* real(kind=R8) :: ly !! *surface width* real(kind=R8) :: lz !! *surface height (max -min)* real(kind=R8) :: mu !! *surface mean height* real(kind=R8) :: si !! *surface mean height* endtype SCALE_SURF type OBJ_SURF ! bytes below: 8+10+2*12+9*16+2*30+34+128 = 408 character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 12) :: signature character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: xlength_unit character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: ylength_unit character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: zlength_unit character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: xaxis character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: yaxis character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: zaxis character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: dx_unit character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: dy_unit character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 16) :: dz_unit character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 30) :: object_name character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 30) :: operator_name character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(128) :: client_zone character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 8) :: reserved character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 34) :: reservedzone character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 12) :: obsolete character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension( 10) :: obsolete2 ! bytes below: 10*4 = 40 real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: dx real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: dy real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: dz real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: xunit_ratio real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: yunit_ratio real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: zunit_ratio real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: XOffset real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: YOffset real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: ZOffset real(kind=C_FLOAT) :: measurement_duration ! bytes below: 5*4 = 20 integer(kind=C_INT) :: zmin integer(kind=C_INT) :: zmax integer(kind=C_INT) :: xres integer(kind=C_INT) :: yres integer(kind=C_INT) :: nofpoints ! bytes below: 22*2 = 44 integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: format integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: version integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: material_code integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: type integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: range integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: special_points integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: absolute integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: pointsize integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: imprint integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: inversion integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: leveling integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: seconds integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: minutes integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: hours integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: day integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: month integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: year integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: dayof integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: comment_size integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: private_size integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: nobjects integer(kind=C_SHORT) :: acquisition integer(kind=C_INT), allocatable :: val(:) !! *heights* endtype OBJ_SURF integer(kind=4), parameter :: SURF_DAT = 1 !! *'.dat' format, txt* integer(kind=4), parameter :: SURF_SUR = 2 !! *'.sur' format, binary* public :: read_surf, write_surf, init_scal, unit2IUc, unit2IUf, & trans_surf_txt, scal2surf, surf2scal, empty, SCALE_SURF, OBJ_SURF contains subroutine scal2surf(scal, surf) implicit none type(SCALE_SURF), intent(in ) :: scal !! *object [[SCALE_SURF]]* type(OBJ_SURF), intent(out) :: surf !! *object [[OBJ_SURF]]* call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%signature), & cs= surf%signature) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%xlength_unit), & cs= surf%xlength_unit) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%ylength_unit), & cs= surf%ylength_unit) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%zlength_unit), & cs= surf%zlength_unit) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%xaxis), & cs= surf%xaxis) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%yaxis), & cs= surf%yaxis) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%zaxis), & cs= surf%zaxis) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%dx_unit), & cs= surf%dx_unit) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%dy_unit), & cs= surf%dy_unit) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%dz_unit), & cs= surf%dz_unit) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%object_name), & cs= surf%object_name) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%operator_name), & cs= surf%operator_name) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%client_zone), & cs= surf%client_zone) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%reserved), & cs= surf%reserved) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%reservedzone), & cs= surf%reservedzone) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%obsolete), & cs= surf%obsolete) call f_c_string(fs=trim(scal%obsolete2), & cs= surf%obsolete2) surf%dx = scal%dx surf%dy = scal%dy surf%dz = scal%dz surf%xunit_ratio = scal%xunit_ratio surf%yunit_ratio = scal%yunit_ratio surf%zunit_ratio = scal%zunit_ratio surf%XOffset = scal%XOffset surf%YOffset = scal%YOffset surf%ZOffset = scal%ZOffset surf%measurement_duration = scal%measurement_duration surf%zmin = scal%zmin surf%zmax = scal%zmax surf%xres = scal%xres surf%yres = scal%yres surf%nofpoints = scal%nofpoints surf%format = scal%format surf%version = scal%version surf%material_code = scal%material_code surf%type = scal%type surf%range = scal%range surf%special_points = scal%special_points surf%absolute = scal%absolute surf%pointsize = scal%pointsize surf%imprint = scal%imprint surf%inversion = scal%inversion surf%leveling = scal%leveling surf%seconds = scal%seconds surf%minutes = scal%minutes surf%hours = scal%hours surf%day = scal%day surf%month = scal%month surf%year = scal%year surf%dayof = scal%dayof surf%comment_size = scal%comment_size surf%private_size = scal%private_size surf%nobjects = scal%nobjects surf%acquisition = scal%acquisition return endsubroutine scal2surf subroutine surf2scal(surf, scal) implicit none type(OBJ_SURF), intent(in ) :: surf !! *object [[OBJ_SURF]]* type(SCALE_SURF), intent(out) :: scal !! *object [[SCALE_SURF]]* integer(kind=I4) :: i call c_f_string(cs = surf%signature, & fs = scal%signature, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%xlength_unit, & fs = scal%xlength_unit, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%ylength_unit, & fs = scal%ylength_unit, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%zlength_unit, & fs = scal%zlength_unit, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%xaxis, & fs = scal%xaxis, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%yaxis, & fs = scal%yaxis, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%zaxis, & fs = scal%zaxis, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%dx_unit, & fs = scal%dx_unit, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%dy_unit, & fs = scal%dy_unit, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%dz_unit, & fs = scal%dz_unit, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%object_name, & fs = scal%object_name, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%operator_name, & fs = scal%operator_name, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%client_zone, & fs = scal%client_zone, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%reserved, & fs = scal%reserved, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%reservedzone, & fs = scal%reservedzone, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%obsolete, & fs = scal%obsolete, & borne_s = i) call c_f_string(cs = surf%obsolete2, & fs = scal%obsolete2, & borne_s =i) scal%dx = surf%dx scal%dy = surf%dy scal%dz = surf%dz scal%xunit_ratio = surf%xunit_ratio scal%yunit_ratio = surf%yunit_ratio scal%zunit_ratio = surf%zunit_ratio scal%XOffset = surf%XOffset scal%YOffset = surf%YOffset scal%ZOffset = surf%ZOffset scal%measurement_duration = surf%measurement_duration scal%zmin = surf%zmin scal%zmax = surf%zmax scal%xres = surf%xres scal%yres = surf%yres scal%nofpoints = surf%nofpoints scal%format = surf%format scal%version = surf%version scal%material_code = surf%material_code scal%type = surf%type scal%range = surf%range scal%special_points = surf%special_points scal%absolute = surf%absolute scal%pointsize = surf%pointsize scal%imprint = surf%imprint scal%inversion = surf%inversion scal%leveling = surf%leveling scal%seconds = surf%seconds scal%minutes = surf%minutes scal%hours = surf%hours scal%day = surf%day scal%month = surf%month scal%year = surf%year scal%dayof = surf%dayof scal%comment_size = surf%comment_size scal%private_size = surf%private_size scal%nobjects = surf%nobjects scal%acquisition = surf%acquisition return endsubroutine surf2scal !========================================================================================= !>@note ! Just empties a string ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine empty(charinout) implicit none character(len=*), intent(inout) :: charinout charinout = repeat(' ', len(charinout)) return endsubroutine empty !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Converts a C string to a Fortran string ! ! A From a memory viewpoint, a C string is like a character vector ending with a ```C_NULL_CHAR```, so as long as ! it is not found, the characters are copied one by one in a fortran string ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine c_f_string(cs, fs, borne_s) implicit none character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: cs !! *C string* character(len=*), intent(out) :: fs !! *Fortran string* integer(kind=I4), intent(out) :: borne_s !! *resulting Fortran string length* integer(kind=I4) :: i, ucs ucs = size(cs) ! vector length borne_s = ucs ! resulting string default length i = 1 do if (i>ucs) exit if (cs(i)==C_NULL_CHAR) then ! fin de chaîne c rencontrée ; s'il n'y a pas de null_char borne_s = i-1 ! c'est qu'on utilise tout le vecteur exit endif i = i + 1 enddo call empty(fs) do i = 1, borne_s ! the C string is translated into fortran fs(i:i) = cs(i) enddo return endsubroutine c_f_string !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Converts a Fortran string to a C string ! ! A From a memory viewpoint, a C string is like a character vector ending with a ```C_NULL_CHAR```, ! so the characters are copied one by one in a ```C_CHAR``` vector that ends with a ```C_NULL_CHAR``` ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine f_c_string(fs, cs) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: fs !! *fortran string* character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(out) :: cs !! *resulting C string* integer(kind=I4) :: i, ufs ufs = len_trim(fs) ! longueur de la chaîne fortran sans les null, les blancs, ... if (ufs==0) then ! si la chaîne est vide cs(1) = C_NULL_CHAR else do i = 1, ufs cs(i) = fs(i:i) enddo if (ufs<size(cs)) cs(ufs+1) = C_NULL_CHAR ! si la fin du vecteur n'est pas atteinte endif return endsubroutine f_c_string !========================================================================================= !> @note ! [[OBJ_SURF]] initialization, every unit is m ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init_scal(scal, nx, ny, lx, ly, unit_z) implicit none type(SCALE_SURF), intent(out) :: scal !! *object [[SCALE_SURF]]* integer(kind=I4), optional, intent(in) :: nx integer(kind=I4), optional, intent(in) :: ny real(kind=R8), optional, intent(in) :: lx real(kind=R8), optional, intent(in) :: ly character(*), optional, intent(in) :: unit_z integer(kind=I4), dimension(1:8) :: time_val character(len=256) :: string call date_and_time(values=time_val) scal%format = 0 scal%nobjects = 1 scal%version = 1 scal%type = 2 scal%material_code = 1 scal%acquisition = 0 scal%range = 0 scal%special_points = 0 scal%absolute = 1 scal%pointsize = 32 scal%zmin = 0 scal%zmax = 0 scal%xres = 0 scal%yres = 0 scal%nofpoints = 0 scal%xunit_ratio = 1. scal%yunit_ratio = 1. scal%zunit_ratio = 1. scal%imprint = 0 scal%inversion = 0 scal%leveling = 0 scal%seconds = time_val(7) scal%minutes = time_val(6) scal%hours = time_val(5) scal%day = time_val(3) scal%month = time_val(2) scal%year = time_val(1) scal%dayof = 0 scal%measurement_duration = 0.0 scal%comment_size = 0 scal%private_size = 0 scal%XOffset = 0. scal%YOffset = 0. scal%ZOffset = 0. call empty(scal%reserved) call empty(scal%obsolete2) call empty(scal%obsolete) call empty(scal%reservedzone) call empty(scal%client_zone) call empty(scal%object_name) call empty(scal%signature) call empty(scal%operator_name) scal%object_name = 'HOME MADE' scal%signature = 'DIGITAL SURF' scal%operator_name = 'MOD_SURFILE' call empty(scal%xaxis) call empty(scal%yaxis) call empty(scal%zaxis) scal%xaxis = "X" scal%yaxis = "Y" scal%zaxis = "Z" call empty(scal%xlength_unit) call empty(scal%ylength_unit) call empty(scal%zlength_unit) call empty(scal%dx_unit) call empty(scal%dy_unit) call empty(scal%dz_unit) scal%xlength_unit = "m" ; scal%dx_unit = trim(scal%xlength_unit) ; scal%dx = 1.0 scal%ylength_unit = "m" ; scal%dy_unit = trim(scal%ylength_unit) ; scal%dy = 1.0 scal%zlength_unit = "m" ; scal%dz_unit = trim(scal%zlength_unit) ; scal%dz = 1.0 scal%mu = 0 scal%si = 0 if (present(nx)) scal%xres = nx if (present(ny)) scal%yres = ny if (present(nx).and.present(lx)) scal%dx = lx/nx if (present(ny).and.present(ly)) scal%dy = ly/ny if (present(unit_z)) then ; scal%zlength_unit = trim(unit_z) scal%dz_unit = trim(unit_z) ; endif return endsubroutine init_scal !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Writes an [[OBJ_SURF]] object in a text file ! ! The object components are first written in a fortran string, then it is written into ! the file with a comment ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine trans_surf_txt(surf, fichier, xyz) implicit none type(OBJ_SURF), intent(in) :: surf !! *object [[OBJ_SURF]]* character(len=*), intent(in) :: fichier !! *text file to write* logical(kind=I4), intent(in) :: xyz !! *whether to also write the heights (maybe huge)* integer(kind=I4) :: i, k, s character(len=512) :: string, cc call get_unit(k) open(k, file=trim(fichier)) call c_f_string(cs=surf%signature, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "signature " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%format ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "format " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%nobjects ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "nobjects " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%version ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "version " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%type ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "type " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%object_name, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "object_name " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%operator_name, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "operator_name " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%material_code ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "material_code " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%acquisition ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "acquisition " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%range ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "range " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%special_points ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "special_points " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%absolute ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "absolute " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%reserved, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "reserved " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%pointsize ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "pointsize " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%zmin ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "zmin " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%zmax ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "zmax " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%xres ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "xres " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%yres ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "yres " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%nofpoints ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "nofpoints " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%dx ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dx " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%dy ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dy " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%dz ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dz " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%xaxis, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "xaxis " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%yaxis, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "yaxis " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%zaxis, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "zaxis " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%dx_unit, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dx_unit " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%dy_unit, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dy_unit " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%dz_unit, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dz_unit " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%xlength_unit, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "xlength_unit " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%ylength_unit, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "ylength_unit " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%zlength_unit, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "zlength_unit " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%xunit_ratio ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "xunit_ratio " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%yunit_ratio ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "yunit_ratio " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%zunit_ratio ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "zunit_ratio " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%imprint ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "imprint " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%inversion ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "inversion " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%leveling ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "leveling " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%obsolete, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "obsolete " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%seconds ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "seconds " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%minutes ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "minutes " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%hours ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "hours " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%day ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "day " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%month ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "month " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%year ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "year " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%dayof ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "dayof " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%measurement_duration ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "measurement_duration " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%obsolete2, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "obsolete2 " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%comment_size ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "comment_size " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%private_size ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "private_size " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%client_zone, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "client_zone " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%XOffset ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "XOffset " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%YOffset ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "YOffset " ; call empty(cc) write(cc,*) surf%ZOffset ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "ZOffset " ; call empty(cc) call c_f_string(cs=surf%reservedzone, fs=string, borne_s=s) write(cc,*) '"',trim(string(1:s)),'"' ; write(k,'(1x,a,T130,a)') adjustl(trim(cc)), "reservedzone " ; call empty(cc) if (xyz) then do i = 0, surf%nofpoints -1 write(k,*) mod(i, surf%xres)*surf%dx, (i/surf%xres)*surf%dy, surf%val(i+1)*surf%dz enddo endif close(k) return endsubroutine trans_surf_txt !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Subroutine that opens a ```.sur``` file and transfers it contents into an object [[OBJ_SURF]] ! @endnote ! @warning ! By default here, the heights are not written with ```dump=.true.``` ! @endwarning !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine open_surffile(fichier, surf, scal, dump) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: fichier !! *file to be read* type(OBJ_SURF), intent(out) :: surf !! *object that will contain the file infos and heights* type(SCALE_SURF), intent(out) :: scal !! *object [[SCALE_SURF]]* logical(kind=I4), optional, intent(in) :: dump !! *whether to transform the data in a text file* integer(kind=I4) :: i, k real(kind=R8) :: scal_x, scal_y, scal_z character(kind=C_CHAR) :: charact call get_unit(k) open(k , file=trim(fichier), & ! form='unformatted', & ! access="stream", & ! beware the "frecord-marker" in other modes action="read", & ! position="rewind", & ! convert='little_endian',& ! status='old') read(k) surf%signature, surf%format, surf%nobjects, surf%version, surf%type, surf%object_name, & surf%operator_name, surf%material_code, surf%acquisition, surf%range, surf%special_points, & surf%absolute, surf%reserved, surf%pointsize, surf%zmin, surf%zmax, surf%xres, surf%yres, & surf%nofpoints, surf%dx, surf%dy, surf%dz, surf%xaxis, surf%yaxis, surf%zaxis, surf%dx_unit, & surf%dy_unit, surf%dz_unit, surf%xlength_unit, surf%ylength_unit, surf%zlength_unit, & surf%xunit_ratio, surf%yunit_ratio, surf%zunit_ratio, surf%imprint, surf%inversion, surf%leveling, & surf%obsolete, surf%seconds, surf%minutes, surf%hours, surf%day, surf%month, surf%year, surf%dayof, & surf%measurement_duration, surf%obsolete2, surf%comment_size, surf%private_size, surf%client_zone, & surf%XOffset, surf%YOffset, surf%ZOffset, surf%reservedzone do i = 1, surf%comment_size read(k) charact enddo allocate( surf%val(1:surf%nofpoints) ) do i = 1, surf%nofpoints read(k) surf%val(i) enddo close(k) call surf2scal(surf, scal) if (present(dump).and.dump) call trans_surf_txt(surf, trim(fichier)//'.txt', xyz=.false.) return endsubroutine open_surffile !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Converts uppercase to lowercase, adapted from [here](http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/String_Functions) ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function lower(s1) result (s2) character(*), intent(in) :: s1 !! *string to transform to lower case* character(len(s1)) :: s2 !! *result: same string but each character is lower case* character(len=1) :: ch integer(kind=I4), parameter :: duc = ichar('A') - ichar('a') integer(kind=I4) :: i do i = 1, len(s1) ch = s1(i:i) if (ch >= 'A'.and.ch <= 'Z') ch = char(ichar(ch)-duc) s2(i:i) = ch enddo return endfunction lower function unit2IUc(string) result (met) implicit none real(kind=R8) :: met character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: string character(len=2) :: chaine chaine = string(1)//string(2) met = unit2IUf(chaine) return endfunction unit2IUc function unit2IUf(string) result (met) implicit none real(kind=R8) :: met character(*), intent(in) :: string select case(string) case('m ') met = 1.e+00_R8 case('cm') met = 1.e-02_R8 case('mm') met = 1.e-03_R8 case('µm') met = 1.e-06_R8 case('nm') met = 1.e-09_R8 case('pm') met = 1.e-12_R8 case('Pa') met = 1.e+00_R8 case('MP') met = 1.e+06_R8 case('GP') met = 1.e+09_R8 case default met = 1.e+00_R8 endselect return endfunction unit2IUf !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Subroutine that writes the heights of an [[OBJ_SURF]] object into a 2D array ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine trans_surf_tab(surf, tab) implicit none type(OBJ_SURF), intent(inout) :: surf !! *object ```OBJ_SURF``` that contains the heights* real(kind=R8), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: tab !! *height array* integer(kind=I4) :: long, larg, i, j, k real(kind=R8) :: unit_z long = surf%xres larg = surf%yres allocate( tab(1:long, 1:larg) ) unit_z = unit2IUc(surf%dz_unit) do j = 1, larg do i = 1, long k = (j-1)*long +i tab(i, j) = (surf%val(k)*surf%dz+ surf%Zoffset)*unit_z enddo enddo deallocate(surf%val) return endsubroutine trans_surf_tab !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Subroutine that opens a surface file ```.sur``` or ```.dat``` ! ! The heights are centred, scaled then put into a vector. ! @endnote ! @warning ! If the scale factor ```sq``` is negative, the heights are not scaled when reading ```.sur``` ! @endwarning ! @warning ! By default, the ```.sur``` header is dumped ! @endwarning !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_surf(nom_fic, mu, sq, tab_s, scal) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: nom_fic !! *file name* real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: mu !! *if > 0, values are centered* real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: sq !! *desired height standard deviation* type(SCALE_SURF), intent(out) :: scal !! *object [[SCALE_SURF]]* real(kind=R8), dimension(:,:), allocatable, intent(out) :: tab_s !! *height array* integer(kind=I4) :: style, i, ii, j, jj, k, nb, eof, tmp, nx, ny real(kind=R8) :: sqs, mean, dz, lx, ly, lz type(OBJ_SURF) :: surf character(len=3) :: ext real(kind=R8), dimension(:), allocatable :: x, y, z i = len_trim(nom_fic) ext = lower( nom_fic(i-2:i) ) if (ext == 'dat') style = SURF_DAT if (ext == 'sur') style = SURF_SUR select case (style) case (SURF_SUR) call open_surffile(fichier=trim(nom_fic), surf=surf, scal=scal, dump=.false.) call trans_surf_tab(surf=surf, tab=tab_s) case (SURF_DAT) call get_unit(k) open(unit=k, file=trim(nom_fic), status='old') nb = 0 do read(k, *, iostat=eof) if ( eof/=0 ) exit nb = nb +1 enddo rewind(k) allocate( x(1:nb) ) allocate( y(1:nb) ) allocate( z(1:nb) ) do i = 1, nb read(k, *) x(i), y(i), z(i) enddo close(k) ! the triplet x, y, z is sorted according x !----------------------------------------------------------- call sort_real_2real(g=1, d=nb, rtabref=x(1:nb), rtab1=y(1:nb), rtab2=z(1:nb)) i = 1 do if ( abs(x(i) -x(1)) > 100*EPS_R8 ) exit i = i +1 enddo scal%dx = abs(x(i) -x(1)) j = 1 do if (abs(x(j +1) -x(j))>1.0e-10) exit j = j +1 enddo ny = j ! number of same abscissae for a given column if (mod(nb, ny) /=0 ) STOP 'READ_SURF, non rectangular mesh' nx = nb/ny scal%xres = nx scal%yres = ny do i = 1, nx ii = (i-1)*ny +1 jj = ii +ny -1 call sort_real_1real(g=1, d=ny, rtabref=y(ii:jj), rtab1=z(ii:jj)) enddo j = 1 do if ( abs(y(j) -y(1)) > 100*EPS_R8 ) exit j = j +1 enddo scal%dy = abs(y(j) -y(1)) allocate( tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny) ) k = 0 do i = 1, nx do j = 1, ny k = k +1 tab_s(i, j) = z(k) enddo enddo lx = maxval(x) -minval(x) ly = maxval(y) -minval(y) lz = maxval(tab_s) -minval(tab_s) scal%dz = lz/(nx*ny) scal%xlength_unit = 'm ' ; scal%dx_unit = 'm ' scal%ylength_unit = 'm ' ; scal%dy_unit = 'm ' scal%zlength_unit = 'm ' ; scal%dz_unit = 'm ' !call sort_real(g=1, d=nx*ny, rtabref=z(1:nx*ny)) !scal%dz = 1.e+10 !do i = 2, nx*ny ! dz = z(i) -z(i-1) ! if (abs(dz) < 100*EPS_R8) cycle ! scal%dz = min(scal%dz, dz) !enddo !scal%dz = dz deallocate(x, y, z) endselect nx = scal%xres ny = scal%yres ! centering ? if (mu > 0.) then mean = sum(tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny)) / (nx * ny) scal%mu = mean tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny) = tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny) -mean endif ! scaling ? if (sq > 0.) then sqs = (sum(tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny) ** 2) / (nx * ny)) ** (0.5_R8) scal%si = sqs tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny) = tab_s(1:nx, 1:ny) * sq / sqs endif return endsubroutine read_surf !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Subroutine that creates an object [[OBJ_SURF]] ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine build_surf(surf, tab) implicit none type(OBJ_SURF), intent(inout) :: surf !! *resulting object ```OBJ_SURF```* real(kind=R8), dimension(1:surf%xres, 1:surf%yres), intent(in) :: tab integer(kind=I4) :: i, j, k, nx, ny real(kind=R8) :: max_n, min_t, max_t, mil_t, amp_t, unit_x, unit_y, unit_z nx = surf%xres ny = surf%yres surf%nofpoints = nx*ny unit_x = unit2IUc(surf%dx_unit) unit_y = unit2IUc(surf%dy_unit) unit_z = unit2IUc(surf%dz_unit) if (allocated(surf%val)) deallocate(surf%val) allocate(surf%val(1:surf%nofpoints)) min_t = minval( tab(1:nx, 1:ny) )/unit_z max_t = maxval( tab(1:nx, 1:ny) )/unit_z mil_t = 0.5_R8*(min_t +max_t) ! middle of the range amp_t = max_t -min_t ! range amplitude surf%ZOffset = mil_t max_n = 0.5*huge(1) ! the heights are integers, allowed to span ! half the positive integer range. surf%dz = amp_t/max_n ! subsequent dz k = 0 do j = 1, ny do i = 1, nx k = k +1 surf%val(k) = nint( (tab(i, j)/unit_z -surf%ZOffset)/surf%dz ) ! enddo enddo surf%zmin = minval(surf%val) surf%zmax = maxval(surf%val) return endsubroutine build_surf !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Subroutine that writes an object [[OBJ_SURF]] in a file ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine write_surffile(fichier, surf) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: fichier !! *file to be written* type(OBJ_SURF), intent(inout) :: surf !! *object ```OBJ_SURF``` to write* integer(kind=I4) :: i, k call get_unit(k) open(k, file=trim(fichier), & ! form='unformatted', & ! access="stream", & ! beware the "frecord-marker" in other modes action="write", & ! position="rewind", & ! status="replace", & ! convert='little_endian') write(k) surf%signature, surf%format, surf%nobjects, surf%version, surf%type, surf%object_name, & surf%operator_name, surf%material_code, surf%acquisition, surf%range, surf%special_points, & surf%absolute, surf%reserved, surf%pointsize, surf%zmin, surf%zmax, surf%xres, surf%yres, & surf%nofpoints, surf%dx, surf%dy, surf%dz, surf%xaxis, surf%yaxis, surf%zaxis, surf%dx_unit, & surf%dy_unit, surf%dz_unit, surf%xlength_unit, surf%ylength_unit, surf%zlength_unit, & surf%xunit_ratio, surf%yunit_ratio, surf%zunit_ratio, surf%imprint, surf%inversion, surf%leveling, & surf%obsolete, surf%seconds, surf%minutes, surf%hours, surf%day, surf%month, surf%year, surf%dayof, & surf%measurement_duration, surf%obsolete2, surf%comment_size, surf%private_size, surf%client_zone, & surf%XOffset, surf%YOffset, surf%ZOffset, surf%reservedzone, & (surf%val(i), i=1, surf%nofpoints) close(k) return endsubroutine write_surffile !========================================================================================= !< @note ! Subroutine that writes a height array into a surface file ```.sur``` or ```.dat``` ! @endnote !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine write_surf(nom_fic, tab_s, scal) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: nom_fic !! *file name* type(SCALE_SURF), intent(inout) :: scal !! *object [[SCALE_SURF]]* real(kind=R8), dimension(1:scal%xres, 1:scal%yres), intent(in) :: tab_s character(len=3) :: ext integer(kind=I4) :: style, i, j, k type(OBJ_SURF) :: surf_s real(kind=R8) :: dx, dy i = len_trim(nom_fic) ext = lower( nom_fic(i-2:i) ) if (ext == 'dat') style = SURF_DAT if (ext == 'sur') style = SURF_SUR select case (style) case (SURF_SUR) call scal2surf(scal, surf_s) call build_surf(surf=surf_s, tab=tab_s(1:scal%xres, 1:scal%yres)) surf_s%comment_size = 0 ! to increase compatibility with mountains call write_surffile(fichier=trim(nom_fic), surf=surf_s) call surf2scal(surf_s, scal) case (SURF_DAT) dx = scal%dx dy = scal%dy call get_unit(k) open(k, file=trim(nom_fic)) do i = 1, scal%xres do j = 1, scal%yres write(k,*) (i-1)*dx, (j-1)*dy, tab_s(i, j) enddo enddo close(k) endselect return endsubroutine write_surf endmodule surfile !============ EN TETE TYPIQUE !~ "DIGITAL SURF" !~ 0 !~ 1 !~ 1 !~ 2 !~ "* 16-774-lm1-pnm bouches *" !~ "" !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 1 !~ "" !~ 32 !~ -19122091 !~ 4341882 !~ 512 !~ 512 !~ 262144 !~ 3.55476077E-04 !~ 3.54291551E-04 !~ 3.25564076E-10 !~ "X" !~ "Y" !~ "Z" !~ "mm" !~ "mm" !~ "mm" !~ "mm" !~ "mm" !~ "mm" !~ 1.00000000 !~ 1.00000000 !~ 1.00000000 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ "" !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ 0.00000000 !~ "" !~ 0 !~ 0 !~ "" !~ 0.00000000 !~ 0.00000000 !~ -0.00000000 !~ "" !~