
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
analyses script Subroutine

The function analyses reads, in the Job file, the analysis to perform. The analysis is then performed.

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crop_img script Subroutine

Crop the surface contained in tab to the dimensions specified in the job file and update the object scal

end_loop script Subroutine

End of the Job file - some finalizations.

ft_gauss script Subroutine

The function ft_gauss performs a Gaussian filter on the surface tab. It:

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lssq_img script Subroutine

The function lssq_img subtracts a least square 2D polynomial from tab. It:

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nb_procs script Subroutine

Define the number of concurrent threads (1 or all available threads)

prg_surf main Subroutine
read_job script Subroutine

The principle of the present function is to read a user-made batch file. The batch file, or job file, contains a sequence of keywords.

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read_sur script Subroutine

Read a surface file

sampling script Subroutine

The function sampling allow for the user to sample the surface.

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save_sur script Subroutine

Save the surface in the file specified in the job file

smooth__ script Subroutine

Smooth out a surface according median_filter procedure

sta_loop script Subroutine

Start sample loop

strt_job script Subroutine

Some initializations: ‘GLOBAL_OMP’ (tasks parallelization), ‘OUT_CMD’ (verbose mode), etc.