locate Function

private function locate(n, xx, x)


Function that returns the location of an element in a vector.

Given an array xx(1: n) , and given a value x , it returns a value j such that x is between xx( j ) and xx( j + 1 ).

xx must be monotonic, either increasing or decreasing. j = 0 or j = n is returned to indicate that x is out of range.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=I4), intent(in) :: n

vector length

real(kind=R8), intent(in), dimension(1:n) :: xx


real(kind=R8), intent(in) :: x

value to locate

Return Value integer(kind=i4)

Called by

proc~~locate~~CalledByGraph proc~locate locate proc~calcul_asfc_hermite calcul_asfc_hermite proc~calcul_asfc_hermite->proc~locate proc~calcul_asfc_lin_all calcul_asfc_lin_all proc~calcul_asfc_lin_all->proc~locate proc~calcul_asfc_spl_all calcul_asfc_spl_all proc~calcul_asfc_spl_all->proc~locate proc~calcul_asfc calcul_asfc proc~calcul_asfc->proc~calcul_asfc_hermite proc~calcul_asfc->proc~calcul_asfc_lin_all proc~calcul_asfc->proc~calcul_asfc_spl_all program~test_asfc test_asfc program~test_asfc->proc~calcul_asfc_hermite