Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
abbott_param | abbott | Subroutine | Function that returns the Abbott’s curve in a svg file as well as smrk1, smrk2, spk, svk, sk |
acv | anisotropy | Subroutine | Function that returns the acf of an array. |
calc_median | stat_mom | Subroutine | Function to calculate the median value of a series. |
calc_moments | stat_mom | Subroutine | Function to calculate the statistical moments of an array with mask, of shape dim. 1 or 2 |
calc_moments_1D | stat_mom | Subroutine | Function to calculate the statistical moments of a 1D array with mask, see calc_moments |
calcul_aire | asfc | Subroutine | Return the area of a surface |
calcul_asfc | asfc | Subroutine | Return the asfc of a surface regarding the default parameter method_asfc |
calcul_asfc_hermite | asfc | Subroutine | Return the asfc of a surface. The different grids are obtained by Hermite interpolation |
calcul_asfc_lin_all | asfc | Subroutine | Return the asfc of a surface. The different grids are obtained by linear interpolation |
calcul_asfc_spl_all | asfc | Subroutine | Return the asfc of a surface. The different grids are obtained by spline of degree 3 |
calcul_normales | morpho | Subroutine | Function that returns the fraction of surface nearly horizontal (normal less than 5 degrees from a vertical line) |
correlation_parameters | anisotropy | Subroutine | Function that returns ellipse_acf parameters calculated on the autocorrelation function. But prior to the acf calculation, the mean plane is subtracted. |
count_cell | morpho | Subroutine | Calculate the number of cells in a mask, as well as the cell median size |
curv2 | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to calculate the double derivatives of a 2D array |
curvature | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to calculate the gaussian curvature of a 2D array, its mean quadratic value and the gradient mean quadratic value |
def_masque | morpho | Subroutine | Height mask without deepest pits and highest peaks |
deriv_N | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to provide the interpolation functions of a QU9 element, as well as its derivatives |
df_boltz | asfc | Function | Fitting function partial derivatives. |
dn_i | asfc | Function | 1D shape function derivative, quadratic case. |
dnq_et_i | asfc | Function | 2D shape function derivative, quadratic case. |
dnq_xi_et_i | asfc | Function | 2D shape function , derivative, quadratic case. |
dnq_xi_i | asfc | Function | 2D shape function derivative, quadratic case. |
ellipse_acf | anisotropy | Subroutine | Function that returns p_acv which contains parameters on anisotropy. |
erode_dilate | morpho | Subroutine | Perform erosion or dilation on a binary mask depending on the value of act. The operations utilize a defined kernel to affect neighboring pixels based on the specified val |
f_boltz | asfc | Function | Fitting function. |
fake_acv | test_anisotropy | Subroutine | |
fft_filter | filter | Subroutine | Classical Gaussian filter |
flood | morpho | Subroutine | Perform some kind of flood fill or connected component labeling on a grid (masque), starting from an initial ‘1’ element found and spreading out to adjacent ‘1’ elements, updating them to a specified value or zero if no value (niv) is specified. |
gauss_curv | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to calculate the double derivatives of a 2D array |
gaussian_filter | filter | Subroutine | Gaussian kernel |
gradient | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to calculate the gradient of a 2D array |
gradient_corner | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function that gives the nodal height gradients |
indice_fractal | asfc | Subroutine | Function that returns the fractal dimension with the box counting method |
init_beta_boltz | asfc | Subroutine | Function that initializes the fitting tanh function f_boltz parameters. |
label_surf_summits | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to output the extrema of a 2D array, as peaks, valleys or saddles. |
labelize_point | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to label a point as: peak, valley, saddle or nothing particular |
locate | asfc | Function | Function that returns the location of an element in a vector. |
locate2 | asfc | Function | Function that returns the location of an element in a vector. |
make_composite_mask | morpho | Subroutine | The subroutine generates a composite mask based on specified parameters. The mask is filled with a number of shapes (in this case, ellipses) placed randomly within a defined area, while ensuring that the shapes do not overlap. |
make_mask | morpho | Subroutine | Mask a region within a given shape (for the moment an ellipsis) |
median_filter | filter | Subroutine | A bit more complex filter: the overall height standard deviation is taken into account |
median_smooth | filter | Subroutine | Very classical smoothing |
morpho_filter | filter | Subroutine | Morphological filter: uses combinations of roll_smooth to provide all kind of transformation : |
multiple_anisotropy | anisotropy | Subroutine | Function that returns simple_anisotropy min, max and max/min for different Gaussian filter cutoff |
n_i | asfc | Function | 1D shape function, quadratic case. |
nq_i | asfc | Function | 2D shape function, quadratic case. |
peaks_and_pits_curvatures | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to calculate and output the peaks and pits curvatures as well as then mean quadratic gradient value and the mean quadratic curvature value. |
plane | test_morpho | Function | |
random_normal | stat_mom | Function | |
rnorm | stat_mom | Function | Generate a random normal deviate using the polar method. |
rnorm_vec | stat_mom | Function | Vector of reals that follow a normal law |
roll_smooth | filter | Subroutine | A ball of radius “ray” rolls on / below the surface, hence defining a closing or an opening enveloppe. |
scramble | stat_mom | Subroutine | scramble a vector of reals |
simple_anisotropy | anisotropy | Subroutine | Function that returns some anisotropy parameters calculated on a polar representation, for each angle from 0 to 179 |
soften | filter | Subroutine | Function to smooth out a 2D array: each point is replaced by a weighted mean of its neighbors. |
surf_area | morpho | Subroutine | Function that returns the relative area of a surface minus 1. |
test_label_surf_summits | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to test the capicity in detecting peaks, pits and saddles in a simple double sinus surface. |
test_labelize_point | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to test the function “labelize_point” on a QU9 domain with a 2nd order polynomial along x and y |
test_peaks_and_pits_curvatures | grad_curv | Subroutine | Function to test the function “peaks_and_pits_curvatures” on a real rough surface. Outputs surface gradients and curvatures as 2D arrays or single values. |
topology | morpho | Subroutine | The function performs the following operations on a surface: |