Routines to calculate statistical moments. Example of use.
Type | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
real(kind=R8), | allocatable, dimension(:) | :: | array | |||
real(kind=R8), | allocatable, dimension(:,:) | :: | array2D | |||
logical(kind=I4), | allocatable, dimension(:) | :: | array_mask | |||
logical(kind=I4), | allocatable, dimension(:,:) | :: | array_mask2D | |||
integer(kind=I4) | :: | i | ||||
integer(kind=I4) | :: | ipow | ||||
integer(kind=I4) | :: | iter | ||||
real(kind=R8) | :: | median | ||||
type(moment_stat) | :: | mom | ||||
real(kind=R8), | parameter | :: | mu | = | 2.0_R8 | |
integer(kind=I4), | parameter | :: | n | = | rn**2 | |
integer(kind=I4), | parameter | :: | nn | = | 1e7 | |
real(kind=R8), | dimension(1:6) | :: | results | |||
integer(kind=I4), | parameter | :: | rn | = | 1e3 | |
real(kind=R8), | parameter | :: | sigma | = | 3.0_R8 | |
real(kind=R8), | allocatable, dimension(:) | :: | vx | |||
real(kind=R8) | :: | x |
program test_stat use data_arch, only : I4, R8, PI_R8 use stat_mom implicit none real(kind=R8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: array logical(kind=I4), allocatable, dimension(:) :: array_mask real(kind=R8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: array2D logical(kind=I4), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: array_mask2D real(kind=R8), dimension(1:6) :: results integer(kind=I4), parameter :: rn = 1e3 integer(kind=I4), parameter :: n = rn**2 type(moment_stat) :: mom integer(kind=I4) :: i real(kind=R8) :: x, median real(kind=R8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vx real(kind=R8), parameter :: mu = 2.0_R8, sigma = 3.0_R8 integer(kind=I4), parameter :: nn = 1e7 integer(kind=I4) :: ipow, iter allocate( array(1:n) ) allocate( array_mask(1:n) ) allocate( array2D(1:rn, 1:rn) ) allocate( array_mask2D(1:rn, 1:rn) ) array_mask = .false. do i = 0, n -1 x = real(i, kind = R8) / (n - 1) array(i + 1) = sin( 4 * PI_R8 * x ) * exp( -5 * x ) + x**2 if ( mod(i, 2) == 0 ) array_mask(i + 1) = .True. enddo array2D = reshape( array(1:n), [rn, rn] ) array_mask2D = reshape( array_mask(1:n), [rn, rn] ) !============================================================================== 1D WITH MASK call calc_moments(tab = array, mask = array_mask, mx = mom, nb_mom = 4) call calc_median(tab = array, mask = array_mask, md = median) results = [ 0.4015711287531725, 0.08020113698321299, 0.28319805257666053, 0.07977645748158539, 2.1330678728336125, 0.42620050599180814 ] ! python ! [ 0.40157112875317|66, 0.08020113698321|186, 0.2831980525766|5853, 0.0797764574815|4369, 2.1330678728336|414, 0.42620050599180814 ] ! fortran write(*, *) '-----------------------------------------------------------------' write(*, *) 'With mask :' write(*, *) 'sum of abs error: ', abs(mom%mu - results(1)) + & ! abs(mom%va - results(2)) + & ! abs(mom%si - results(3)) + & ! abs(mom%Sk - results(4)) + & ! abs(mom%Ku - results(5)) + & ! abs(median - results(6)) ! write(*, *) 'detail: ', mom%mu, mom%va, mom%si, mom%Sk, mom%Ku, median !============================================================================== 1D NO MASK call calc_moments(tab = array, mx = mom, nb_mom = 4) call calc_median(tab = array, md = median) results = [ 0.4015716287568354, 0.08020123540993489, 0.28319822635379427, 0.07977715735614675, 2.1330700214753766, 0.42620146392518804 ] ! python ! [ 0.4015716287568|2495, 0.08020123540993|2986, 0.28319822635379|088, 0.079777157356|279285, 2.133070021475|4486, 0.426201463925188|10 ] ! fortran write(*, *) '-----------------------------------------------------------------' write(*, *) 'With NO mask :' write(*, *) 'sum of abs error: ', abs(mom%mu - results(1)) + & ! abs(mom%va - results(2)) + & ! abs(mom%si - results(3)) + & ! abs(mom%Sk - results(4)) + & ! abs(mom%Ku - results(5)) + & ! abs(median - results(6)) ! write(*, *) 'detail: ', mom%mu, mom%va, mom%si, mom%Sk, mom%Ku, median !============================================================================== 2D WITH MASK call calc_moments(tab = array2D, mask = array_mask2D, mx = mom, nb_mom = 4) call calc_median(tab = array, mask = array_mask, md = median) results = [ 0.4015711287531725, 0.08020113698321299, 0.28319805257666053, 0.07977645748158539, 2.1330678728336125, 0.42620050599180814 ] ! python ! [ 0.40157112875317|66, 0.08020113698321|186, 0.2831980525766|5853, 0.0797764574815|4369, 2.1330678728336|414, 0.42620050599180814 ] ! fortran write(*, *) '-----------------------------------------------------------------' write(*, *) 'With mask :' write(*, *) 'sum of abs error: ', abs(mom%mu - results(1)) + & ! abs(mom%va - results(2)) + & ! abs(mom%si - results(3)) + & ! abs(mom%Sk - results(4)) + & ! abs(mom%Ku - results(5)) + & ! abs(median - results(6)) ! write(*, *) 'detail: ', mom%mu, mom%va, mom%si, mom%Sk, mom%Ku, median !============================================================================== 2D NO MASK call calc_moments(tab = array2D, mx = mom, nb_mom = 4) call calc_median(tab = array, md = median) results = [ 0.4015716287568354, 0.08020123540993489, 0.28319822635379427, 0.07977715735614675, 2.1330700214753766, 0.42620146392518804 ] ! python ! [ 0.4015716287568|2495, 0.08020123540993|2986, 0.28319822635379|088, 0.079777157356|279285, 2.133070021475|4486, 0.426201463925188|10 ] ! fortran write(*, *) '-----------------------------------------------------------------' write(*, *) 'With NO mask :' write(*, *) 'sum of abs error: ', abs(mom%mu - results(1)) + & ! abs(mom%va - results(2)) + & ! abs(mom%si - results(3)) + & ! abs(mom%Sk - results(4)) + & ! abs(mom%Ku - results(5)) + & ! abs(median - results(6)) ! write(*, *) 'detail: ', mom%mu, mom%va, mom%si, mom%Sk, mom%Ku, median deallocate( array, array_mask, array2D, array_mask2D ) !============================================================================== TEST RND NORM call random_seed() allocate( vx(1:nn) ) write(*, *) '-----------------------------------------------------------------' write(*, *) 'Test random normal' write(*, "(*(a8))") "n", "mu", "sigma" write(*, "(i8,2f8.4)") nn, mu , sigma write(*, "(/,'central moments',/,*(i10))") (ipow, ipow = 1, 4) do iter = 1, 5 vx = rnorm_vec(nn, mu, sigma) vx = vx - sum(vx)/nn write(*, "(*(f10.4))") ( sum( vx**ipow )/nn, ipow = 1, 4 ) enddo write(*, *) "theoretical" write(*, "(*(f10.4))") 0.0_R8, sigma**2, 0.0_R8, 3*sigma**4 deallocate( vx ) stop endprogram test_stat