Derived Types

DMUMPS_L0OMPFAC_T mumps_wrapper None
DMUMPS_ROOT_STRUC mumps_wrapper None
DMUMPS_STRUC mumps_wrapper None
EXPHEADER sulu_wrapper None
fftw_iodim fftw3 None
fftw_iodim64 fftw3 None
fftwf_iodim fftw3 None
fftwf_iodim64 fftw3 None
GLOBALLU_T sulu_wrapper None
LU_STACK_T sulu_wrapper None
MAT_MA48 solver None

All the stuff needed by HSL_MA48

MAT_MA48 solver None
MAT_SOLV solver None

MUSST high level system type

MAT_UMFP solver None

All the stuff needed by UMFPACK

MEM_USAGE_T sulu_wrapper None
moment_stat test_algen None

Statistical moment type

MS_MAT_SOLV solver None

MUSST multiscale high level solver type

mt19937 mt19937_64 None

main class for random number generator

NCFORMAT sulu_wrapper None Read more…
OBJ_SURF surfile None

C like surface object: header and heights

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pCSC_ci mumfpack None
pCSC_di mumfpack None
pCSC_zi mumfpack None
pCSR_ci mumfpack None
pCSR_di mumfpack None
pCSR_zi mumfpack None
pikaia_class pikaia_oop None

Main class for using the Pikaia algorithm. INIT and SOLVE are the only public methods.

pVec_zi mumfpack None
SCALE_SURF surfile None

Fortran typed surface object: header, dimensions, mean and std

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SULU_ENV sulu_wrapper None

Global type for SuperLU which covers all the stuff needed

SUPERLU_OPTIONS_T sulu_wrapper None Read more…
SUPERLUSTAT_T sulu_wrapper None
SUPERMATRIX sulu_wrapper None
tab_fftw fftw3 None

Because FFTW3 is built so that it works on the same memory zone, for concurrent executions, a zone per thread is created.

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tab_fftw_real fftw3 None

Because FFTW3 is built so that it works on the same memory zone, for concurrent executions, a zone per thread is created.

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tborne intpl None
tCSC_ci mumfpack None
tCSC_di mumfpack None
tCSC_zi mumfpack None
tCSR_ci mumfpack None
tCSR_di mumfpack None
tCSR_zi mumfpack None
tVec_zi mumfpack None
type~~graph~~TypeGraph type~dmumps_l0ompfac_t DMUMPS_L0OMPFAC_T type~dmumps_root_struc DMUMPS_ROOT_STRUC type~dmumps_struc DMUMPS_STRUC type~dmumps_struc->type~dmumps_l0ompfac_t L0_OMP_FACTORS type~dmumps_struc->type~dmumps_root_struc root type~expheader EXPHEADER C_PTR C_PTR type~expheader->C_PTR mem type~fftw_iodim fftw_iodim type~fftw_iodim64 fftw_iodim64 type~fftwf_iodim fftwf_iodim type~fftwf_iodim64 fftwf_iodim64 type~globallu_t GLOBALLU_T type~globallu_t->type~expheader expanders type~lu_stack_t LU_STACK_T type~globallu_t->type~lu_stack_t stack type~globallu_t->C_PTR lusup, ucol type~lu_stack_t->C_PTR array type~mat_ma48 MAT_MA48 type~mat_ma48~2 MAT_MA48 MA48_AINFO MA48_AINFO type~mat_ma48~2->MA48_AINFO ainf MA48_CONTROL MA48_CONTROL type~mat_ma48~2->MA48_CONTROL ctrl MA48_FACTORS MA48_FACTORS type~mat_ma48~2->MA48_FACTORS fact MA48_FINFO MA48_FINFO type~mat_ma48~2->MA48_FINFO finf MA48_SINFO MA48_SINFO type~mat_ma48~2->MA48_SINFO sinf ZD11_TYPE ZD11_TYPE type~mat_ma48~2->ZD11_TYPE zmat type~mat_solv MAT_SOLV type~mat_solv->type~mat_ma48 matma48 type~mat_umfp MAT_UMFP type~mat_solv->type~mat_umfp matumfp MAT_MUMP MAT_MUMP type~mat_solv->MAT_MUMP matmump MAT_SULU MAT_SULU type~mat_solv->MAT_SULU matsulu c_ptr c_ptr type~mat_umfp->c_ptr c_symbolic, c_numeric type~mem_usage_t MEM_USAGE_T type~moment_stat moment_stat type~ms_mat_solv MS_MAT_SOLV type~ms_mat_solv->type~mat_solv ts_mat, bs_mat type~mt19937 mt19937 type~ncformat NCFORMAT type~ncformat->C_PTR nzval, rowind, colptr type~obj_surf OBJ_SURF type~pcsc_ci pCSC_ci type~pcsc_di pCSC_di type~pcsc_zi pCSC_zi type~pcsr_ci pCSR_ci type~pcsr_di pCSR_di type~pcsr_zi pCSR_zi type~pikaia_class pikaia_class type~pikaia_class->type~mt19937 rand type~pvec_zi pVec_zi type~scale_surf SCALE_SURF type~sulu_env SULU_ENV type~sulu_env->type~globallu_t Glu type~sulu_env->type~mem_usage_t mem_usage type~superlu_options_t SUPERLU_OPTIONS_T type~sulu_env->type~superlu_options_t options type~superlustat_t SUPERLUSTAT_T type~sulu_env->type~superlustat_t stat type~supermatrix SUPERMATRIX type~sulu_env->type~supermatrix sma, smb, smx, sml, smu type~sulu_env->C_PTR work type~superlustat_t->C_PTR panel_histo, utime, ops type~supermatrix->C_PTR Store type~tab_fftw tab_fftw type~tab_fftw_real tab_fftw_real type~tborne tborne type~tcsc_ci tCSC_ci type~tcsc_di tCSC_di type~tcsc_zi tCSC_zi type~tcsr_ci tCSR_ci type~tcsr_di tCSR_di type~tcsr_zi tCSR_zi type~tvec_zi tVec_zi