Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
abs_diff_sk_ku | test_algen | Function | |
add_tang | test_algen | Function | |
adjmut | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Dynamical adjustment of mutation rate: |
alloc_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Allocation of the memory needed by the transformations, forward and backward. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
alloc_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | Allocation of the memory needed by the transformations, forward and backward, for the real case. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
analyse_solver | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to analyse, factorize (symbolic) the matrix of the system |
apod | fftw3 | Subroutine | Function that returns an apodized array. |
autocov_impo | test_least | Function | Function that returns |
build_surf | surfile | Subroutine | Creates an object OBJ_SURF from an array |
c_f_string | surfile | Subroutine | Converts a C string to a Fortran string |
c_umfpack_di_defaults | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_free_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_load_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_report_control | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_report_info | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_report_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_report_status | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_report_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_save_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_scale | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_solve | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_di_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_defaults | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_free_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_load_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_report_control | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_report_info | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_report_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_report_status | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_report_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_save_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_scale | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_solve | mumfpack | Interface | |
c_umfpack_zi_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
calc_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that transforms forward or backward a double complex array. For speed reasons FFTW will always work on the same memory area, until the plans are destroyed of course. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
calc_fftw3_real_bwd | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that transforms backward a double real array. For speed reasons FFTW will always work on the same memory area, until the plans are destroyed of course. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
calc_fftw3_real_fwd | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that transforms forward a double real array. For speed reasons FFTW will always work on the same memory area, until the plans are destroyed of course. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
calc_imp_acf | test_least | Subroutine | Function that returns the theoretical autocorrelation function in an array. |
calc_Jf | test_least | Subroutine | Determine the Jacobian matrix of f |
calc_moments_1D | test_algen | Subroutine | |
change_array_order | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Given an order vector, sort a real or integer vector |
check_inputs | bspline | Subroutine | Check the validity of the inputs to the “ink” routines. Prints warning message if there is an error, and also sets iflag and status_ok. |
chkder | minpack | Subroutine | CHKDER checks the gradients of M functions of N variables. |
chkder_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | CHKDER_F is a function/jacobian routine for use with CHKDER_TEST. |
chkder_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | CHKDER_TEST tests CHKDER. |
choldc | cholesky | Subroutine | Given a positive definite symmetric matrix a(1:n,1:n), with physical dimensions np, this routine constructs its Cholesky decomposition, A=L L^T. On input, only the upper triangle of a need to be given; it is not modified. The Cholesky factor L is returned in the lower triangle of a, except for its diagonal elements which are returned in p(1:n). |
cholsl | cholesky | Subroutine | Solves the set of linear equations A x = b, where A is a positive- definite symmetric matrix with physical dimensions np. A and P are are input as the output from choldc. Only the lower triangle of A is accessed. B(1:n) is inout as the right-hand side vector. The solution vector is returned in X(1:n). A, n, np, and P are not modified and can be left in place for successive calls with different right-hand sides B. B is not modified unless you identify B and X in the calling sequence, which is allowed. |
clean_scratch | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that removes all files with extension .scratch |
close_solver | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to close the solver |
close_superlu | sulu_wrapper | Subroutine | Subroutine to close the SuperLU process, with memory release |
coeff_poly_tcheby_xy_vers_poly_monome | tchebychev | Subroutine | Transformation d’une CL de produits de polynômes de Tchebychev en x et y en polynôme classique |
coeff_tcheby_vers_monome | tchebychev | Subroutine | Transformation des coefficients de Tchebychev en coefficients de monômes |
coeff_tcheby_xy_vers_monome | tchebychev | Subroutine | Transformation du produit de Tchebychev en coefficients de monômes |
convert_matrice_format | solver | Subroutine | Compressed Column Storage (CCS) is also called the Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix format. |
convert_to_poly | test_tchebychev | Subroutine | Génération d’une surface polynômiale pour vérification des procédures d’approximation |
cost | test_algen | Subroutine | |
cost_func | test_algen | Function | |
cross | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | breeds two parent chromosomes into two offspring chromosomes. breeding occurs through crossover. If the crossover probability test yields true (crossover taking place), either one-point or two-point crossover is used, with equal probabilities. |
db1ink | bspline | Subroutine | Determines the parameters of a function that interpolates the one-dimensional gridded data The interpolating function and its derivatives may subsequently be evaluated by the function db1val. |
db1val | bspline | Subroutine | Evaluates the tensor product piecewise polynomial interpolant constructed by the routine db1ink or one of its derivatives at the point xval. |
db2ink | bspline | Subroutine | Determines the parameters of a function that interpolates the two-dimensional gridded data The interpolating function and its derivatives may subsequently be evaluated by the function db2val. |
db2val | bspline | Subroutine | Evaluates the tensor product piecewise polynomial interpolant constructed by the routine db2ink or one of its derivatives at the point (xval,yval). |
dbintk | bspline | Subroutine | dbintk produces the b-spline coefficients, bcoef, of the b-spline of order k with knots t(i), i=1,…,n+k, which takes on the value y(i) at x(i), i=1,…,n. the spline or any of its derivatives can be evaluated by calls to dbvalu. |
dbknot | bspline | Subroutine | dbknot chooses a knot sequence for interpolation of order k at the data points x(i), i=1,..,n. the n+k knots are placed in the array t. k knots are placed at each endpoint and not-a-knot end conditions are used. the remaining knots are placed at data points if n is even and between data points if n is odd. the rightmost knot is shifted slightly to the right to insure proper interpolation at x(n) (see page 350 of the reference). |
dbnfac | bspline | Subroutine | Returns in w the LU-factorization (without pivoting) of the banded matrix a of order nrow with (nbandl + 1 + nbandu) bands or diagonals in the work array w . |
dbnslv | bspline | Subroutine | Companion routine to dbnfac. it returns the solution x of the linear system a*x = b in place of b, given the lu-factorization for a in the work array w from dbnfac. |
dbspvn | bspline | Subroutine | Calculates the value of all (possibly) nonzero basis functions at x of order max(jhigh,(j+1)*(index-1)), where t(k) <= x <= t(n+1) and j=iwork is set inside the routine on the first call when index=1. ileft is such that t(ileft) <= x < t(ileft+1). a call to dintrv(t,n+1,x,ilo,ileft,mflag) produces the proper ileft. dbspvn calculates using the basic algorithm needed in dbspvd. if only basis functions are desired, setting jhigh=k and index=1 can be faster than calling dbspvd, but extra coding is required for derivatives (index=2) and dbspvd is set up for this purpose. |
dbtpcf | bspline | Subroutine | dbtpcf computes b-spline interpolation coefficients for nf sets of data stored in the columns of the array fcn. the b-spline coefficients are stored in the rows of bcoef however. each interpolation is based on the n abcissa stored in the array x, and the n+k knots stored in the array t. the order of each interpolation is k. the work array must be of length at least 2k(n+1). |
dbvalu | bspline | Function | Evaluates the b-representation (t,a,n,k) of a b-spline at x for the function value on ideriv=0 or any of its derivatives on ideriv=1,2,…,k-1. right limiting values (right derivatives) are returned except at the right end point x=t(n+1) where left limiting values are computed. the spline is defined on t(k) <= x <= t(n+1). dbvalu returns a fatal error message when x is outside of this interval. |
dCreate_CompCol_Matrix | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
dCreate_Dense_Matrix | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
decode | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | decode genotype into phenotype parameters ph(k) are x,y coordinates [ 0 < x,y < 1 ] |
def_tab1D | test_intpl | Function | |
def_tab2D | test_intpl | Function | |
desalloc_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | When no more transformation is needed, the memory is released. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
Destroy_CompCol_Matrix | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
Destroy_Dense_Matrix | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
destroy_plan_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Plans are no more needed as no additional transformation will occur. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
df | test_least | Function | Kind of particular 2D autocorrelation function. Numerical derivatives. |
dgssvx | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
dintrv | bspline | Subroutine | Computes the largest integer ileft in 1 <= ileft <= lxt such that XT(ileft) <= x where XT(*) is a subdivision of the x interval. precisely, |
dir_separator | files | Function | Function that returns the system directory separator |
dirname | files | Function | Subroutine that keeps only the directory from a file path |
dogleg | minpack | Subroutine | DOGLEG finds the minimizing combination of Gauss-Newton and gradient steps. |
empty | surfile | Subroutine | Just empties a string |
encode | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Encode phenotype parameters into integer genotype ph(k) are x,y coordinates [ 0 < x,y < 1 ] |
end_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | FFTW3 is no more useful from here. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
enorm | minpack | Function | ENORM computes the Euclidean norm of a vector. |
enorm2 | minpack | Function | ENORM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector. |
extend | fftw3 | Subroutine | Function that extends an array for FFT processing. |
f | test_least | Function | Kind of particular 2D autocorrelation function |
f_c_string | surfile | Subroutine | Converts a Fortran string to a C string |
fact_superlu | sulu_wrapper | Subroutine | Subroutine to factorize the system |
factorize_solver | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to factorize the matrix of the system |
fdjac1 | minpack | Subroutine | FDJAC1 estimates an N by N jacobian matrix using forward differences. |
fdjac2 | minpack | Subroutine | FDJAC2 estimates an M by N jacobian matrix using forward differences. |
fftw_alignment_of | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_alloc_complex | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_alloc_real | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_cleanup | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_cleanup_threads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_cost | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_destroy_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_estimate_cost | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_split_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_split_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_execute_split_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_export_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_export_wisdom_to_file | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_export_wisdom_to_filename | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_export_wisdom_to_string | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_flops | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_forget_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_fprint_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_free | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_import_system_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_import_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_import_wisdom_from_file | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_import_wisdom_from_filename | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_import_wisdom_from_string | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_init_threads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_make_planner_thread_safe | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_malloc | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_c2r_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_split_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_split_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru64_split_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_split_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_split_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_guru_split_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_many_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_many_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_r2r_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_r2r_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_r2r_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_plan_with_nthreads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_planner_nthreads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_print_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_set_timelimit | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftw_sprint_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_alignment_of | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_alloc_complex | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_alloc_real | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_cleanup | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_cleanup_threads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_cost | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_destroy_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_estimate_cost | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_split_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_split_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_execute_split_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_export_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_export_wisdom_to_file | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_export_wisdom_to_string | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_flops | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_forget_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_fprint_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_free | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_import_system_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_import_wisdom | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_import_wisdom_from_file | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_import_wisdom_from_string | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_init_threads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_make_planner_thread_safe | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_malloc | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_split_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_split_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru64_split_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_split_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_split_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_guru_split_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_many_dft | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_many_dft_c2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_many_dft_r2c | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_many_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_r2r | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_r2r_1d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_r2r_2d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_r2r_3d | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_plan_with_nthreads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_planner_nthreads | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_print_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_set_timelimit | fftw3 | Interface | |
fftwf_sprint_plan | fftw3 | Interface | |
filename | files | Function | Subroutine that keeps only the file from a path |
free_superlu | sulu_wrapper | Subroutine | Subroutine that actually does nothing yet. Maybe, there will be extra memory that could be released here? |
freefact_solver | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to free the factors if applicable |
from_elemental_to_assembled | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform the elemental entries into assembled CC vectors |
func | test_bspline | Function | |
func_wrapper | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Wrapper for the user’s function that is used by the main pikaia routine The x input to this function comes from pikaia, and will be between [0,1]. |
genere_coeff_lagrange | intpl | Subroutine | subroutine generating coefficients for kth-order interpolation |
genere_surf_poly | test_tchebychev | Subroutine | génère une surface |
genrand64_int64 | mt19937_64 | Function | Generates a random number on [-2^63, 2^63-1]-interval |
genrand64_real1 | mt19937_64 | Function | Generates a random number on [0,1]-real-interval |
genrand64_real2 | mt19937_64 | Function | Generates a random number on [0,1)-real-interval |
genrand64_real3 | mt19937_64 | Function | Generates a random number on (0,1)-real-interval |
genrep | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Full generational replacement: accumulate offspring into new population array |
get_unit | gnufor | Subroutine | GET_UNIT returns a free FORTRAN unit number. |
get_unit | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Provide for a free unit, from here John Burkardt website |
hybrd | minpack | Subroutine | HYBRD seeks a zero of N nonlinear equations in N variables. |
hybrd1 | minpack | Subroutine | HYBRD1 seeks a zero of N nonlinear equations in N variables. |
hybrd1_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | HYBRD1_F is a function routine for use with HYBRD1_TEST. |
hybrd1_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | HYBRD1_TEST tests HYBRD1. |
hybrj | minpack | Subroutine | HYBRJ seeks a zero of N nonlinear equations in N variables. |
hybrj1 | minpack | Subroutine | HYBRJ1 seeks a zero of N equations in N variables by Powell’s method. |
hybrj1_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | HYBRJ1_F is a function/jacobian routine for use with HYBRJ1_TEST. |
hybrj1_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | HYBRJ1_TEST tests HYBRJ1. |
init_by_array64 | mt19937_64 | Subroutine | Initializes by an array with array-length
init_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the FFTW3 process 1 FFT distributed on several threads. Complex case. |
init_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the FFTW3 process 1 FFT distributed on several threads Real case. |
init_genrand64 | mt19937_64 | Subroutine | Initializes |
init_genrand64_i4 | mt19937_64 | Subroutine | Initializes |
init_order | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Vector initialization: 1 … n |
init_scal | surfile | Subroutine | OBJ_SURF initialization, every unit is m |
init_solver | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the matrices of the solver |
init_superlu | sulu_wrapper | Subroutine | |
interp | intpl | Function | Interpolate evenly spaced points |
interp1D | intpl | Subroutine | Interpolate evenly spaced points, taking into account the borders |
interp2D | intpl | Subroutine | Interpolate 2D evenly spaced points, taking into account the borders |
interp_surf | test_bspline | Subroutine | |
is_linux | files | Function | Function that returns true if the operating system is linux |
least_squares_tcheby | tchebychev | Subroutine | Resulting polynomial surface, determined by linear least squares |
list_dirs | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that returns a list of subdirectories |
list_files | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that returns a list of files in a directory |
lmder | minpack | Subroutine | LMDER minimizes M functions in N variables by the Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmder1 | minpack | Subroutine | LMDER1 minimizes M functions in N variables by Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmder1_2_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDER1_2_F is a function/jacobian routine for use with LMDER1_2_TEST. |
lmder1_2_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDER1_2_TEST tests LMDER1. |
lmder1_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDER1_F is a function/jacobian routine for use with LMDER1_TEST. |
lmder1_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDER1_TEST tests LMDER1. |
lmdif | minpack | Subroutine | LMDIF minimizes M functions in N variables by the Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmdif1 | minpack | Subroutine | LMDIF1 minimizes M functions in N variables using Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmdif1_2_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDIF1_2_F is a function routine for use with LMDIF1_2_TEST. |
lmdif1_2_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDIF1_2_TEST tests LMDIF1. |
lmdif1_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDIF1_F is a function routine for use with LMDIF1_TEST. |
lmdif1_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMDIF1_TEST tests LMDIF1. |
lmpar | minpack | Subroutine | LMPAR computes a parameter for the Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmstr | minpack | Subroutine | LMSTR minimizes M functions in N variables using Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmstr1 | minpack | Subroutine | LMSTR1 minimizes M functions in N variables using Levenberg-Marquardt method. |
lmstr1_2_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMSTR1_2_F is a function/jacobian routine for use with LMSTR1_2_TEST. |
lmstr1_2_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMSTR1_2_TEST tests LMSTR1. |
lmstr1_f | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMSTR1_F is a function/jacobian routine for use with LMSTR1_TEST. |
lmstr1_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | LMSTR1_TEST tests LMSTR1. |
lower | surfile | Function | Converts uppercase to lowercase, adapted from here |
make_CSC_ci | mumfpack | Function | |
make_CSC_di | mumfpack | Function | |
make_CSC_zi | mumfpack | Function | |
make_CSR_ci | mumfpack | Function | |
make_CSR_di | mumfpack | Function | |
make_CSR_zi | mumfpack | Function | |
make_path | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that creates the folders of a file path |
make_plan_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Creates forward and backward plans. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
make_plan_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | Creates forward and backward plans. 1 FFT distributed on several threads |
make_Vec_zi | mumfpack | Function | |
melange | test_algen | Subroutine | |
mkdir | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that creates a directory |
modify_a_elt | test_solvers | Subroutine | mMltiplication of the system coefficient by a random factor |
moindres_carres | least_squares | Subroutine | Function that returns the parameters of a function that approximates a data set. The parameters determination is achieved by non linear least squares approximation. |
moindres_carres_lineaire | least_squares | Subroutine | Function that returns the parameters of a function that approximates a data set. The parameters determination is achieved by linear least squares approximation. |
mutate | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Introduces random mutation in a genotype. Mutations occur at rate pmut at all gene loci. |
newpop | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Replaces old population by new; recomputes fitnesses & ranks |
newton_raphson_downhill | test_algen | Subroutine | |
open_surffile | surfile | Subroutine | Subroutine that opens a |
operator(.umfpack.) | mumfpack | Interface | |
path2vec | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that creates a vector containing the folders of a file path |
pCSC | mumfpack | Interface | |
pCSR | mumfpack | Interface | |
pi | gnufor | Function | PI returns the value of pi. |
pikaia | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Optimization (maximization) of user-supplied “fitness” function over n-dimensional parameter space x using a basic genetic algorithm method. |
prep_superlu | sulu_wrapper | Subroutine | Subroutine to prepare the SULU_ENV components |
prod_a_x | test_solvers | Subroutine | , assembled CC format |
prod_elemental_x | test_solvers | Subroutine | , elemental CC format |
profil_theo_trie_1D | test_algen | Subroutine | |
progress_bar_terminal | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Print a progress bar on the terminal |
pVec | mumfpack | Interface | |
qform | minpack | Subroutine | QFORM produces the explicit QR factorization of a matrix. |
qform_test | test_minpack | Subroutine | QFORM_TEST tests QFORM. |
qrfac | minpack | Subroutine | QRFAC computes a QR factorization using Householder transformations. |
qrsolv | minpack | Subroutine | QRSOLV solves a rectangular linear system A*x=b in the least squares sense. |
r1mpyq | minpack | Subroutine | R1MPYQ computes A*Q, where Q is the product of Householder transformations. |
r1updt | minpack | Subroutine | R1UPDT re-triangularizes a matrix after a rank one update. |
r8_uniform_01 | minpack | Function | R8_UNIFORM_01 returns a unit pseudorandom R8. |
r8mat_print | minpack | Subroutine | R8MAT_PRINT prints an R8MAT. |
r8mat_print_some | minpack | Subroutine | R8MAT_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT. |
r8vec_print | minpack | Subroutine | R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC. |
read_surf | test_fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that opens a surface file |
read_surf | surfile | Subroutine | Subroutine that opens a surface file |
report | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Write generation report to standard output |
restrict | intpl | Function | Restrict evenly spaced points |
restrict1D | intpl | Subroutine | Restrict evenly spaced points, taking into account the borders |
restrict2D | intpl | Subroutine | Interpolate 2D evenly spaced points, taking into account the borders |
rninit | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Initialize the random number generator with the input seed value. |
rnkpop | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Ranks initial population. Calls external sort routine to produce key index and rank order of input array arrin (which is not altered). |
rqsort | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Return integer array p which indexes array a in increasing order. Array a is not disturbed. The Quicksort algorithm is used. |
run_gnuplot | gnufor | Subroutine | RUN_GNUPLOT runs GNUPLOT with a given command file. |
rwupdt | minpack | Subroutine | RWUPDT computes the decomposition of triangular matrix augmented by one row. |
s_umfpack_ci_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_ci_scale | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_ci_solve | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_ci_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_defaults | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_di_defaults | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_di_free_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_di_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_di_load_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_report_control | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_di_report_info | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_di_save_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_scale | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_solve | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_di_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_free_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_load_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_report_control | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_report_info | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_save_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_scale | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_solve | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_defaults | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_free_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_load_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_report_control | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_report_info | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_save_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_scale | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_scale | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_solve | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_solve | mumfpack | Interface | |
s_umfpack_zi_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
s_umfpack_zi_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
save_surf | test_fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that saves a surface file |
scal2surf | surfile | Subroutine | Transform a SCALE_SURF object into a OBJ_SURF object |
select_parents | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Selects two parents from the population, using roulette wheel algorithm with the relative fitnesses of the phenotypes as the “hit” probabilities. |
set_default_options | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
set_inputs | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Constructor for the pikaia_class. The routine must be called before the solve routine can be used. |
sk_ku | test_algen | Subroutine | |
solution_solver | solver | Subroutine | Subroutine to solve the system (sparse A) |
solv_superlu | sulu_wrapper | Subroutine | Subroutine to solve the system |
solve_syst | solver | Subroutine | General hat subroutine that handles the resolution steps: |
solve_with_pikaia | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Main pikaia wrapper used by the class. |
sort_array2 | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Sort 1D arrays, real or integer, according the first one |
sort_array_integer | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Sort a vector of integers |
sort_array_integer_with_order | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Sort a vector of integers and store the order |
sort_array_real | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Sort a vector of reals |
sort_array_real_with_order | sort_arrays | Subroutine | Sort a vector of reals and store the order |
StatFree | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
StatInit | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
StatPrint | sulu_wrapper | Interface | |
stdrep | pikaia_oop | Subroutine | Steady-state reproduction: insert offspring pair into population only if they are fit enough (replace-random if irep=2 or replace-worst if irep=3). |
str_remove_chars | files | Function | Function that removes the characters of a string from another string |
str_replace | files | Function | Function that replaces a string with another string |
surf2scal | surfile | Subroutine | Transform a OBJ_SURF object into a SCALE_SURF object |
tab_alloc_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Allocation of the memory needed by the transformations, forward and backward. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_alloc_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | Allocation of the memory needed by the transformations, forward and backward, for the real case. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_calc_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that transforms forward or bacward a double complex array. For speed reasons FFTW will always work on the same memory area, until the plans are destroyed of course. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_calc_fftw3_real_bwd | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that transforms backward a real array. For speed reasons FFTW will always work on the same memory area, until the plans are destroyed of course. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_calc_fftw3_real_fwd | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine that transforms forward a real array. For speed reasons FFTW will always work on the same memory area, until the plans are destroyed of course. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_desalloc_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | When no more transformation is needed, the memory is released. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_destroy_plan_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Plans are no more needed as no additional transformation will occur. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_end_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | FFTW3 is no more useful from here. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_end_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | FFTW3 is no more useful from here. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_init_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the FFTW3 process several FFT on single thread each Complex case. |
tab_init_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the FFTW3 process several FFT on single thread each Real case. |
tab_Jf_tcheby | tchebychev | Subroutine | Tableau des dérivées par rapport aux coefficients de tab_tche |
tab_make_plan_fftw3 | fftw3 | Subroutine | Creates forward and backward plans. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_make_plan_fftw3_real | fftw3 | Subroutine | Creates forward and backward plans. several FFT on single thread each |
tab_poly_tcheby | tchebychev | Subroutine | Surface définie par un produit de polynômes de Tchebychev en x et y |
tab_tcheby | tchebychev | Subroutine | Valeurs tabulées de polynômes de Tchebychev |
tang | test_algen | Function | |
tcheby | tchebychev | Function | Valeur en x du polynôme de Tchebichev de degré n |
test01 | gnufor | Subroutine | TEST01 demonstrates the plotting of Y(X) data. |
test02 | gnufor | Subroutine | TEST02 demonstrates the plotting of a table of data. |
test03 | gnufor | Subroutine | TEST03 plots parameter (X,Y,Z) data. |
test04 | gnufor | Subroutine | TEST04 plots vector data. |
test05 | gnufor | Subroutine | TEST05 plots Z(X,Y) grid data as a surface. |
test06 | gnufor | Subroutine | TEST06 plots Z(X,Y) grid data as contours. |
test_interp_pond | test_intpl | Subroutine | Test interpolation/weighting function for a particular order |
timestamp | minpack | Subroutine | TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. |
timestamp | gnufor | Subroutine | TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. |
trans_center2corner | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Generic subroutine for real or complex arrays that shift the center to the corners |
trans_center2corner_cmpl | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform an array of complexes so that the center is in the corners |
trans_center2corner_real | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform an array of reals so that the center is in the corners |
trans_corner2center | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Generic subroutine for real or complex arrays that shift the corners to the center |
trans_corner2center_cmpl | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Function to transform an acf complex array so that the acf maximum is in the center |
trans_corner2center_real | miscellaneous | Subroutine | Function to transform an acf real array so that the acf maximum is in the center |
trans_surf_tab | surfile | Subroutine | Write the heights of an OBJ_SURF object into a 2D array |
trans_surf_txt | surfile | Subroutine | Writes an OBJ_SURF object in a text file |
umf4cdef | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cfnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cfnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4cfnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cfsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cfsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4cfsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4clnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4clnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4clnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4clsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4clsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4clsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4cnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cpcon | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cpinf | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cscal | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cscal | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4cscal_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4csnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csol | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csol | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4csol_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csolr | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csolr | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4csolr_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cssym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4cssym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4cssym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4csym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4csym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4def | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4fnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4fnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4fnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4fsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4fsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4fsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4lnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4lnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4lnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4lsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4lsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4lsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4num | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4num | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4num_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4pcon | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4pinf | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4scal | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4scal | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4scal_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4snum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4snum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4snum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4sol | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4sol | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4sol_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4solr | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4solr | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4solr_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4ssym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4ssym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4ssym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4sym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4sym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4sym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zdef | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zfnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zfnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zfnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zfsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zfsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zfsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zlnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zlnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zlnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zlsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zlsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zlsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4znum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4znum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4znum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zpcon | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zpinf | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zscal | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zscal | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zscal_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsnum | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsnum | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zsnum_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsol | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsol | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zsol_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsolr | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsolr | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zsolr_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zssym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zssym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zssym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsym | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umf4zsym | mumfpack | Interface | |
umf4zsym_ip | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_ci_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_operator_CSC | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_operator_CSR | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_operator_pCSC | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_operator_pCSR | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_scale | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_solve | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_ci_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_defaults | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_di_defaults | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_di_free_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_di_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_di_load_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_operator_CSC | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_operator_CSR | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_operator_pCSC | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_operator_pCSR | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_report_control | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_di_report_info | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_di_save_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_scale | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_solve | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_di_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_free_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_load_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_report_control | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_report_info | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_save_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_scale_function | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_solve | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_zi_defaults | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_zi_free_numeric | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_zi_free_symbolic | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_zi_load_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_load_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_numeric | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_zi_operator_CSC | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_operator_CSR | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_operator_pCSC | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_operator_pCSR | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_report_control | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_zi_report_info | mumfpack | Subroutine | |
umfpack_zi_save_numeric | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_save_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_scale | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_scale | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_zi_solve | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_solve | mumfpack | Interface | |
umfpack_zi_symbolic | mumfpack | Function | |
umfpack_zi_symbolic | mumfpack | Interface | |
unit2IUc | surfile | Function | Convert a C type unit string into value (m) |
unit2IUf | surfile | Function | Convert a unit string into value (m) |
urand | pikaia_oop | Function | Return the next pseudo-random deviate from a sequence which is uniformly distributed in the interval [0,1] |
vec2path | files | Subroutine | Subroutine that creates a path from vector of folders |
verif_solution | test_solvers | Subroutine | The product of the system matrix by the solution , is calculated, and compared to the right hand side . The calculated error is the absolute error in %. |
write_polar_data | gnufor | Subroutine | |
write_polar_plot | gnufor | Subroutine | |
write_surf | surfile | Subroutine | Writes a height array into a surface file |
write_surffile | surfile | Subroutine | Write an object OBJ_SURF in a file |
write_vector_data | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_VECTOR_DATA writes vector data to a file, for plotting by GNUPLOT. |
write_vector_plot | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_VECTOR_PLOT writes GNUPLOT commands to plot vectors. |
write_xy2_data | gnufor | Subroutine | |
write_xy2_plot | gnufor | Subroutine | |
write_xy_data | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XY_DATA writes X(1:N), Y(1:N) data to a file. |
write_xy_plot | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XY_PLOT writes GNUPLOT commands to plot X(1:N), Y(1:N) data. |
write_xyy_data | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYY_DATA writes a table of data to a file, for plotting by GNUPLOT. |
write_xyy_plots | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYY_PLOTS writes GNUPLOT commands to make multiple (X,Y) plots. |
write_xyz_data | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYZ_DATA writes X(1:N), Y(1:N), Z(1:N) data to a file. |
write_xyz_plot | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYZ_PLOT writes commands to plot parametric (X,Y,Z) data. |
write_xyzgrid_contour | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYZGRID_CONTOUR writes commands to plot contours of Z(X,Y). |
write_xyzgrid_data | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYZGRID_DATA writes a file of XYZ grid data. |
write_xyzgrid_surface | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_XYZGRID_SURFACE writes a file of GNUPLOT commands to plot a 3D surface. |
write_y_plot | gnufor | Subroutine | WRITE_Y_PLOT writes GNUPLOT commands to plot Y(1:N) data. |