Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ColPerm | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ConditionNumber | ||||
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), | public | :: | DiagPivotThresh | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | Equil | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | Fact | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ILU_DropRule | ||||
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), | public | :: | ILU_DropTol | ||||
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), | public | :: | ILU_FillFactor | ||||
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), | public | :: | ILU_FillTol | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ILU_MILU | ||||
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), | public | :: | ILU_MILU_Dim | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ILU_Norm | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | IterRefine | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ParSymbFact | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | PivotGrowth | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | PrintStat | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | RefineInitialized | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | ReplaceTinyPivot | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | RowPerm | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | SolveInitialized | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | SymPattern |
symmetric factorization |
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | SymmetricMode | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | Trans | ||||
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | lookahead_etree |
use etree computed from the serial symbolic factorization |
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | nnzL |
used to store nnzs for now |
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | nnzU |
used to store nnzs for now |
integer(kind=C_INT), | public | :: | num_lookaheads |
num of levels in look-ahead |
type, bind(c) :: SUPERLU_OPTIONS_T !/* ! *-- This contains the options used to control the solution process. ! * ! * Fact (fact_t) ! * Specifies whether or not the factored form of the matrix ! * A is supplied on entry, and if not, how the matrix A should ! * be factorizaed. ! * = DOFACT: The matrix A will be factorized from scratch, and the ! * factors will be stored in L and U. ! * = SamePattern: The matrix A will be factorized assuming ! * that a factorization of a matrix with the same sparsity ! * pattern was performed prior to this one. Therefore, this ! * factorization will reuse column permutation vector ! * ScalePermstruct->perm_c and the column elimination tree ! * LUstruct->etree. ! * = SamePattern_SameRowPerm: The matrix A will be factorized ! * assuming that a factorization of a matrix with the same ! * sparsity pattern and similar numerical values was performed ! * prior to this one. Therefore, this factorization will reuse ! * both row and column scaling factors R and C, both row and ! * column permutation vectors perm_r and perm_c, and the ! * L & U data structures set up from the previous factorization. !! * = FACTORED: On entry, L, U, perm_r and perm_c contain the ! * factored form of A. If DiagScale is not NOEQUIL, the matrix ! * A has been equilibrated with scaling factors R and C. ! * ! * Equil (yes_no_t) ! * Specifies whether to equilibrate the system (scale A's row and ! * columns to have unit norm). ! * ! * ColPerm (colperm_t) ! * Specifies what type of column permutation to use to reduce fill. ! * = NATURAL: use the natural ordering ! * = MMD_ATA: use minimum degree ordering on structure of A'*A ! * = MMD_AT_PLUS_A: use minimum degree ordering on structure of A'+A ! * = COLAMD: use approximate minimum degree column ordering ! * = MY_PERMC: use the ordering specified by the user ! * ! * Trans (trans_t) ! * Specifies the form of the system of equations: ! * = NOTRANS: A * X = B (No transpose) ! * = TRANS: A**T * X = B (Transpose) ! * = CONJ: A**H * X = B (Transpose) ! * ! * IterRefine (IterRefine_t) ! * Specifies whether to perform iterative refinement. ! * = NO: no iterative refinement ! * = SLU_SINGLE: perform iterative refinement in single precision ! * = SLU_DOUBLE: perform iterative refinement in double precision ! * = SLU_EXTRA: perform iterative refinement in extra precision ! * ! * DiagPivotThresh (double, in [0.0, 1.0]) (only for sequential SuperLU) ! * Specifies the threshold used for a diagonal entry to be an ! * acceptable pivot. ! * ! * SymmetricMode (yest_no_t) ! * Specifies whether to use symmetric mode. Symmetric mode gives ! * preference to diagonal pivots, and uses an (A'+A)-based column ! * permutation algorithm. ! * ! * PivotGrowth (yes_no_t) ! * Specifies whether to compute the reciprocal pivot growth. ! * ! * ConditionNumber (ues_no_t) ! * Specifies whether to compute the reciprocal condition number. ! * ! * RowPerm (rowperm_t) (only for SuperLU_DIST or ILU) ! * Specifies whether to permute rows of the original matrix. ! * = NO: not to permute the rows ! * = LargeDiag: make the diagonal large relative to the off-diagonal ! * = MY_PERMR: use the permutation given by the user ! * ! * ILU_DropRule (int) ! * Specifies the dropping rule: ! * = DROP_BASIC: Basic dropping rule, supernodal based ILUTP(tau). ! * = DROP_PROWS: Supernodal based ILUTP(p,tau), p = gamma * nnz(A)/n. ! * = DROP_COLUMN: Variant of ILUTP(p,tau), for j-th column, ! * p = gamma * nnz(A(:,j)). ! * = DROP_AREA: Variation of ILUTP, for j-th column, use ! * nnz(F(:,1:j)) / nnz(A(:,1:j)) to control memory. ! * = DROP_DYNAMIC: Modify the threshold tau during factorizaion: ! * If nnz(L(:,1:j)) / nnz(A(:,1:j)) > gamma ! * tau_L(j) := MIN(tau_0, tau_L(j-1) * 2); ! * Otherwise ! * tau_L(j) := MAX(tau_0, tau_L(j-1) / 2); ! * tau_U(j) uses the similar rule. ! * NOTE: the thresholds used by L and U are separate. ! * = DROP_INTERP: Compute the second dropping threshold by ! * interpolation instead of sorting (default). ! * In this case, the actual fill ratio is not ! * guaranteed to be smaller than gamma. ! * Note: DROP_PROWS, DROP_COLUMN and DROP_AREA are mutually exclusive. ! * ( Default: DROP_BASIC | DROP_AREA ) ! * ! * ILU_DropTol (double) ! * numerical threshold for dropping. ! * ! * ILU_FillFactor (double) ! * Gamma in the secondary dropping. ! * ! * ILU_Norm (norm_t) ! * Specify which norm to use to measure the row size in a ! * supernode: infinity-norm, 1-norm, or 2-norm. ! * ! * ILU_FillTol (double) ! * numerical threshold for zero pivot perturbation. ! * ! * ILU_MILU (milu_t) ! * Specifies which version of MILU to use. ! * ! * ILU_MILU_Dim (double) ! * Dimension of the PDE if available. ! * ! * ReplaceTinyPivot (yes_no_t) (only for SuperLU_DIST) ! * Specifies whether to replace the tiny diagonals by ! * sqrt(epsilon)*||A|| during LU factorization. ! * ! * SolveInitialized (yes_no_t) (only for SuperLU_DIST) ! * Specifies whether the initialization has been performed to the ! * triangular solve. ! * ! * RefineInitialized (yes_no_t) (only for SuperLU_DIST) ! * Specifies whether the initialization has been performed to the ! * sparse matrix-vector multiplication routine needed in iterative ! * refinement. ! * ! * PrintStat (yes_no_t) ! * Specifies whether to print the solver's statistics. ! */ integer(kind=C_INT) :: Fact integer(kind=C_INT) :: Equil integer(kind=C_INT) :: ColPerm integer(kind=C_INT) :: Trans integer(kind=C_INT) :: IterRefine real(kind=C_DOUBLE) :: DiagPivotThresh integer(kind=C_INT) :: SymmetricMode integer(kind=C_INT) :: PivotGrowth integer(kind=C_INT) :: ConditionNumber integer(kind=C_INT) :: RowPerm integer(kind=C_INT) :: ILU_DropRule real(kind=C_DOUBLE) :: ILU_DropTol real(kind=C_DOUBLE) :: ILU_FillFactor integer(kind=C_INT) :: ILU_Norm real(kind=C_DOUBLE) :: ILU_FillTol integer(kind=C_INT) :: ILU_MILU real(kind=C_DOUBLE) :: ILU_MILU_Dim integer(kind=C_INT) :: ParSymbFact integer(kind=C_INT) :: ReplaceTinyPivot integer(kind=C_INT) :: SolveInitialized integer(kind=C_INT) :: RefineInitialized integer(kind=C_INT) :: PrintStat integer(kind=C_INT) :: nnzL, nnzU !! *used to store nnzs for now* integer(kind=C_INT) :: num_lookaheads !! *num of levels in look-ahead* integer(kind=C_INT) :: lookahead_etree !! *use etree computed from the serial symbolic factorization* integer(kind=C_INT) :: SymPattern !! *symmetric factorization* endtype SUPERLU_OPTIONS_T