enorm2 Function

public function enorm2(n, x)

ENORM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=4) :: n
real(kind=8) :: x(n)

Return Value real(kind=8)

Source Code

function enorm2 ( n, x )

!! ENORM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector.
!  Discussion:
!    This routine was named ENORM.  It has been renamed "ENORM2",
!    and a simplified routine has been substituted.
!    The Euclidean norm is computed by accumulating the sum of
!    squares in three different sums.  The sums of squares for the
!    small and large components are scaled so that no overflows
!    occur.  Non-destructive underflows are permitted.  Underflows
!    and overflows do not occur in the computation of the unscaled
!    sum of squares for the intermediate components.
!    The definitions of small, intermediate and large components
!    depend on two constants, RDWARF and RGIANT.  The main
!    restrictions on these constants are that RDWARF^2 not
!    underflow and RGIANT^2 not overflow.
!  Licensing:
!    This code may freely be copied, modified, and used for any purpose.
!  Modified:
!    06 April 2010
!  Author:
!    Original FORTRAN77 version by Jorge More, Burton Garbow, Kenneth Hillstrom.
!    FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt.
!  Reference:
!    Jorge More, Burton Garbow, Kenneth Hillstrom,
!    User Guide for MINPACK-1
!    Argonne National Laboratory,
!    Argonne, Illinois.
!  Parameters:
!    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, is the length of the vector.
!    Input, real ( kind = 8 ) X(N), the vector whose norm is desired.
!    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) ENORM2, the Euclidean norm of the vector.
  implicit none

  integer ( kind = 4 ) n

  real ( kind = 8 ) agiant
  real ( kind = 8 ) enorm2
  integer ( kind = 4 ) i
  real ( kind = 8 ) rdwarf
  real ( kind = 8 ) rgiant
  real ( kind = 8 ) s1
  real ( kind = 8 ) s2
  real ( kind = 8 ) s3
  real ( kind = 8 ) x(n)
  real ( kind = 8 ) xabs
  real ( kind = 8 ) x1max
  real ( kind = 8 ) x3max

  rdwarf = sqrt ( tiny ( rdwarf ) )
  rgiant = sqrt ( huge ( rgiant ) )

  s1 = 0.0D+00
  s2 = 0.0D+00
  s3 = 0.0D+00
  x1max = 0.0D+00
  x3max = 0.0D+00
  agiant = rgiant / real ( n, kind = 8 )

  do i = 1, n

    xabs = abs ( x(i) )

    if ( xabs <= rdwarf ) then

      if ( x3max < xabs ) then
        s3 = 1.0D+00 + s3 * ( x3max / xabs ) ** 2
        x3max = xabs
      else if ( xabs /= 0.0D+00 ) then
        s3 = s3 + ( xabs / x3max ) ** 2
      end if

    else if ( agiant <= xabs ) then

      if ( x1max < xabs ) then
        s1 = 1.0D+00 + s1 * ( x1max / xabs ) ** 2
        x1max = xabs
        s1 = s1 + ( xabs / x1max ) ** 2
      end if


      s2 = s2 + xabs ** 2

    end if

  end do
!  Calculation of norm.
  if ( s1 /= 0.0D+00 ) then

    enorm2 = x1max * sqrt ( s1 + ( s2 / x1max ) / x1max )

  else if ( s2 /= 0.0D+00 ) then

    if ( x3max <= s2 ) then
      enorm2 = sqrt ( s2 * ( 1.0D+00 + ( x3max / s2 ) * ( x3max * s3 ) ) )
      enorm2 = sqrt ( x3max * ( ( s2 / x3max ) + ( x3max * s3 ) ) )
    end if


    enorm2 = x3max * sqrt ( s3 )

  end if

endfunction enorm2