interp2D Subroutine

public subroutine interp2D(tabgro, bgro, tabfin, bfin, ordre)

Interpolate 2D evenly spaced points, taking into account the borders


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=R8), intent(in), dimension(bgro%lb1:bgro%ub1, bgro%lb2:bgro%ub2) :: tabgro

tableau grossier départ

type(tborne), intent(in) :: bgro

indices des tableaux

real(kind=R8), intent(out), dimension(bfin%lb1:bfin%ub1, bfin%lb2:bfin%ub2) :: tabfin

tableau résultant fin

type(tborne), intent(in) :: bfin

indices des tableaux

integer(kind=I4), intent(in) :: ordre

ordre de l’interpolation


proc~~interp2d~~CallsGraph proc~interp2d interp2D proc~interp1d interp1D proc~interp2d->proc~interp1d proc~interp interp proc~interp1d->proc~interp

Called by

proc~~interp2d~~CalledByGraph proc~interp2d interp2D proc~test_interp_pond test_interp_pond proc~test_interp_pond->proc~interp2d program~test_intpl test_intpl program~test_intpl->proc~test_interp_pond

Source Code

subroutine interp2D(tabgro, bgro, tabfin, bfin, ordre)
!! Interpolate 2D evenly spaced points, taking into account the borders
implicit none
type(tborne),     intent(in )                                                  :: bfin, bgro  !! *indices des tableaux*
integer(kind=I4), intent(in )                                                  :: ordre       !! *ordre de l'interpolation*
real(kind=R8),    intent(in ), dimension(bgro%lb1:bgro%ub1, bgro%lb2:bgro%ub2) :: tabgro      !! *tableau grossier départ*
real(kind=R8),    intent(out), dimension(bfin%lb1:bfin%ub1, bfin%lb2:bfin%ub2) :: tabfin      !! *tableau résultant fin*

   integer(kind=I4) :: ii, j

   real(kind=R8), dimension(bgro%lb1:bgro%ub1, bfin%lb2:2*bgro%ub2) :: tab_tmp

   do ii = bgro%lb1, bgro%ub1

      call interp1D( tabgros = tabgro(ii,:),    &  !
                     lb_gros = bgro%lb2,        &  !
                     tabfin  = tab_tmp(ii,:),   &  !
                     lb_fin  = bfin%lb2,        &  !
                     ub_gros = bgro%ub2,        &  !
                     ordre   = ordre)              !

   do j = bfin%lb2, 2*bgro%ub2

      call interp1D( tabgros = tab_tmp(:,j),    &  !
                     lb_gros = bgro%lb1,        &  !
                     tabfin  = tabfin(:,j),     &  !
                     lb_fin  = bfin%lb1,        &  !
                     ub_gros = bgro%ub1,        &  !
                     ordre   = ordre )             !

endsubroutine interp2D