r1updt Subroutine

public subroutine r1updt(m, n, s, ls, u, v, w, sing)

R1UPDT re-triangularizes a matrix after a rank one update.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=4) :: m
integer(kind=4) :: n
real(kind=8) :: s(ls)
integer(kind=4) :: ls
real(kind=8) :: u(m)
real(kind=8) :: v(n)
real(kind=8) :: w(m)
logical :: sing

Called by

proc~~r1updt~~CalledByGraph proc~r1updt r1updt proc~hybrd hybrd proc~hybrd->proc~r1updt proc~hybrj hybrj proc~hybrj->proc~r1updt proc~hybrd1 hybrd1 proc~hybrd1->proc~hybrd proc~hybrj1 hybrj1 proc~hybrj1->proc~hybrj proc~hybrd1_test hybrd1_test proc~hybrd1_test->proc~hybrd1 proc~hybrj1_test hybrj1_test proc~hybrj1_test->proc~hybrj1 program~test_minpack test_minpack program~test_minpack->proc~hybrd1_test program~test_minpack->proc~hybrj1_test

Source Code

subroutine r1updt ( m, n, s, ls, u, v, w, sing )

!! R1UPDT re-triangularizes a matrix after a rank one update.
!  Discussion:
!    Given an M by N lower trapezoidal matrix S, an M-vector U, and an
!    N-vector V, the problem is to determine an orthogonal matrix Q such that
!      (S + U * V' ) * Q
!    is again lower trapezoidal.
!    This function determines Q as the product of 2 * (N - 1)
!    transformations
!      GV(N-1)*...*GV(1)*GW(1)*...*GW(N-1)
!    where GV(I), GW(I) are Givens rotations in the (I,N) plane
!    which eliminate elements in the I-th and N-th planes,
!    respectively.  Q itself is not accumulated, rather the
!    information to recover the GV and GW rotations is returned.
!  Licensing:
!    This code may freely be copied, modified, and used for any purpose.
!  Modified:
!    06 April 2010
!  Author:
!    Original FORTRAN77 version by Jorge More, Burton Garbow, Kenneth Hillstrom.
!    FORTRAN90 version by John Burkardt.
!  Reference:
!    Jorge More, Burton Garbow, Kenneth Hillstrom,
!    User Guide for MINPACK-1,
!    Technical Report ANL-80-74,
!    Argonne National Laboratory, 1980.
!  Parameters:
!    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) M, the number of rows of S.
!    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) N, the number of columns of S.
!    N must not exceed M.
!    Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) S(LS).  On input, the lower trapezoidal
!    matrix S stored by columns.  On output S contains the lower trapezoidal
!    matrix produced as described above.
!    Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) LS, the length of the S array.  LS must be at
!    least (N*(2*M-N+1))/2.
!    Input, real ( kind = 8 ) U(M), the U vector.
!    Input/output, real ( kind = 8 ) V(N).  On input, V must contain the
!    vector V.  On output V contains the information necessary to recover the
!    Givens rotations GV described above.
!    Output, real ( kind = 8 ) W(M), contains information necessary to
!    recover the Givens rotations GW described above.
!    Output, logical SING, is set to TRUE if any of the diagonal elements
!    of the output S are zero.  Otherwise SING is set FALSE.
  implicit none

  integer ( kind = 4 ) ls
  integer ( kind = 4 ) m
  integer ( kind = 4 ) n

  real ( kind = 8 ) cos
  real ( kind = 8 ) cotan
  real ( kind = 8 ) giant
  integer ( kind = 4 ) i
  integer ( kind = 4 ) j
  integer ( kind = 4 ) jj
  integer ( kind = 4 ) l
  real ( kind = 8 ) s(ls)
  real ( kind = 8 ) sin
  logical sing
  real ( kind = 8 ) tan
  real ( kind = 8 ) tau
  real ( kind = 8 ) temp
  real ( kind = 8 ) u(m)
  real ( kind = 8 ) v(n)
  real ( kind = 8 ) w(m)
!  GIANT is the largest magnitude.
  giant = huge ( giant )
!  Initialize the diagonal element pointer.
  jj = ( n * ( 2 * m - n + 1 ) ) / 2 - ( m - n )
!  Move the nontrivial part of the last column of S into W.
  l = jj
  do i = n, m
    w(i) = s(l)
    l = l + 1
  end do
!  Rotate the vector V into a multiple of the N-th unit vector
!  in such a way that a spike is introduced into W.
  do j = n - 1, 1, -1

    jj = jj - ( m - j + 1 )
    w(j) = 0.0D+00

    if ( v(j) /= 0.0D+00 ) then
!  Determine a Givens rotation which eliminates the
!  J-th element of V.
      if ( abs ( v(n) ) < abs ( v(j) ) ) then
        cotan = v(n) / v(j)
        sin = 0.5D+00 / sqrt ( 0.25D+00 + 0.25D+00 * cotan ** 2 )
        cos = sin * cotan
        tau = 1.0D+00
        if ( abs ( cos ) * giant > 1.0D+00 ) then
          tau = 1.0D+00 / cos
        end if
        tan = v(j) / v(n)
        cos = 0.5D+00 / sqrt ( 0.25D+00 + 0.25D+00 * tan ** 2 )
        sin = cos * tan
        tau = sin
      end if
!  Apply the transformation to V and store the information
!  necessary to recover the Givens rotation.
      v(n) = sin * v(j) + cos * v(n)
      v(j) = tau
!  Apply the transformation to S and extend the spike in W.
      l = jj
      do i = j, m
        temp = cos * s(l) - sin * w(i)
        w(i) = sin * s(l) + cos * w(i)
        s(l) = temp
        l = l + 1
      end do

    end if

  end do
!  Add the spike from the rank 1 update to W.
   w(1:m) = w(1:m) + v(n) * u(1:m)
!  Eliminate the spike.
  sing = .false.

  do j = 1, n-1

    if ( w(j) /= 0.0D+00 ) then
!  Determine a Givens rotation which eliminates the
!  J-th element of the spike.
      if ( abs ( s(jj) ) < abs ( w(j) ) ) then

        cotan = s(jj) / w(j)
        sin = 0.5D+00 / sqrt ( 0.25D+00 + 0.25D+00 * cotan ** 2 )
        cos = sin * cotan

        if ( 1.0D+00 < abs ( cos ) * giant ) then
          tau = 1.0D+00 / cos
          tau = 1.0D+00
        end if


        tan = w(j) / s(jj)
        cos = 0.5D+00 / sqrt ( 0.25D+00 + 0.25D+00 * tan ** 2 )
        sin = cos * tan
        tau = sin

      end if
!  Apply the transformation to S and reduce the spike in W.
      l = jj
      do i = j, m
        temp = cos * s(l) + sin * w(i)
        w(i) = - sin * s(l) + cos * w(i)
        s(l) = temp
        l = l + 1
      end do
!  Store the information necessary to recover the Givens rotation.
      w(j) = tau

    end if
!  Test for zero diagonal elements in the output S.
    if ( s(jj) == 0.0D+00 ) then
      sing = .true.
    end if

    jj = jj + ( m - j + 1 )

  end do
!  Move W back into the last column of the output S.
  l = jj
  do i = n, m
    s(l) = w(i)
    l = l + 1
  end do

  if ( s(jj) == 0.0D+00 ) then
    sing = .true.
  end if

endsubroutine r1updt