Subroutine to solve the system (sparse A)
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(MAT_SOLV), | intent(inout), | target | :: | mat |
high level system type |
subroutine solution_solver(mat) !! Subroutine to solve the system \([A]\{x\} = \{b\}\) (sparse A) implicit none type(MAT_SOLV), target, intent(inout) :: mat !! *high level system type* integer(kind=I4) :: ierr select case(mat%slv_t) case(MA48) #if WITH_MA48 call ma48_solve(matrix = mat%matma48%zmat, & factors = mat%matma48%fact, & rhs = mat%b, & x = mat%x, & control = mat%matma48%ctrl, & sinfo = mat%matma48%sinf, & resid = mat%matma48%resid, & error = mat%error) #else stop 'MA48_LIB not defined' #endif case(MUMP) mat%matmump%job = 3 call dmumps(mat%matmump) if (mat%matmump%infog(1) < 0) then write(OPU,'(a,a,i6,a,i9)') ' error return: ', & ' mumps_par%infog(1)= ', mat%matmump%infog(1), & ' mumps_par%infog(2)= ', mat%matmump%infog(2) call mpi_finalize(ierr) stop 'Error in SOLUTION_SOLVER' endif ! solution has been assembled on the host if ( mat%matmump%myid == 0 ) then mat%x(1:mat%nn) = mat%matmump%rhs(1:mat%nn) endif case(SULU) call solv_superlu(sol_x = mat%x, & sulu = mat%matsulu, & verbose = (mat%matsulu%options%PrintStat==1)) mat%matsulu%first = .false. case(UMFP) ! Numeric factors must exist if (.not.C_ASSOCIATED(mat%matumfp%c_numeric)) call solve_syst(mat, 'fac') mat%matumfp%c_control(UMFPACK_IRSTEP) = 0 ! solve ax=b, without iterative refinement ! If you want to evaluate the required RAM (Go) ! write(*,*) mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_PEAK_MEMORY_ESTIMATE)/mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_UNIT)/1e9 ! write(*,*) sizeof(mat%a_elt)/1e9 call s_umfpack_di_solve(sys = UMFPACK_A, & x = mat%x, & b = mat%b, & numeric = mat%matumfp%c_numeric, & control = mat%matumfp%c_control, & info = mat%matumfp%c_info) if (mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_STATUS) < 0) then write(OPU, *) 'error occurred in umfpack_di_solve: ', mat%matumfp%c_info(UMFPACK_STATUS) stop 'Error in SOLUTION_SOLVER' endif case default stop 'Unknown solver type, SOLUTION_SOLVER' endselect return endsubroutine solution_solver