mod_cholesky.f90 Source File

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sourcefile~~mod_cholesky.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_cholesky.f90 mod_cholesky.f90 sourcefile~mod_data_arch.f90 mod_data_arch.f90 sourcefile~mod_cholesky.f90->sourcefile~mod_data_arch.f90

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Source Code

!< author: Arthur Francisco
!< version: 1.0.0
!< date: November, 16 2024

!< <span style="color: #337ab7; font-family: cabin; font-size: 1.5em;">
!<       **Cholesky decomposition and resolution**
!< </span>

!<# Description
!< The Cholesky decomposition is a method for solving systems of linear equations, particularly when the coefficient matrix is symmetric and positive definite. The method involves decomposing the matrix into a product of a lower triangular matrix and its transpose.

!< <div><button class="collapsible">More ...</button>
!< <div class="content">
!< Here's a detailed description of the Cholesky method for solving the system \( Ax = b \).

!< <p></p>
!< <h4> Decompose \( A \) </h4>
!< <p></p>

!< Given a symmetric positive definite matrix \( A \), we can decompose it to find \( L \) in \( A = L L^T \), where \( L \) is a lower triangular matrix.

!< <p></p>
!< <h4> Forward Substitution </h4>
!< <p></p>

!< Solve the system \( Ly = b \) for \( y \). This can be done using forward substitution since \( L \) is a lower triangular matrix.
!< \[ y_1 = \frac{b_1}{L_{11}} \qquad y_2 = \frac{b_2 - L_{21}y_1}{L_{22}} \qquad y_3 = \frac{b_3 - L_{31}y_1 - L_{32}y_2}{L_{33}}  \ldots \]

!< <p></p>
!< <h4> Backward Substitution </h4>
!< <p></p>

!< Once \( y \) is found, solve the system \( L^T x = y \) for \( x \) using backward substitution since \( L^T \) is an upper triangular matrix.
!< \[ x_n = \frac{y_n}{L_{nn}} \qquad x_{n-1} = \frac{y_{n-1} - L_{n-1,n}x_n}{L_{n-1,n-1}} \qquad x_{n-2} = \frac{y_{n-2} - L_{n-2,n-1}x_{n-1} - L_{n-2,n}x_n}{L_{n-2,n-2}}  \ldots \]
!< </div>
!< </div>
!< {!css/button.html!}

module cholesky
use data_arch, only: I4, R8
implicit none


public :: choldc, cholsl


   subroutine choldc (a, n, np, p, info)
   !<@note Given a positive definite symmetric matrix a(1:n,1:n), with
   !< physical dimensions np, this routine constructs its Cholesky
   !< decomposition, A=L L^T. On input, only the upper triangle of
   !< a need to be given; it is not modified. The Cholesky factor L
   !< is returned in the lower triangle of a, except for its diagonal
   !< elements which are returned in p(1:n).
   !< (c) Numerical recipes
   implicit none
   integer(kind=I4), intent(in   )                    :: n     !! *system size*
   integer(kind=I4), intent(in   )                    :: np    !! *matrix size*
   integer(kind=I4), intent(  out)                    :: info  !! *information ouput*
   real   (kind=R8), intent(inout), dimension(np, np) :: a     !! *system matrix*
   real   (kind=R8), intent(  out), dimension(np)     :: p     !! *diagonal elements*

      integer(kind=I4) :: i, j, k
      real   (kind=R8) :: ssum

      info = 0
o:    do i = 1, n
         do j = i, n
            ssum = a(i,j)
            do k = i-1, 1, -1
               ssum = ssum -a(i,k)*a(j,k)
            if(i==j) then
               if (ssum<=0.) then
                  info = 1
                  p(np) = 0._R8
                  p(1) = -ssum
                  exit o
               p(i) = sqrt(ssum)
               a(j, i) = ssum/p(i)
      enddo o
   endsubroutine choldc

   subroutine cholsl (a, n, np, p, b, x, info)
   !<@note Solves the set of linear equations A x = b, where A is a positive-
   !< definite symmetric matrix with physical dimensions np. A and P are
   !< are input as the output from choldc. Only the lower triangle of A
   !< is accessed. B(1:n) is inout as the right-hand side vector. The
   !< solution vector is returned in X(1:n). A, n, np, and P are not
   !< modified and can be left in place for successive calls with different
   !< right-hand sides B. B is not modified unless you identify B and X in
   !< the calling sequence, which is allowed.
   !< (c) after Numerical recipes
   implicit none
   integer(kind=I4), intent(in   )                    :: n     !! *system size*
   integer(kind=I4), intent(in   )                    :: np    !! *matrix size*
   integer(kind=I4), intent(inout)                    :: info  !! *information ouput*
   real   (kind=R8), intent(in   ), dimension(np, np) :: a     !! *system matrix*
   real   (kind=R8), intent(in   ), dimension(np)     :: p     !! *diagonal elements*
   real   (kind=R8), intent(inout), dimension(np)     :: b     !! *rhs*
   real   (kind=R8), intent(inout), dimension(np)     :: x     !! *solution vector*

      integer(kind=I4) :: i, k
      real   (kind=R8) :: ssum

      if (info==1) return
      do i = 1, n
         ssum = b(i)
         do k = i-1, 1, -1
            ssum = ssum -a(i,k)*x(k)
         x(i) = ssum/p(i)
      do i = n, 1, -1
         ssum = x(i)
         do k = i+1,n
            ssum = ssum -a(k,i)*x(k)
         x(i) = ssum/p(i)
   endsubroutine cholsl

endmodule cholesky

!~    subroutine solve_tridiag(a, b, c, d, x, n)
!~    implicit none
!~    integer(kind=I4), intent(in )                 :: n !   n - number of equations
!~    real   (kind=R8), intent(in ), dimension(1:n) :: a !   a - sub-diagonal (means it is the diagonal below the main diagonal)
!~    real   (kind=R8), intent(in ), dimension(1:n) :: b !   b - the main diagonal
!~    real   (kind=R8), intent(in ), dimension(1:n) :: c !   c - sup-diagonal (means it is the diagonal above the main diagonal)
!~    real   (kind=R8), intent(in ), dimension(1:n) :: d !   d - right part
!~    real   (kind=R8), intent(out), dimension(1:n) :: x !   x - the answer

!~       real(kind=R8), dimension(1:n) :: cp, dp

!~       real   (kind=R8) :: m
!~       integer(kind=I4) :: i

!~       ! initialize c-prime and d-prime
!~       cp(1) = c(1)/b(1)
!~       dp(1) = d(1)/b(1)
!~       ! solve for vectors c-prime and d-prime
!~       do i = 2, n
!~          m = b(i) -cp(i-1)*a(i)
!~          cp(i) = c(i)/m
!~          dp(i) = (d(i)-dp(i-1)*a(i))/m
!~       enddo
!~       ! initialize x
!~       x(n) = dp(n)
!~       ! solve for x from the vectors c-prime and d-prime
!~       do i = n -1, 1, -1
!~          x(i) = dp(i) -cp(i)*x(i+1)
!~       enddo

!~    return
!~    endsubroutine solve_tridiag