program test_anisotropy
use data_arch, only : I4, R8, PI_R8
use miscellaneous, only : get_unit
use surfile, only : init_scal, read_surf, write_surf, SCALE_SURF, unit2IUf
use fftw3
use anisotropy
!$ use omp_lib
implicit none
integer(kind=I4), parameter :: nx = 800, ny = 400
real (kind=R8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: array, array_tmp
real(kind=R8), dimension(1:3) :: ell_param
real(kind=R8), dimension(1:2) :: ech_param
real(kind=R8), dimension(1:8) :: param_acv
real(kind=R8), dimension(1:9) :: param_ani
real(kind=R8), dimension(1:2) :: scale_xy
real(kind=R8) :: lx, dx, dy
type(SCALE_SURF) :: scal_surf
integer(kind=I4) :: nnx, nny, n_th, nx2, ny2
call read_surf( nom_fic = "sur/test1.sur", & !
tab_s = array, & !
scal = scal_surf ) !
nnx = scal_surf%xres
nny = scal_surf%yres
scale_xy = [ scal_surf%dx * unit2IUf(scal_surf%dx_unit), & !
scal_surf%dy * unit2IUf(scal_surf%dy_unit) ] !
n_th = omp_get_max_threads()
call fftw_plan_with_nthreads(nthreads = n_th)
nx2 = 2 * ( nint(PAD_FFT * nnx)/2 )
ny2 = 2 * ( nint(PAD_FFT * nny)/2 )
call init_fftw3(long = nx2, & !
larg = ny2 ) !
call multiple_anisotropy( tabin = array(1:nnx,1:nny), & !
long = nnx, & !
larg = nny, & !
scale_xy = scale_xy, & !
multi_fft = .false., & !
vec_ani = param_ani(1:9) ) !
call end_fftw3()
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(1) , 'bmp, maximum over [0,179°] of the peaks mean width'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(2) , 'smp, minimum over [0,179°] of the peaks mean width'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(3) , 'rmp, ratio bmp/smp'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(4) , 'bml, maximum over [0,179°] of the path length'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(5) , 'sml, minimum over [0,179°] of the path length'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(6) , 'rml, ratio bml/sml'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(7) , 'bms, maximum over [0,179°] of the standard deviation of slope'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(8) , 'sms, minimum over [0,179°] of the standard deviation of slope'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_ani(9) , 'rms, ratio bms/sms'
deallocate( array )
ell_param = [ 40.e-6_R8, 10.e-6_R8, 25._R8 ] ! big semi-axis, small semi-axis, angle (°)
ech_param = [ 0.25e-6_R8, 0.25e-6_R8 ] ! scale x (m/pix), scale_y (m/pix)
! domain is (800 * 0.25e-6) X (400 * 0.25e-6) = 200 µm X 100 µm
call fake_acv( acv_array = array, & !
long = nx, & !
larg = ny, & !
param = ell_param(1:3), & !
ech = ech_param(1:2) ) !
call init_scal( scal = scal_surf, & !
nx = nx, & !
ny = ny, & !
lx = nx * ech_param(1), & !
ly = ny * ech_param(2), & !
unit_z = 'm ') !
call write_surf( nom_fic = "out/fake_acv.sur", & !
tab_s = array(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
scal = scal_surf ) !
call ellipse_acf( tabin = array(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
long = nx, & !
larg = ny, & !
p_acv = param_acv(1:8), & !
cut = 0.5_R8, & !
scale_xy = ech_param(1:2), & !
omp = .true. ) !
write(*, '( a, T20, a)' ) '************', '*******************************************************************'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(1) , 'axe_a, ellipsis big axis'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(2) , 'axe_b, ellipsis small axis'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(3) , 'axe_a/axe_b another anisotropy factor'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(4) , 'nint(angle/inc_a), main texture orientation'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(5) , 'ray_pente, radius of greatest slope'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(6) , 'max_pente, greatest slope'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(7) , 'max_pente/min_pente slope anisotropy factor'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(8) , 'highest curvature/smallest curvature, curvature anisotropy factor'
deallocate( array )
allocate( array (1:nx, 1:ny) )
allocate( array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny) )
array(1:nx, 1:ny) = 1
call apod( tab_in = array (1:nx, 1:ny), & !
tab_out = array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
long = nx, & !
larg = ny, & !
type_apo = 'tuckey' ) !
call write_surf( nom_fic = "out/apod_tuckey.sur", & !
tab_s = array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
scal = scal_surf ) !
call apod( tab_in = array (1:nx, 1:ny), & !
tab_out = array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
long = nx, & !
larg = ny, & !
type_apo = 'blackm' ) !
call write_surf( nom_fic = "out/apod_blackman.sur", & !
tab_s = array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
scal = scal_surf ) !
call apod( tab_in = array (1:nx, 1:ny), & !
tab_out = array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
long = nx, & !
larg = ny, & !
type_apo = 'hann__' ) !
call write_surf( nom_fic = "out/apod_hann.sur", & !
tab_s = array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny), & !
scal = scal_surf ) !
deallocate( array, array_tmp )
allocate( array_tmp(1:nx, 1:ny) )
call read_surf( nom_fic = "sur/verif_corr.sur", & !
tab_s = array, & !
scal = scal_surf ) !
nnx = scal_surf%xres
nny = scal_surf%yres
! let suppose that the length along x is 100 µm
lx = 100.e-6_R8 ; dx = lx / nnx ; dy = dx
n_th = omp_get_max_threads()
call fftw_plan_with_nthreads(nthreads = n_th)
nx2 = 2 * ( nint(PAD_FFT * nnx) / 2)
ny2 = 2 * ( nint(PAD_FFT * nny) / 2)
call init_fftw3(long = nx2, & !
larg = ny2 ) !
! results gwyddion : correlation length between 3.7 and 4.2 µm
! no particular angle
call correlation_parameters( tab = array(1:nnx, 1:nny), & !
long = nnx, & !
larg = nny, & !
res = param_acv(1:8), & !
cut = 0.5_R8, & !
sub_plane = .true., & !
scale_xy = [ dx, dy ], & !
omp = .true. ) !
write(*, '( a, T20, a)' ) '************', '*******************************************************************'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(1) , 'axe_a, ellipsis big axis'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(2) , 'axe_b, ellipsis small axis'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(3) , 'axe_a/axe_b another anisotropy factor'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(4) , 'nint(angle/inc_a), main texture orientation'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(5) , 'ray_pente, radius of greatest slope'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(6) , 'max_pente, greatest slope'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(7) , 'max_pente/min_pente slope anisotropy factor'
write(*, '(e12.4, T20, a)' ) param_acv(8) , 'highest curvature/smallest curvature, curvature anisotropy factor'
call end_fftw3()
deallocate( array )
subroutine fake_acv(acv_array, long, larg, param, ech)
implicit none
real (kind=R8), intent(out), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: acv_array
integer(kind=I4), intent(in) :: long, larg
real (kind=R8), intent(in), dimension(1:3) :: param
real (kind=R8), intent(in), dimension(1:2) :: ech
integer(kind=I4) :: i, j, ia, ib, i0, j0
real (kind=R8) :: a, b, ang, c, s, echx, echy
allocate( acv_array(1:long, 1:larg) )
a = param(1)
b = param(2)
ang = param(3)
echx = ech(1)
echy = ech(2)
ia = int( a / echx )
ib = int( b / echy )
i0 = long / 2 + 1
j0 = larg / 2 + 1
c = cos( ang * PI_R8 / 180 )
s = sin( ang * PI_R8 / 180 )
do j = 1, larg
do i = 1, long
acv_array(i, j) = exp( log(1./2.) * sqrt( ( ( +c * (i - i0) + s * (j - j0) ) / ia )**2 + & !
( ( -s * (i - i0) + c * (j - j0) ) / ib )**2 ) ) !
endsubroutine fake_acv
endprogram test_anisotropy